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Posts posted by Matsozetex

  1. If we do have a battalion, would it be possible to have a semi realistic name?


    - 1st Independent Company (First Australian Commandos)

    - 26th Battalion (Australian soldiers who stole a German A7V in WW1)

    - 2nd Australian Imperial Force (Australian volunteer soldiers who fought against all axis nations during WW2)


    • Like 1

  2. 4 hours ago, Tungsten said:

    just keep it as is, adding an overly complex script is just encouraging Murphey's Law and also adding to the workload of dev team in implementing and maintaining the server, and besides, that lase is really only an issue if you forget it exists

    The scripts already exist for base, so rather than my option just copy and paste the scripts from the ones at base


  3. @InfamousNova 

    Agreed on that part, the service at base has cool downs to prevent spamming or a "touch and go" mentality.

    A way to probably solve that would be to give a R&R timer/cool down.

    For Rearm it should be based on the amount of Ammo shot where each type of round has a specific coefficient to the number of shells needed to be reloaded. I.e A kuma 120mm may have a co-efficient of 2 or a 6.5mm round may have a coefficient of 0.02,  say if someone shoots 10 120mm Kuma rounds they will be rearming for 20 seconds (2*10) or they shoot 200 6.5mm rounds they will rearm for 4 seconds (0.02*200) this will work provided there is a some cool down between sessions of R&R (5 seconds between each weapon system).

    For the other R, repair, have a repair speed based on the % HP of the vehicle. I.e for every % of health you gain you spend amount of seconds repairing, an example may be a specific coefficient of 0.6*% needed to get to 100 where a tank on 50% health would spend 30 seconds (50*0.6) repairing. The same ruling could be applied to refuel but at a faster rate, as it is a easier task realistically.

    TL;DR make rearming, refuelling and repair have cool downs according to what is needed to be rearmed (Ammo amount and type), repaired (Amount of hp to be gained to reach 100%) and refuelled (% needed to reach 100%).



    • thinking3d 2

  4. Firstly, I understand in a logistical way, the bobcat is an extremely powerful tool in delivering Ammo, Repair and Refuel in one platform. However the current method of balancing such power feels a bit too harsh, as it is spotted by Missile Troops, Tanks, Helicopters and Jets well out of their engagement range and killed at the sleight of hand. 


    Instead of reverting to an alternate method of balance, use the already existing methods of balance:

    - Speed, it is terribly slow with a 50km/h top speed and 60km/h if you happen to throw it off a cliff.

    - Armour, its armour can sustain auto cannon fire which is expected for a platform based off an early Merkava model but it is easily destroyed by large calibre cannons. EDIT 1: 30mm rounds have a 1/10 chance of frontal pen of a bobcat and will cleave through its side armour.

    - Size, the bobcat is not a small vehicle, nor is it easy to move in a dried up river bed, it is often a big target and cannot move to cover easily if being engaged.

    - Weapons, only armed with a 6.5mm machine gun which can sometimes fail to damage an Ifrit.

    Considering these characteristics above, the logistical power of such a machine does not seem too powerful when you have to take into effect its performance in combat scenarios, let alone travelling to combat.


    Open to hear opinions on whether the Bobcat should(n't) keep its perma laze or other ways to balance the machine.

    • thinking3d 1

  5. Quote

    Toxic player slagging off most of the players on I&A on the forums. You make some valid suggestions, yet no one wants to hear them when you're being an asshole.

    I do expose/slag those who are absolute cancer (Trolling, TK, Griefing, etc) because they are asshats, in a recent post about Mines I did call out a few players for their incorrect and ass-like in game conduct because not only was it affecting those involved in the controversy (the people placing the mines) but those players continued to troll and grief others for seemingly no reason.

    This goes both ways, you can slag me, heck, doing so will help to adjust my spectrum (Not the autistic one, the serious to meme one), I know I can will be an asshat most if not all of the time but if you tell me where I am doing wrong (Being too memey) I will hold myself back and be serious. 

    17 hours ago, Travesty said:

    Toxic player slagging off most of the pilots on the TS channel when they make a mistake. You want to improve pilot skill? Be a voice of encouragement and support, not ridicule and scorn.

    I understand many people may not get the Shit Pilot meme and I understand there is a buffet of other reasons why a pilot may crash or perform a certain action, Shit Pilots for me personally has become synonymous with mocking whining bitches (Including me) that complain about little idiosyncrasies or random shit they hate about what a pilot has done, and this joke is very hypocritical as I can barely fly a helicopter without getting taken out by the enemy, let alone the map.

    I do want to show my gratitude for pilots as they are the small break between the autism at the AO and the retardation at base and I will try to express more gratitude in the future.

