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Posts posted by Matsozetex

  1. I have a few suggestions to improve the game after coming back after a while and experiencing some wonkiness.

    1. Base Defence Improvements
    In its current implementation, the base AA defence is so ineffective at taking out jets who brazenly fly over base it might as well shoot fireworks. Ages ago, the base defence used to consist of Cheetah's who could easily kill jets with their radar guided guns and titan AA missiles. I suggest restoring it back to its previous state.

    2. Jet Selection
    This system is very buggy and poor, it makes me want to never touch jets ever again. Firstly just addressing the transport leaderboards, you don't have to incentivise people to fly transport, consistently when I hop on transport pilot slots are filled so why have the arbitrary limiter on jet quality tied to transport points.

    Second, the system is extremely bugged, even when requesting specific roles, consistently you get Wipeouts when requesting AA jets, and Buzzards, so many Buzzards.

    Lastly, why even have the buzzard present? It is simply a jet that does not excel at anything, it can't perform as a AA jet because the loadout doesn't favour air to air combat and most air supremacy jets can easily out pace it, and its role as a CAS jet leaves a lot to be desired with limited bomb load or manoeuvrability, even as a "multi-role" it fails in comparison to the black wasp.

    I suggest one of two things to occur, either you keep the current system (probably easier to do) but you remove the buzzard from the loadout or you remove the current system entirely and let players select which jet to pick. Ironside players don't have to earn medic points so that they get a semi-decent tank, they just choose the tank.

    Many beautiful staff members like Ratso are offering to spawn jets that are not shit, but maybe instead of adding another bit of work to your staff, instead fix the system so that they have one less thing to worry about.

    3. Infinite Ammo
    I understand the balance argument that is at place here, having Tigris' run out of ammo would make the game trivial, but certain things in this game should not be given infinite ammo. My list is as follows:
    - Hostile Jets: Having jets with infinite ammo means they can infinitely spam you with AA missiles while using infinite flares to defeat most missiles. Jets are temporary, they come back frequently, don't make them hell to defeat. They are so past the point of annoyance that not even base defence can defeat a Gryphon.
    - Hostile AT Infantry: I have experience first hand this issue, enemy infantry squads seems to have infinite rockets which really gets me. I'm outside the AO riding in my bobcat where a single Recon squad fires, not 1, not 4, not 6 but 8 rockets at my vehicle. It's just getting stupid.

    Hopefully this advice can change this server for the better.

    • Like 4

  2. On 10/18/2019 at 5:47 PM, xGrubx said:

    Why not get rid of CAS altogether? I am yet to see a decent pilot in three years with this server.


    Just open it up to anyone regardless of time in the seat or points, cant get any worse. Other than that you are trying to overcomplicate things.

    I agree,

    The server has been grasping at Helicopter CAS or no CAS + AA jet for a hell of a long time. Currently there is no reason to have CAS, the current enemy setup doesn't support CAS jets being any more effective than a UAV operator. Nor is there any ability for someone who doesn't spend their entire week transporting people to play something other than buzzard.

    I'd say to just remove CAS, make the SPAAG spawn more frequent and maybe put some helicopter CAS (guns and rockets) on a time respawn.

    That will clarify the roles a bit, UAV operator aims for hard targets, helicopter opts for light vehicles and infantry, the SPAAG aims for aircraft.

  3. On 5/4/2019 at 1:13 PM, SkylerBB said:

    From what people I know have said about the DLC it isn't worth it. 

    I was going to get it but I have had a number of friends get a refund on it as was a waste of time and money saying the RHS mods are better quality than the DLC.....
    I'd pick the RHS first. prob wont ever buy the dlc unless its like 75% off

    From what I have seen the models are better than RHS, however from what the devs/PR people for the mod have said is that it wasn't released in a finished state...... Vehicle interiors, helicopters and jets are incoming for the mods, so sometime in the near future it will be good,

  4. 6 hours ago, Bread said:


    What would be the point of removing jets if you're just going to fill the CAS role with helicopters? Doesn't really seem to fix anything by doing so...

    Jet CAS is currently too easy, if you factor out deaths due to Arma physics AOs can be nuked with GBUs and Small Diameters (which self lock) with ease. At least with Helicopter CAS, you have to be more aware and careful with your actions.

