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Posts posted by pkisbest

  1. And also an addendum onto one of my earlier posts - I believe enemies only Paradrop in during a Defence. If your situated too far outside the HQ with an AT setup, you are going to die. Unless your like 1km out of the AO itself with a tank or something.


    So your idea of the enemies paradropping and removing any setup AT areas is kinda a niche example...also I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone set up an AT position (as in static launchers), although it would be interesting to see it utilised. Most just use shoulder mounted launchers.

    • Like 2
    • Wesmart 1

  2. Nova, on your point that it’s not milsim. Your right. But it’s a bit ridiculous for people to: 1. Be able to wear the enemies Uniform, 2. Be able to carry 7 RPG rounds while carrying a MMG with several boxes.


    There still has to be an aspect of skill. It’s half the reason I think infantry Thermal should either be removed or restricted to spotter type classes (Snipers, tank Commanders etc).




    I have been playing the server regularly for like....6-7 months now and played it on occasion beforehand. I rarely saw any player wearing CSAT gear (most of the stuff was initially restricted anyways). Those that did, often got TK’d (More often then not by me accidentally).


    You are NATO. Not CSAT. You are a man. You cannot carry unlimited gear and rockets. I&A is about working as a team. Not one manning the AO. A single soldier is not meant to be able to fill the roll of an entire squad (eg, SL, Autoriflemen, Medic, AT Guy). 

    • Like 1

  3. So you want to carry 7 RPG rounds and carry a shit tonne of Boxes of Ammo? You would need a mod or something to do that. It’s not something that can be done server side (to my knowledge).


    During prime time there usually plenty of tanks and other AT assets to destroy armour.


    If there isn’t, switch over yourself. If there is truly no AT, then the tank should be there stil.

    • Like 1
    • thinking3d 1

  4. There’s your issue. Your carrying an RPG with 6-7 rockets. As an MMG gunner you should only be carrying a few FAKs for yourself, maybe grenades and a bunch of boxes of ammo.


    Unless I’m an AT Gunner I will usually just carry an RPG42 with a single round in the tube and that’s it. Doesn’t affect my carry weight.

    • Like 4

  5. As much as the Buzzard is quite a capable aircraft, whenever anything but a Buzzard is up it's completely useless. You might say "just get more transport points". Thats not a viable option when there is a Shikra and a Gryphon in the air destroying any aircraft that leave the airbase. And with how the Jet AI works, 9/10 they fire a trick shot, when their top is facing you in a turn and destroy you before you get a chance to even flare.


    My suggestion is we have 2 jets spawning as the Default ones (for people with no transport points). A Gryphon or the Buzzard (CAS). This also allows to solve the problems that people have been asking for...To have 2 jet spawns, one CAS and One AA. Although it's not simultaneously like some people would like (i disagree with this. Too many jets).

    The Gryphon is still heavily limited in its armanents, but has a more competitive edge in AA then the Buzzard (even the AA Buzzard) due to its Speed and movement.

    Althought this may present an issue for those without Jets DLC.

    • Dansgame 1
    • nothanks 1

  6. I personally think they belong.


    When you have a coordinating JTAC/UAV a jet can remove any armour threat to the infantry. Leaving the infantry to deal with infantry rather then trying to deal with infantry and armour.


    And be reminded, jets are only effective on the server because there are many people who want to UAV or JTAC.


    Ive seen some people say they play for the infantry aspect. Should we remove tanks then? Cars, hell even helos. Walk to LZ’s.


    Its a combined Arms game. CAS is heavily restricted as is. I’ve had times where I’m just flying around shooting down Jets because there’s no one to call in CAS. Other times I’ve had too many call in’s for how much ammo i have.


    They fill a niche. And mind you, certain helos can sit a km or two outside the AO and murder stuff without any threat (mind you the last time I saw this was about a year ago. Mechanics have changed).



    Saying all this though, I would love to see some kind of implementation for light attack aircraft (Orca, Hellcat, AH9). 

  7. The reason I believe we are running Tanoa Tuesday is to try and populate the server. If enough people hear about it, more will start playing. 

    Eventually it could evolve into a full sub-server of Straya IA (I would imagine), as even with just 25 people it was hilariously fun.


    Baby steps. 


    If one of the mods/admins want to correct me on its purpose, feel free to :).

    • Like 2

  8. 15 minutes ago, Nova said:

    as pk said people just dont want to deal with mods. even if you click 1 button and it works they dont. the other thing is that OCE doesnt have the playerbase for a modded I&A server. tanoa rarely gets more than 30 players on.

    Tanoa really only get people on during Tanoa Tuesdays.
