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Everything posted by Zorgain

  1. Zorgain

    Battlefield 4, GTA 5 and The Division are nice games.
  2. Zorgain

    Nice work Cake, It looked awesome. Also very good choice in the song.
  3. Zorgain

    Time to get my ass into gear to get my new pc...
  4. Zorgain

    I mean if they think they can handle another server then why not go ahead but there's not much point in another game server as of yet, Just my thoughts.
  5. Zorgain

    It was the ghost of Wasteland
  6. Zorgain

    Well you ran off just before it went boom boom sooooooooooo... You could be the murder
  7. Zorgain

    Not sure if they are doing something or not but I think they are on to something not 100% though but I know that more helpdesk and admins would be a good start as I don't really see many helpdesk in helpdesk lately and there's just not enough admins for AL they are busy people but getting more mod/admins would make the staff team less busy because the amount of people to do the stuff and even still admins to be even be playing and what not and if they see someone break the rules they ban them, Also maybe the ban system needs to have more time for the bans because people aren't really scared to get a 1,2 and 3 Day ban they can just play something else until then.
  8. Zorgain

    I'm the same I get 5 different videos of rule breakers but I just can't be bother to keep going up there and also be annoying towards the staff and/or help desk, it's just plain annoying. But in saying this I think they are working on something there was some of us still on late at night and we were talking about it with some admins(+)
  9. Zorgain

    The server events you two (and others) pull off are amazing for us all, cops, civs and medics they are always ran the right way and how they should be. This by itself makes the server overall fun to play on with the other police officers or other civs, and also updates are getting better and better by the update, keep the great work up guys.
  10. Zorgain

    @Roger Purple Doesn't deserve to be up on the bench with me and @Spectral
  11. Zorgain

    Don't know if this was a issue before hand but you can jump into those small houses that you can buy through the window, But other than that it's a good update well done guys.
  12. Zorgain

    Unless they buy something from the ArmA3 creators, you can not pay to play anymore it will result in a server ban considering there is always that option of buying it to have that kinda stuff maybe a donator shop.
  13. Zorgain

    Could be something in Zeus they turned up maybe, who knows...
  14. Zorgain

    I spoke to someone that had the tags and he said he got them on the old teamspeak and he forgot how he got them.. I would like the tags also though
  15. Zorgain

    I mean Minecraft wouldn't be bad, but I always got bored of it fast. Best server would have to be DayZ
  16. Zorgain

    @Prillor Yeah it would but if they find a better dedi and fix the dedi computer then it should be fine.
  17. Zorgain

    Hahahahahahahahhaa, OMG too cute.
  18. Zorgain

    Maybe just add more slots onto the server because lately I have been seeing Altis Life get full almost everyday, which is nice but not on the other end waiting in server lobby. But this could also mean more Dsync for the server and harder to run maybe once the dedi computer is up or something this could be added.
  19. Zorgain

    It was a good first day on the job for me, Funny moments and everything. Marc had something wrong with his leg on picture 4 it looks painful but must help in those banks to get the right angle.
  20. Zorgain

    The two I got from the event, Wasn't much of a good run for me hahahahahaha but was great from the time I was alive. Loved it thanks @Roger Purple , @Spectral and to whoever else helped.
  21. Zorgain

    I got the G930 headset good pair of headphones but fair bit of bugs witch is pretty annoying
  22. Zorgain

    There can only be one winner...
  23. Zorgain

    Just need a job at MightyApe and I'll be fine
  24. Zorgain

    Yeah I have basically that but yeah if you knew what it was you would laugh your head off