  5. On 11/25/2018 at 7:30 PM, =S.N.A.F.U.= said:

    Firstly, let me get this out of the way.. Get rid of the jets!. 

    I half agree with you. CAS jets I could see being removed easily, the role that CAS jets provide can be easily replaced by helicopters with Skyfires, GBUs and ATGMs being mounted to helicopters (even the reward Kajman spawns with AGMs sometimes). However the role that AA jets cannot be easily replaced by heli's, and I personally would like to see AA jets be a permanent fixture. This would involve removing GBUs from AA, also any small diameter bombs.


    However, I also warn, that if we do proceed with helicopter CAS, that we should at least be able to modify our pylons and if not, maybe be able to pick certain load outs at the very least (Light CAS: Rocket pods/small diameter/gun pods and Heavy CAS: GBUs/AGMs or something  similar).

  6. 20 hours ago, Fitz said:

    The Zamak MRL was in for a while (without the fixed range though), but some people weren't using it appropriately, so it was removed.

    Or you could just disable its ability to rearm from crates/containers. The MRL relative to other artillery vehicles is a whole lot faster, and wouldn't be an issue to drive to an FOB or back to base for rearming.

  7. The following is a guide for the Ironside (Tank Crew) role present in the server:

    I heavily suggest you go through this guide chronologically!

    Ironside Basics


    Your purpose

    The Ironside role itself is dedicated to driving the tanks present in the Ironside spawn. Ironside tankers are effectively engineers, hence:

    • Ironside role allows people to drive, gun and command in tanks
    • Ironside role allows people to repair vehicles if they have a tool kit

    Main battle tanks and tank destroyers (referred to as Tanks in general) are effectively used 1-2km outside of the AO with their main job being to destroy enemy vehicles. SPAAGs (Self propelled anti air guns, the Cheetah) are effectively used near the base to defend helicopters and other aircraft or to be positioned 1-2km outside of the AO to attack enemy aircraft.

    Ironside spawn

    The spawn location consists of 5 tank spawns to choose from:

    1. M2A4 Slammer UP
    2. MBT-52 Kuma
    3. T-100 Varsuk Or T-140 Angara
    4. Rhino MGS UP
    5. IFV-6a Cheetah


    Some of these vehicles are also set on specific spawn timers, hence, be vigilant when using them:

    • T-100 Varsuk and the T-140 Angara have a 90 minute respawn timer
    • IFV-6a Cheetah has a 30 minute respawn timer

    Other vehicles will respawn almost instantly upon destruction or despawn



    Ammo Types



    The plethora of tanks have differing ammo types for their main weapon, here are the following rounds and their acronyms:

    • Armour Piercing (AP)
    • High Explosive Anti Tank (HEAT)
    • High Explosive (HE)


    Anti-vehicle rounds which rely on kinetic energy (KE) to pierce armour. Used exclusively for defeating vehicle armour and reinforced structures. They do not have any explosive filling and are only useful against single targets. 


    Dual-purpose munition that combine the traits of both HE and AP rounds, using an (initial) explosive charge along with a kinetic penetrator submunition. Useful for bypassing ERA and slat cages, as the explosive charge will trigger or destroy the ERA/slat cage first, allowing the kinetic submunition to pass through intact.


    Anti-personnel rounds used for infantry targets and unarmoured/lightly-armoured ground vehicles. They are also quite effective at razing unreinforced military structures and civilian buildings. Due to lacking a kinetic penetrator, they are essentially useless against heavily-armoured vehicles like Main Battle Tanks (MBT)


    In previous versions of the game, HEAT used to be sub-divided into Tandem and not. Now all HEAT shells have primary and secondary charges.




    A Quick Note!

    • Arma 3 uses a simulated armor thickness and penetration system.
    • All heat projectiles are tandem, they have a HE primary charge followed by a KE secondary charge. Hence HEAT defeats slat and ERA.
    • When the hull's hitpoints reach 0, it is the destruction of the tank, other modules such as the engine and fuel tank can soak up shots.


