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Everything posted by Eazy

  1. Eazy

    On the contrary, surely its always been like this?
  2. Eazy

    Assuming they have apex, they might (otherwise on one of the many low pop altis ones out there). But I agree that most players wud gravitate towards InA servers with high player counts. Believe me my fondest times in InA were when the server was struggling (in there amongst a bunch of 3fps ones <3 BIS) However I think while playing arma, people are after satisfying gameplay foremost. So think there may be a greater chunk of players that dont see either 5, 60 player InA being an engaging experience, choosing to play other games/modes. With a large server,it might fillup and satisfy those who find the aspect of 60+ CoOp overshadows current limitations and/or see it as still providing challenging enough play.But with 'medium' server u might be able to appeal to both groups, get a wider audience, and enhance the challenge n teamwork. On the other hand, I dont know how difficult it is to modify the mission, esp the blu/opfor scaling(I dont see it all being laid out in scrollbars) but reduced slot might be relatively simple to trial.
  3. Eazy

    Nice! Probs true, if u remove 30 slots tomorrow, ud cut off 30 altis players. And itd be impossible to form a 70 player squad but there could be increased popularity in Tanoa too, or not. Anyway regardless of the map, I view smaller adjustable superior to large ones at the end of their tether. Changes cud draw in even more players if it helpd provide more comprehensive InA experience, which leads to more servers, to more slots until eventually more are catered for than were previously. Ill add too, I thought the high player count last sunday on tanoa was due to the handful of players at the time who rejoined right after 6pm restart making server show similar #s long enough to trick some altis players into joining by mistake, luring more players who stayed longer than they mightv otherwise. idk if it was a similarly planned thing but it was on par with Tuesday turnout. If u get some 'spillover' into that 2nd server thered b more action i rkn
  4. Eazy

    Do u feel 60+'s a better balance than 30/40?? I prefer the latter. Although I like seeing the awesome power of 60+ foightin at once I dont feel the opfor provides enough of a challenge for us overall. Then with CAS/ironside being used too, well its like walking on cake. Defenses, barring kajman, ppl routinely head out to look for the assaulting force. Yet a year ago it seemed 50-50 whether we'd win a defense regardless of player count (maybe there were more kajmans then idk) coz opfor out the wazoo. Also spam comes with large player counts. People begin talking over each other in chat/groups (mega-default group doubly so), coordination gets retarded and its eventually devolves into a FFA. Smaller server count usually encourage inter squad coordination while being easier to keep track of things going on (more thrilling as ur at a disadvantage too). Think itd be interesting to see both capped at 30/40/50 while scrubbing the civvies for extra opfor instead. (also a real tentative trial-run of tanoan forces with a speck more accuracy)
  5. Eazy

    Perhap tanoa cud be thought about being shifted over n trialed now that the official servers been nixed. idk what percentage of players have Apex tho Id like to imagine more than half. Maybe getting some of its playerbase coming across, if straya doesnt fill it.
  6. Eazy

    cant see why ud want it. cept adding immersion, considering the options of TS channel/group channel/ typing in side|command what does this facilitate?
  7. Eazy

    glad the pilots will still have the passion to land but id imagine the passengers r gonnna start relying it. the deluge of paradrop requests...ugh Rappelling was cool(remember it was an avaialble awhile ago), tho i had issues with it teleporting me back into the choppa after done fastroping. mightv been bad desync issue idk. tho cant remember if it was an added mod or sum extinct feature from BIS, i swear i read in some previous sitrep they had plans for it. cud be trippin
  8. Eazy

    this has sounded likea sweet idea. think it would work nice as an unlockable feature for certain classes maybe? as side mission reward? I worry pilots will never land again if unrestricted :3
  9. Eazy

    ikr, its like the first thing they see. maybe its a habit of 'agreeing without reading the TnC's' alot of ppl have that manifests somehow into ignoring welcome screens, im no Freud. THough it seems a couple ask almost everynight,im not sure if there is a way to refer back to welcome screen ingame but that'd be useful for them. Alternatively the maps FAQ tab cud rehash on some points and be added to. They cud also cite rules when needed encouraging ppl to open further tabs.
  10. Eazy

  11. Eazy

    idk if this is right place to ask but are there any plans to return vehicle service points to those gas stations along the altis highway? also wondering wat ppl think on introducing an FAQ (how get ammo/whats objective/where r the jets/can i fly etc) tab in the map menu for new players who may miss the welcome screens tips
  12. Eazy

