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Everything posted by Kalthramis

  1. Kalthramis

    Careful, as some of these suggestions would take a bit to implement. The HQ spawning is both a snazzy idea, and easy to implement. Preventing players from spawn camping will be harder, but if it's stuck in a far off corner (ex, the little almost-island in the top left), with a rule against it, it will be pretty rare, and kickable besides. Restricting some gear, ex mortars, and no attack vehicles, and you're ready to roll.
  2. Kalthramis

    Try out different classes, yeah. Medic, Engineer, AT; ones that have access to restricted gear. Your best bet to get the "most" out of I&A is to join a coordinated group. You can ask in side chat if anyone is working together, or look for any large groups (5~+). Generally, they're working together. If you see me on, Cassidy, hit me up. I enjoy playing with new recruits.
  3. Kalthramis

    Maybe, but I've never seen it used for mines, particularly since it takes so long to move. It's literally the slowest vehicle in the game, so a lot of people don't use it unless it's really close to the AO. I've tossed some AI in it to move it before, but they don't usually get there before the AO finishes.
  4. Kalthramis

    @Zombine45 What are your thoughts on bobcats being liftable, since they're so damn slow?
  5. Wasn't a direct hit, landed below him. AT rockets are also really shitty at killing infantry; they're meant to punch through a vehicle, not explode into shrapnel. Coulda also had something on to help, like a grenadier vest, to absorb more of the explosion. I wouldn't say hax without more info.
  6. Kalthramis

    Yeah price seems a bit steep for what appears to be an arcadier Arma game, with less polish and a smaller community. Frankly, everything about Squad could probably be done in an Arma mod. I wouldn't mind giving Squad a try, but I definitely don't want to spend that much at what "might" be "okay." Conversely, I can't complain about more Arma-like games coming out. But I do have a time and money budget I have to adhere to.
  7. Kalthramis

    @InfamousNova After chatting with@Zombine45 on here, lifting armor might not be the way to go. However, lifting marshalls might be alright, imo. They aren't too tough, but are great utility.
  8. Kalthramis

    Currently, the scroll-wheel interface is pretty tedious. Though, adjustable rope length is nice, and being able to hook up the rope on foot could lead to good co-op, or let a green pilot still lift stuff. But it could also subtract, as it would require ground forces to interact with helos (not always a smooth situation), and could remove the skill of lifting cargo. Hence the need for discussion!
  9. Kalthramis

    Alright. Should there be any more mechanics for tank unlocks? Ex, a new T-100 per AO? I'm not experience with what's good/bad and how long stuff lasts.
  10. Kalthramis

    I'm not against it, as long as it's only a few slots. Would you want helo lifting in this case, since it'd be restricted?
  11. Kalthramis

    I'm a bit new, but what is SOTG?
  12. I'm cramming two suggestions into one thread. First up: Restricting faction gear. Idiots like to run around in OPFOR geat to get dat sweet <10% armor bonus, then get shot by teammates. Heeheeheehee. Except when the point system is more fleshed out, and you lose points for that teamkill. i don't recall if there are any AAF enemies, but if there are, same rule applies. Next up is groups. In my opinion, all players should start out in no group, with periodic reminders to join one. When people start slotting, we often end up with 5+ groups of 1-3 people who just picked a slot in Alpha #-# and no coordination. Actively having to select a group goes a long way in the player psyche. You chose this group - you're more likely to engage with it, and follow the leader. Exclusions to this are mortar team, UAV, and pilots; each of which could also use a dedicated squad name. Ex, Pilots = Golf.
  13. Kalthramis

    Could we use an external website where people can sign up for a slot. Or in-game. Have the server announce a slot is open and who it belongs to when a pilot leaves. Should be a fairly simple script.
  14. Kalthramis

    Oh, durr. I don't know the non-nato guns. Ironic, considering how much I've used them. I don't think using the Katiba is a big deal. It can potentialy spook people who know the sounds, but what with the Recruit baby game settings, its easy to identify players. Just don't use green tracers.
  15. Kalthramis