    There are a total of three armour types:

    • Composite Armour
    • Explosive Reactive Armour
    • Slat/Spaced Armour

    Composite Armour

    Composite armor is modeled simply within the game, if the armor value of a tank is lesser than the penetration of a projectile shot at it, it will penetrate and do damage.

    Explosive Reactive Armour


    This is an add on armour type that is innately present on some of the tanks. It provides single use protection against AP and HE based projectiles.


    Slat/Spaced Armour


    This is an add on armour type that is innately present on some tanks but can be mounted on others. Like ERA, it provides single use protection against AP and HE based projectiles. Once destroyed, it provides no protection whatsoever and can be easily destroyed by light cannon fire or by crashing into objects.

    Slat armour can be mounted at any vehicle service when you are driving the tank and the engine is off.

    IR Smoke

    IR Smoke or smoke charges is a way to prevent infantry and IFV fired ATGMs from striking your tank. When the enemy missile is locked or in flight towards you, the commander can press [C] to pop a smoke charge which will enhance your chances of dodging that missile.


    CSAT and You



    Now we know about differing types of ammo and how the armour on our tank can deal with different incoming tank rounds. However, we have not discussed man portable weapons and their effect on us. 




    This launcher is commonly wielded by Syndikat who have a small chance to spawn inside an AO. RPG-7s for Main battle tanks are an annoyance, they can damage ERA or Slat and any external modules like the tracks or the gun. This projectile is dumb fired, therefore IR smoke has no effect on its guidance. It has a penetration depth of 300mm.




    This launcher is way more common in the field. Compared to the RPG-7 it has a longer range but still is dumb fired. This projectile has more penetration than the RPG-7, being 650mm. This commonly used launcher is a threat to both the Rhino MGS UP and IFV-6a Cheetah.


    Titan MPRL Compact


    Of the two guided missile launchers, this is more common. It has the shared highest penetration of the four launchers you are likely to face in the field. The missile itself can be fired straight at your tank or via a top down approach which is dangerous as most tanks lack decent armour or ERA at the top of their turrets. Using IR smoke is recommended in this circumstance as it can very easily go through standard armour. This launcher has a penetration of 900mm.


    9M135 Vorona


    This is the biggest threat to any tank, it has the shared highest penetration of 900mm with the Titan compact and IR smoke has no effect on its guidance. Therefore the only way to deal with this launcher is to have heavy armor, retreat after the enemy fires or pray for something to take the hit.



    Tank Analysis


    There are 6 vehicles that are available to the Ironside role, which have unique and differing characteristics.


    • "hp" refers to the hitpoints a specific piece of armor or module has
    • "(s)" means a module shares some of its hitpoints with the hull of a tank, hence, if this module is damaged, it will deduct from the hull of the tank. If a number follows, it is the percentage that is shared.
    • "(st) means a module shares some of its hitpoints with the turret of a tank. The same rules apply with the "(s)" tag.
    • "dmg" refers to the damage a shell can do. If the number before the dmg tag has a forward slash, it is accounting for the HE primary charge and KE secondary charge of a tandem round.
    • "pen" refers to the penetration of a shell type
    • "eff" refers to the effective armor of a tank

    1. M2A4 Slammer UP




    Main Battle Tank


    • 1x 120mm Cannon w/ 48 Rounds
    • 1x 7.62mm Coaxial Machine gun w/20x200 Rounds
    • 1x 12.7mm Commander Machine Gun w/ 4x200 Rounds
    • 1x Smoke Generator

    Main gun Ammo Type:

    • 24 APFSDS – T (884mm pen, 500 dmg)
    • 12 HEAT - MP -T (600mm pen, 95/510 dmg)
    • 12 HE- T (250 dmg)

    Armour and Health:

    • Composite (900mm eff)
    • ERA: Hull (Front/Sides) and Turret (Front/Sides) - 100 hp each
    • Hull - 1620hp
    • Engine - 360hp (s 20%)
    • Fuel Tanks - 270hp (s 10%)
    • Tracks - 650hp
    • Turret - 270hp
    • Barrel - 540hp
    • Commander HMG - 90hp

    Crew Positions:

    • Driver
    • Commander
    • Gunner
    • 6 x Passenger


    • Top Speed: 64 km/h


    • Most armoured
    • Front mounted Engine protects crew and hull hitbox
    • Lots of ammo
    • Can carry infantry


    • Large Profile
    • Second Slowest

    "Verdict, use the Slammer as a tank to assist an infantry charge, you can carry infantry and also you are very resistant to infantry wielded AT weapons."