    Some guy on /r/arma posted about some kinda insurgency mission from A2 in the thread titled "Gauging interest in public realism"... "–]breakfasthash 15 points 4 days ago I would love a server like the old MilGo gaming Insurgency servers from Arma 2. 30-40 blufor folks looking for ammo crates while 2-4 opfor insurgents try to defend them(also with town AI units). Those few player insurgents kept things interesting while everyone had to work as a team to achieve the goal. 1-2 pilots, a few tank crew, and the rest would break up into squads. The insurgents from their base would be able to teleport to a town ahead of where they thought Blufor was heading and they would also get notices of what towns they were nearby. The towns that they were notified of they werent allowed to spawn. They would already have to be there or trek it from a town nearby. Opfor would have very basic gear but if they killed Blufor they could take their gear. Its COOP with a little twist. I would play on that servers on my days off literally the entire day." From that one comment it sounds like a neato mission, perhaps some elements of it cud be taken and adaptd in some ways to the InA mission or for event. something for the brainstorm
  13. Eazy

    A 'cancel revive' button. For when u change ur mind mid-revive. Also applicable to that Carry animation. beefy offroads with solid tires/bullbars able to handle large shrubs/tumbleweed at all speeds without damage to tires :} daw,and a parachute-with-your-backpack option. Rig attachable FLIR strobes/patches||Weapons lock/Safety ON whilst in FLIR to encourage positive ID (also restricting use of katibas to OPFOR) Some way of showing off the amount of ears youv collected, maybe some necklace/ghillie suit u could add to. And at base, a gym/basketball that works...some form of a buffet and an esky at base by the fire goddamn.
  14. Eazy

    ive noticed its full for a couple hours during the evenings, but outside those peaktime i find its rarely full. Pretty sweet playing a full server 60 server tho,more players in general for the added firepower on the team combined with the hordes of enemies they generate on defense missions. its what i crave:P
  15. Eazy

    doesn't sound like a bad idea to me. tho in my perfect world thered b an option to unlock it whilst waiting for medic, like another button on the menu, just incase u wanted to give access for watev reason. Its nice on those rare occasions if u got a FAK in ur bag incase a medics run out. Or perhaps scrounging an RPG rocket from a wounded mate to secure an area a b4 medic arrives. Tho those r my only example can think of ;p if had to choose tho wud prefer the lockable gear overall, some ppl got no respect for a mans gear*single tear from my eye*
  16. Eazy

    About the lighting, the high powered lights makes it difficult to see with NVGs equipped, defending the HQ, cant shoot out either. wondering what yalll think bout replacing them with chemlights,( not yellow tho bcoz they're crazy bright)red would be logical id think, altho relativly dime they'd in theory help preserve NV +opfor colour. Or orient the floodlight outwards to help illuminate advancing troops incase of nightitme defence mission.
  17. Eazy

    i dont agree, Katibas is the most used enemy weapon. it also has a fine nato equivalent, the MX's almost identical, slightly bulkier and less accurate marginally idk seems logical to restrict it when its opfors primary. they have the most distinct sound imo,and alerts me to enemy pos quicker than sighting em, some players ive seen cud do well to associate the two. specially tho times when 1 nme can blindside a squad and take out multiple b4 sum1 wisens up and takes him out. Feel it'd help improve general gameplay, disrupting an advance having to stop everytime i hear a katiba round, to find and mark friendlies in relation to pos. then waiting to listen out for more to confirm whether i should bother about it. Be way smoother and more logical to standardise the weapons, and uniforms so to provide a quick ID like a military force might do. there are alot of options to ID targets like scrolling over mousewheel/T, using map n markers, uniforms, target behavior, tho it doesnt explain the amount of people who are accidently TK'd everyday. 'sorry guy i was using thermals' is a lame excuse imo for cunts who dont know uniforms serve a purpose. not sure to include this as a 'gear restriction' or sumwhere else but disabling the ability to fire whilst in thermal mode, would be sick if possible, and could save many trips back ot base irkn
  18. Eazy

    For starters i think it'd be best to do away with access to katibas, csat uniforms and helmets. rkn these b the worst and no1 shud be using them. AAF dont encounter too frequently nori seen many players head to toe in their gear thankfully but wouldnt mind if restricted too perhaps keeping vests/weapons (mk200) maybe some uniforms n caps too? anyway those katibas are annoying
  19. Eazy

    idk how ppl r still rocking their RPGs and still being able to aim after 1.54. My loadouts now r at half capacity only so i can still function after runnign 100m Used to be able to deal with everything but a MBT w/ rpgs. But now,freak out wheneva an ifrit showsup
  20. Eazy

    armour values showing nil on all clothing but they still work thankfully (vests at least) Saw this http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=26722 , 'assigned' so i assume only temp