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Ya Mum

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Everything posted by Ya Mum

  1. If thats what you I think mean then I guess ill just leave it at that because I really dont have the motivation to explain to you what the "being a dick" meaning is. See ya on the island
  2. The reason he swapped was because he had enough of what you lot were doing so if it were me id be thinking hmmmm maybe ill stop because my own team isnt liking me right now. There is also a rule that some people get banned for called "for being a dick" which some people dont seem to understand either
  3. My view here.......If you want to use a Jet or whatever thats fine as they are a tactic of the game however, when people spam the area with jets like they do with mortars it becomes Un-Australian. SG is supposed to be a place where everyone can have fun not die ever minute and cop abuse when someone asks them to stop. Ive seen players literally hit the gunstore, turn around hit the gunstore turn around, hit the gunstore and again and again and again and again and again....you get the picture. My personal favorite what when someone spam mined the airfield and they couldn't land or take off and these "Pilots" had a massive bitch fit over it These people dont seem to understand that if they keep doing that, the server will die because everyone cracks the shits and leaves. Yup you're right it take only a minute or 2 to run in and grab the gear needed to take them down but thats assuming you dont have to hit the ATM first and die because the strafing runs happen every minute or 2 All im saying is enjoy the fun of spamming the map getting your hundred kills if thats what you want but it wont last for ever
  4. Ya Mum

    I've said it before and ill say it again..... if you stay clear from the gun stores then you won't show up on their map and they'll soon get bored of it. It take something like 25 seconds for the mortar to hit so if you run in and run out they won't get you.
  5. Ya Mum

    Im not going to get into an argument with you but no I actually sniped you from the hill overlooking your position but anyway moving on. my issue was the fact that you were abusing the players who were objecting to the spamming and when someone did start mortaring you back were reacting by insulting them saying they couldn't aim and how hypocritical they all were. Truth be known I paid for the mortar for the person that was being used to mortar you. I have nothing against mortars and I suggest you re read my post, because my issue is not the mortar, my issue is spamming like we're doing nothing more. If there actually had to be a to fix, in my own little world would be to only allow the rearm trucks to rearm the mortar as if you'd just bought it, 3 lots of 8 or whatever it is. Once you've run out then you rearm but that's only IF there HAD to be a fix
  6. Ya Mum

    yeah I get you, these gun store with 500,000,000 cubic meters concrete walls around do suck and is a but of a BS but thats my own opinion, but me personally, if they are setting up a base, gunstore or not, ill take out anyone who tries to get it because thats the name of the game.....
  7. Ya Mum

    Hey bro. Im not speaking for anyone else at all only for myself. Different people play the game differently. When you spawn, you spawn with the same gear as everyone else and people who have other gear have just been on the server for a longer people of time and have managed to get themselves set up before the rush starts. Secondly, i am probably one of those thermal guys you speak of and i can assure you that it is not easy getting myself set up. Eg, my load out cost a fair bit of money and the first thing i need to do is hit an ATM then go straight to a gun store. Sounds easy right.... well its not... The other day it took me about 4 or 5 spawns to get to the atm then gun store each time losing about 20k because i was getting killed. My point is, yes its frustrating i know but we are all in the same position as yourself to be honest Ya Mum
  8. Ya Mum

    they suck ass when people abuse their use. The day in question you abused the use of mortars and then started to make fun of the people when you got mortared back claiming they couldn't aim etc etc oh wait then you got blown up 10 seconds later. I have nothing against mortars if they are used properly and bottom line if people abuse their use and just spam the gun stores like you did the other day, people will simply leave and not play, killing the server. Outsmarting mortar users is a personal favourite of mine, like i did the other day to you.
  9. Ya Mum

    hmmmmm I remember this exchange