    2. MBT-52 Kuma




    Main Battle Tank


    • 1x 120mm Cannon w/ 44 Rounds
    • 1x 7.62mm Coaxial Machine gun w/ 10x200 Rounds
    • 1x 12.7mm Commander Machine Gun w/ 2x200 Rounds
    • 1x Smoke Generator

    Main gun Ammo Type:

    • 20 APFSDS – T (926mm pen, 500 dmg )
    • 12 HEAT – MP – T (600mm pen, 95/510 dmg)
    • 12 HE- T (250 dmg)

    Armour and Health:

    • Composite (800mm eff)
    • Slat: Hull (Rear/Sides) and Turret (Rear/Sides) - 200hp
    • Hull - 1280hp
    • Engine - 480hp (s 50%)
    • Fuel Tank - 400hp (s 30%)
    • Tracks - 650hp
    • Turret - 640hp
    • Barrel - 640hp
    • Commander HMG - 80hp

    Crew Positions:

    • Driver
    • Commander
    • Gunner


    • Top Speed: 72 km/h


    • Fastest Tank
    • Jack of All Trades


    • Lacking protection against AP
    • Reduced Ammo capacity

    "Verdict, use the Kuma is a jack of all trades, it has good armor while not sacrificing on mobility, a better gun than the NATO vehicles. It is versatile"

    3a. T-100 Varsuk




    Main Battle Tank


    • 1x 125mm Cannon w/ 40 Rounds
    • 1x 7.62mm Coaxial Machine gun w/ 10x200 Rounds
    • 1x 12.7mm Commander Machine Gun w/ 2x150 Rounds
    • 1x Smoke Generator

    Main gun Ammo Type:

    • 16 APFSDS – T (889mm pen, 550 dmg)
    • 12 HEAT– T (650mm pen, 150/533 dmg)
    • 12 HE- T (300 dmg)

    Armour and Health:

    • Composite (850mm eff)
    • ERA: Hull (Front/Sides) and Turret (Front) - 100hp
    • Hull - 1020hp
    • Engine - 468hp (s 30%)
    • Fuel Tanks - 425hp (s 30%)
    • Tracks - 650hp
    • Turret - 680hp
    • Barrel - 680hp
    • Commander HMG - 250hp

    Crew Positions:

    • Driver
    • Commander
    • Gunner


    • Top Speed: 71 km/h


    • Second Fastest Tracked Vehicle
    • Low Profile
    • Highest Gun Damage Stats


    • Weakest Hull Hitpoints
    • Reduced Ammo

    "Verdict, the Varsuk is a tank that traded armor for sneakiness, use the speed and low profile to sneak up on, and punish enemies."

    3b. T-140 Angara




    Main Battle Tank


    • 1x 125mm Cannon w/ 44 Rounds
    • 1x 7.62mm Coaxial Machine gun w/ 2x1000 Rounds
    • 1x 12.7mm Commander Machine Gun w/ 1x500 Rounds
    • 1x Smoke Generator

    Main gun Ammo Type:

    • 20 APFSDS – T (889mm pen, 550 dmg)
    • 12 HEAT– T (650mm pen, 150/533 dmg)
    • 12 HE- T (300 dmg)

    Armour and Health:

    • Composite (700mm eff)
    • ERA: Hull (Front/Sides/Top) - 400hp
    • Slat: Hull (Rear/Sides) - 200hp
    • Hull - 1750hp
    • Engine - 420hp (s 20%)
    • Fuel Tanks - 350hp (s 10%)
    • Tracks - 650hp
    • Turret - 1600hp (s 25%)
    • Barrel - 800hp (st 25%)
    • Commander HMG - 500hp

    Crew Positions:

    • Driver
    • Commander
    • Gunner


    • Top Speed: 68 km/h


    • Plenty of Ammo
    • High hull hitpoints
    • Good when hull down


    • Large Profile
    • Low armor thickness

    "Verdict, the Angara is a defensive tank, with large amounts of hitpoints but suprisngly low armor values use the extra hp to delay your death and continue firing."

