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Ya Mum

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Posts posted by Ya Mum

  1. My thoughts which I have largely kept quiet recently.

    Personally, I loved the weather dynamics. Yeah the fog can get a little glitchy at times but overall it adds another element of realism to the game.

    I never complain about the lag because i never get it even when the server is full. I play on a Mac and when I restart into windows to play, it equates to a pretty spec'd out PC.
    Lately the lag has been excessive especially around the 2 new additions zues and that other monstrosity in the middle of the map. Additionally, they are both glitchy as fuck

    If you do an Rcon search for keywords, apart from the word "fuck", im sure the most common word will be "lag" and I have always said it, we need to keep the community happy. People are getting stressed out because of the lag, getting killed because of lag, raging out at being killed and because they were already stressed out blowing their stack even more.

    As much as I love the fog and rain, the larger community needs must be taken into account here.

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  2. If you want angry, salty aggressive gameplay go on Opfor if you want good clean fun go on Bluefor and cop their shit, If you're used to it or you like getting picked on by everyone else go on independent

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  3. I really don't like changing the current game play that much from what it is because it creates a set of unique challengers but if I had to add something is like to see an atm near my kill farm. Yes that's right, it mine.

    Girna atm poses some challengers where it's a hike to go spend you money so I don't mind that

    I get messages all the time asking to update this or that but really the suggestions are generally trying to make it easier for 1 group or 1 person where I prefer the challengers the game throws at us.

    each to their own.