    The katibas, I assume are the face wraps. Those arent really a problem. Its fine to play barbie dressup. I did have a problem last night as a pilot where I thought I landed next to a friendly, but it was hostile FIA, but thise side missions are extremely rare, and I know now they exist.
  16. Kalthramis

    I believe the arsenal loads are only broken if there is a item restricted in the arsenal. Ex, if I have red chemlights in my saves, but there are no red chemlights in the arsenal, it won't let me load that kit. VR suit definitely. Looks silly and the weight sucks, especially for helos. It's possible to ground a hummingbird on advanced physics by everyone hopping in with full Vr suits. I don't think there's actually any enemy AAF in I&A. There use to be, but I don't think so anymore.
  17. Kalthramis

    Howdy. I'm a Yank from Mid-West America. Do foreigners even call us Yanks still? Because I'm nowhere near the Yankee stadium. Moving on, I've recently taken a liking to Straya's I&A server, despite the latency an odd hours for Americans. It runs well, is moderate almost constantly by Fitz, and isnt cluttetered with trash scripts. I've also began to get to know a few other frequeters, and figure it was about time I made my presence a bit more official. (As a side note, my in-game handle is Cassidy, but I may change that to reflect my steam name more closely. That, and "Hey Cass" and "Hey CAS" sound too similar on VOIP.) So, howdy. I'm 22 and at university to become a video game producer, programmer, andor designer. I currently work as a server at a sushi bar, and spend my free time making and playing games. I enjoy piloting, mission making, and support roles. I don't listen to any music in particular, and there's currently 3~ feet of snow outside with another 7 inches expected tonight. Glad to be here.
  18. Kalthramis

    I'd probably make a separate thread for it, but, If you can make it configurable, that'd be your best bet. Dsylexi's is centered because for anyone but squad lead, that UI isnt there. But everyone has their own preferences. Which is the wonderful thing about modding. Preferences. Something Dsylexi's is lacking. Square versus circle maps, rank icons vs the pointed circles, team icons only vs whole squad icons, etc.
  19. Fuck yeah I'm getting that. Anyone who plays Arma regularly needs to get it. I'm so excited, I could pee my pants in that warm tropical water.
  20. Kalthramis

    Quacktac? That's the greatest name mod ever. They can, true. An invisible gun isnt a big deal, but an invisible helicopter most certainly is. It's also been mentioned that clientside mods may not be allowed, since its easy to hide hacks in them. I can speak attest to this from the 69th I&A server.
  21. Kalthramis

    Actually, they need not be client-side mods. One of the upcomig updates to Arma (Might be with Eden? If not, Apex) is the ability to download workshop mods when joining a server. Things like RHS (assuming they ever put it on WRKS), ACE, CUP, and more will be usable on public servers. Additionally and presumably, modified mods (ex ACE medical only) could be uploaded as private for a server, allowing joining players to download it without having it be public and thereby harming the creator. This should tie in nicely with the planned donator skins. Personally, I would like Dsylexi's group mod. I forget the name of it, but its useful for squad management and control.
  22. Kalthramis

    Not to revive a dead horse, but my 0.02 is nay. There's too many problems for a relatively worthless system. indeed, it also discourages claiming the HQ. Why take and use the HQ as a FOB when you can just make a fort of sandbags?
  23. Kalthramis

    I am currently impressed with it. I don't know what the +1's are for, but it is satisfying to see it pop when you choose to wait for a medic. The UI could use some refinment, but beyond that, I think it's an excellent upgrade to BTC.
  24. Kalthramis

    I agree. Last night we had a problem with a UAV pilot hogging runways and freely using CAS. UAV pilots should also be conveying scouting information to everyone, pilots and infantry alike. Markers help, but voice helps even more. Every othe I&A server I've seen does it.
  25. Kalthramis

    Fair enough. What about a quick way to RTB when it spawns on the other end of the map? Sure, you can nuke yourself, but an option to pop back to base would be quite the time saver, without the power of being able to lift a bunch of tanks to the AO.