    4. Rhino MGS UP




    Tank Destroyer


    • 1x 120mm Cannon w/ 32 Rounds
    • 1x .338 Coaxial Machine gun w/ 4x200 Rounds
    • 1x 12.7mm Commander Machine Gun w/ 2x200 Rounds
    • 1x Laser Designator
    • 1x Smoke Generator

    Main gun Ammo Type:

    • 16 APFSDS – T (884mm pen, 500 dmg)
    • 8 HEAT – MP – T (600mm pen, 95/510 dmg)
    • 8 HE- T (250 dmg)
    • 4 ATGM LG (800mm pen, 150/630 dmg)

    Armour and Health:

    • Composite (480mm armor)
    • ERA: Hull (Front) and Turret (Sides/Rear) - 200hp
    • Slat: Hull (Sides/Rear) - 200hp
    • Hull - 672hp
    • Engine - 768hp (s 10%)
    • Fuel Tank - 480hp (s 30%)
    • Wheels - 250hp
    • Turret - 384hp
    • Barrel - 480hp
    • Commander HMG - 480hp

    Crew Positions:

    • Driver
    • Commander
    • Gunner


    • Top Speed: 119 km/h


    • Most mobile
    • Possesses cannon that fires ATGMs
    • Good HE Protection
    • .338 Coaxial Gun


    • Low Armor
    • Low Ammo capacity for main gun

    "Verdict, use the Rhino as a long range sniper, the high speed on roads should allow to quickly drive to the AO and set up. Also use those extremely deadly ATGMs."

    5. IFV-6a Cheetah




    Self-Propelled Anti Air Gun


    • 2x 35mm Auto cannon w/ 680 Rounds (60 pen, 60 dmg)
    • 4x Titan Anti Air Missile Launcher w/ 2x4 Missiles (80 dmg)
    • 1x Smoke Generator

    Armour Type:

    • Composite (500mm eff)
    • Hull - 800hp
    • Engine - 50hp (s 50%)
    • Fuel Tank - 250hp  (s 30%)
    • Tracks - 650hp
    • Turret - 400hp
    • Barrels - 300hp
    • Commander Camera - 50hp

    Crew Positions:

    • Driver
    • Commander
    • Gunner


    • Top Speed: 60 km/h


    • 16km Radar range
    • Can defend against auto cannon fire


    • No Commander defensive weapon
    • Not effective against armour
    • Will not stand against large caliber weapons (105mm and above)

    "Verdict, put the Cheetah in a position where it is both free from the threat of infantry and tanks, while also having good elevation to shoot down aircaft, as that should be your priority."


    There are some vehicles that can spawn that are not necessarily located at the Ironside spawn. This is a side mission reward.

    T-140K Angara


    T-140K Angara20181108182018_1.thumb.jpg.4b04b1821d5f9dadd98fca81cdfe8f49.jpg


    Main Battle Tank


    • 1x 125mm Cannon w/ 44 Rounds
    • 1x 7.62mm Coaxial Machine gun w/ 2x1000 Rounds
    • 1x 12.7mm Commander Machine Gun w/ 1x500 Rounds
    • 1x Smoke Generator

    Main gun Ammo Type:

    • 20 APFSDS – T (889mm pen, 550 dmg)
    • 12 HEAT– T (650mm pen, 150/533 dmg)
    • 12 HE- T (300 dmg)

    Armour and Health:

    • Composite (700mm eff)
    • ERA: Hull (Front/Sides/Top) - 400hp
    • Slat: Hull (Rear/Sides) - 200hp
    • Hull - 1750hp
    • Engine - 420hp (s 20%)
    • Fuel Tanks - 350hp (s 10%)
    • Tracks - 650hp
    • Turret - 1600hp (s 25%)
    • Barrel - 800hp (st 25%)
    • Commander HMG - 300hp

    Crew Positions:

    • Driver
    • Commander
    • Gunner


    • Top Speed: 68 km/h


    • Plenty of Ammo
    • High hull hitpoints
    • Good when hull down
    • 30mm commander auto-cannon


    • Large Profile
    • Low armor thickness

    "Verdict, the Angara is a defensive tank, with large amounts of hitpoints but suprisngly low armor values use the extra hp to delay your death and continue firing. An extra 30mm cannon is added on top of your 120mm cannon for extra firepower."



