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Posts posted by Salt

  1. 17 hours ago, Ted said:

    I don't mean to spread hate but this is an excellent move by leadership. Wasteland was plagued (especially Ya Mum) with admins abusing their power and even abusing players. This really gives me hope that the leadership actually hear our complaints and attempt to act on feedback. In regards to improving player count on Wasteland -

    I think introducing the old base building mechanics would really help. I have been on this server a very long time and know many people that stopped playing purely from the base building mechanics being removed/diluted heavily.

    Placing a larger emphasis on Opfor v Blufor will also improve the overall enjoyment of the server. (especially balancing teams). At present indys make up the vast majority of the players which really takes away from the team aspect imo.

    Fixing simple bugs like money and gear despawning etc. would also be great as it has caused many people to rage quit and not come back.


    All in all Wasteland has a huge potential and with some hardwork by the admins I believe it can be restored to its former glory :glasses:

    Hear, hear!

  2. Im not trying to sound like a dick, but as soon as links (good admin but power got to his head), Mozkleby ( Great leader/Manager but couldnt handle the mess which was happening at the time) and myself retired, the whole server population started to decrease.

    Dont get me wrong, it didnt just go from like nearly maxed to 40 straight away. It just slowly dropped down.

    Im not saying unit stuffed it up. He has done a great job taking over moz but it leads to more of towards the other staff and also lack of interest of playing wasteland.

    I aint pointing any fingers at anyone.... just putting my 2 cents in. 

    I would love to come back but we would have to see ?

    • <3 1

  3. Well its true, i'm back now. I've sorted out my problems and have decided to come back and play arma again! I also decided to build my self a computer that will run and achieve more then 20fps :P Hope to see you guys ingame and have some fun once again.



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