    Parting words:

    Tracked Tanks CANNOT Be Airlifted!!





    • Like 5
    • Seems Good 1

  8. 10 hours ago, Zombine45 said:

    I'm not sure what happened after we changed to RHS, everything kind of went to shit.

    I said we should change since the save was corrupted, but then the save was suddenly fixed? What happened there?

    We also shouldn't have done a fresh reset when our commander couldn't join (taiga didn't have RHS)

    I don't think people understand that this gamemode is different to I&A, you can't just storm a town, kill everything that moves and it's yours. You need to do civilian missions first before you can take a town.

    I also think we need to slow right down with zeus interference, down to about 0, the gamemode has counter attacks and such built in.

    It was indeed a shit show at the start, but once we lost the Outpost after zerging it things got serious and we started doing supply missions and successfully converted a town. You just gotta account for the little bit of retardation that comes with I&A members then give 'em time to get serious. When I logged off last night things were serious and down to business.

    • Like 1
    • Seems Good 2

  9. Just remember to edit the mission file to make the AKs, Mosins and their ammo infinite spawn on the arsenal AND attempt to change the AAF to GREF. Both official and community versions use GREF as Independent, and it'll make the early game more balanced as we wont have MRAPs wrecking us at the start with basic weapons.

    • Like 2

  10. Why'd you thing they removed the ATGMs? They can lock onto enemy vehicles at 4-5km out of AO, oneshot most vehicles in the game and the Kajman itself can stay in a safe area and if played effectively can wipe AO's. I can agree that the gunpod is stupid, I would rather have Skyfire pods. However, like the CAS jets with AGM removal, the use of lock on long range anti-vehicle is skill less, safe and contributes to CAS power creep.

    Even then, the 30mm is very effective against IFVs, Infantry and light vehicles within 2km and if given Skyfires or Mk82's it would be a beast at AOE damage. 

    • Like 1

  11. The issue with CAS from what I have noticed is when the UAV operator is on, since the UAV operator bypasses the rule for lazing having both slots occupied leads to the utter destruction of the AO by them. I have a few ideas on how to balance jets:

    - Limiting jets to being air superiority exclusively, considering the enemy jets will self laze bombs tanks and other ground vehicles are more susceptible now more than ever.

    - Limiting jets to unguided munitions, this entails the use of Mk82s and rocket pods to dish out area of effect damage (Similar to the play style of the current neophron loadout), would also stop the double team UAV and pilot raping the AO.

    - Removing jets entirely and simply adding a cheetah spawn to ironside.


    About the spawns that @Tungsten has mentioned, I believe that to be a good tiering system for the tanks. Personally I believe the spawn timers should only exist for spawn 3.

    My question revolves around the Spawn 3 category, with the Rhino it poses the best possible weapon in the game ATGM-LGs which can hit a target at massive ranges over terrain + the Rhino is an air-droppable chassis, similarly the Angara is the best tank in the game. Spawn 3 should be the Rhino and the Angara on a 30-60 minute timer. With the K variant being a side reward.


    Sadly the AA Nyx is pretty useless as previously mentioned, a possibility to fix such would be to edit the tank to have radar (5-6km range at least). 

  12. 3 minutes ago, Lachlan said:

    is the i7 a better cpu then the i5's?

    Depends on a generation by generation basis. The you had listed has 4 cores and 8 threads while the newest i5 has 6 cores and 6 threads. The reason why the i5 8600k is better is that its a new generation of Intel CPUs.

    5 minutes ago, Lachlan said:


    what's a good motherboard for a good price?

    Around $170-200 for a good overclocking motherboard. For the i7 7700k you would have to go with a Z270/Z170 board to overclock. With a i5 8600k you need a Z370 board.


    6 minutes ago, Lachlan said:


    and can you elaborate on this please

    Basically the MSI Armor cooler is so poor. The heat sink size is very insufficient for the amount of heat the GPU output and due to poor fan design (Which results in an audible coil whine) and the relatively small heat sink portion this card will be running on higher fan speeds which creates more noise. 

    • Like 1

  13. A couple issues I have:

    - 7700k is a bit dated at this point, the i5 8600k is cheaper while having more cores

    - Going for a 7700k and a cheap B250 motherboard is not the greatest option, especially when Arma 3 thrives on clockspeed

    - Again like the previous comment, that motherboard can't overclock, so going with a large air cooler won't really do much for you

    - 1070ti is a good choice, but the Armor specifically has a underwhelming cooler for anything greater than a GTX 1070.


    Something like this would be better: https://www.pccasegear.com/sc/xzv

    - i5 8600k with a good CPU cooler and overclocking motherboard

    - HDD you listed was out of stock

    - MX500 is as fast as the 850 EVO and is cheaper

    • Clap 1

  14. Testing through some of the vehicles and have tested that the 20mm Auto cannon cannot hull damage any IFV, only Track/Turret/Engine damage. So its a no go for using the AWC against other AFVs, but it seems to be good against ifrits and such. The AWC can sustain .50 APDS and 20mm AP, anything other will kill it. The MGS is resistant to 20mm and 30mm AC fire with 40mm and above killing it. The 120mm/125mm on the MGS and T-140 respectively behave like their current ingame counterparts would.

    The AWC can be slung by Taru/Huron. "DIS GONNA BE GUD".

    Prowlers have an AT variant with a Titan, Qillians have a AT variant with a Metis.

    Slat armor will protect against RPG-eqsue systems. (RPG-42/7, MAAWS, Metis) and HEAT tank projectiles. Slat armor is most effectively defeated via HE (Destroys most of Slat on the vehicle/ side) or Armor piercing (Goes straight through).

    ERA plating on tanks now can block all kinds of tank ammunition and AT missiles (Slammer UP, Varsuk).



    • Pogchamp 1

  15. So from my knowledge what we are getting (Real life counter parts): 

    - Germany, Wiesel AWC 1 and or 2 (Nyx Armoured weapons carrier, AAF). These vehicles where produced in 1993, and are a multi-role armoured fighting vehicle (NATO technical term), they serve multiple roles including being armed with AA, AT missiles or autocannons, being used as an ambulance vehicle or being used as an APC. The Wiesel 1 was most commonly used with a 20mm auto cannon or fitted with ATGMS, the Wiesel 2 was used with a 25mm auto cannon or anti air missiles.

    - Italy, B1 Centauro (Rhino MGS, NATO). The Centauro was produced in 1991, while its turret doesn't seem to directly imitate the Arma 3 model its hull and gun do share visual similarities and share the same calibre. Apart from the 105mm and 120mm calibre tank destroyer variants, it has a 25mm armed auto cannon variant, a 76mm SPAAG variant and a 155mm artillery variant. In the game we see the 120mm variant.

    - Russian Federation, T-14 Armata (T-140 Angara, CSAT). This vehicle and its Infantry Fighting Vehicle counter part, the T-15 were initally shown off at a Military parade in 2015. The T-14 specifically has a unmanned turret with a 125mm gun that is capable of firing normal projectiles (HEAT, HE and APFSDS) while also being to fire Thermobaric (HE essentially) and Tandem-HEAT ATGMs out of the barrel. As mentioned previously the T-15 is based on the same chassis and uses a single 30mm cannon and four ATGM launchers. Prototypes of this tank exist using a 152mm cannon.

  16. These songs based on the opening, context or other cool shit.


    Black Sabbath - WarPigs

    The Black Dahlia Murder - What a Horrible Night to have a Curse

    Celtic Frost - Danse Macabre

    Dragon Force - Through the Fire and Flames

    Five Finger Death Punch - Lift Me Up

    Ghost - From the Pinnacle to the Pit

    Hatebreed - Looking Down the Barrel of Today

    Judas Priest - Pain Killer

    Kreator - Totalitarian Terror

    Lamb of God - Footprints

    Mastodon - Blood and Thunder

    Motorhead - Ace of Spades

    Pantera - Walk

    Sabaton - Screaming Eagles

    Witchery - Nosferatu


    Mesuggah - Bleed