    18 hours ago, Travesty said:

    Limited viewpoint due to a chronic case of Rectal Cranial Inversion. Google it, then see a doctor.

    I've been working on that, like with the whole CAS thing and other topics I get very shitty with it because I generally think about myself rather than the community and balance. I've learned to put myself in the shoes of others whether it be those flying using AFM or infantry spending years running around the AO picking up scraps from what CAS has left, I am too used to thinking in a narrow sense and need to broaden my view, I will definitely work on that!


    General combative nature. Again, being an asshole.

    Yeah, definitely, I rage at this game and act irrationally most if not all of the time, but i am trying to take it slow and think before I speak.....To bad I couldnt learn that when i was twelve.



  6. Quote

    Players that think they're superior, but are just as bad, if not worse, for thinking so (you).

    Piloting I'm shit, hence the constant shit pilots thing, Infantry, I'm shit at PvP hence I&A and Milsim


    Players that constantly stir the pot and make things 10x worse (also you).

    Yes, indeed, let the Angery flow through me

  7. On 29/09/2017 at 3:46 PM, MasGamerPro said:

    This would take quite a bit of effort to create and also i do not agree with this myself. If you want to stop people getting in... Don't! just let them in and work together with them and stop bitching to them to get out, never works.

    Yes, my experiences of this have been:

    - Idiots wasting the ammo

    - Idiots team killing

    - Idiots ejecting/moving AI in the vehicle

    - Idiots moving my vehicle while shooting

    - Idiots moving my vehicle while lazing

    - Idiots moving my vehicle in front of enemy tanks


    TLDR: I wouldn't need this if idiots didn't exist

    • Like 1

  8. I forgot to mention that this post exists to appease the whiny players who complain about CAS being OP, so this is to strike a balance between logistical expenses and power to operate CAS.

    The Blackfoot could easily exist in its Stock Format, but putting DARs doesn't fit the playstyle of the vehicle, with a god-awful engine It cannot sustain itself in a dive and pull up without lawn darting, rather its 20mm cannon DAGRs and ASRAAMs server the role of being an Anti-Armor or Anti-Air helicopter. It has more of a passive role than the Kajman active attack role. So instead I'm asking for a return to the stock blackfoot loadout.

    For the blackfoot and kajman specifically their power comes from the Radar system that allows them to "Lock" on to vehicles thats why they specifically benefit from having DAGRs or Skalpels, and because of their once known characteristic of having missiles this made them unique to all other helicopter types

    The problem with the Kajman is that a lot of players are spearheading an Anti-CAS movement, often blaming issues and problems on CAS despite the infantry not calling it in or being careless in their lazing. Even calling CAS overall as overpowered despite RoE in place, which has led to the removal of ATGMs on aircraft as a whole. Knowing how whiney some will get if the restore the stock Kajman I am trying to balance the amount of missiles by increasing the logistical effort required to sustain a Kajman by offering less Skalpels or giving AGMs.

    With the Orca I kinda ****ed up there, instead of the traditional loadout of 6.5mm minigun and DAGRs it is given the decent, but overlapping loadout of the cannon and Skyfires. Yet again, the Orca like the Kajman, like the Blackfoot should be restored to its original or close to its original loadout. This would still be balanced as the Orca requires a laze in order for the DAGRs to do precision strikes on enemy targets as of the Jet DLC with the addition of Radar.

    The Neophron loadout listed there is the current in game loadout with no changes, that just exists as a comparison to the wipeout which is "Totally balanced".

    The Xian reward/eegg should have some form of weapon system other than the 30mm, the 30mm works in circumstances where the vehicle is hovering and the gunner can kill targets but it needs at least some dumbfire rockets to be able to do something when zipping around at high speeds in "Jet" mode. The normal spawn Xian exists as transport only and of course the armed Xian will cannibalise the base Xian, however out of the wide reward pool that comes with side mission rewards the chance of getting the Xian, let alone any armed air vehicle is quite low and adjustments should be made to ensure the vehicle is "Worth it".



  9. I've found in most situations the a Kajman with just skyfires doesn't serve the overall playstyle that the Kajman provides, yes Skyfires can be useful in their own right for area of effect damage to an infantry squad or light vehicle, however for the main playstyle of most attack helicopters of staying at bay outside the AO letting out ATGMs, DAGRs or letting the gunner rip into enemies doesn't synchronise well with Skyfires, in that case a more acceptable weapon platform would be a hellcat or a pawnee. The Kajman should not receive any Skyfires or nothing but, it should receive skyfires along with a weapon system capable of dealing damage to more armoured targets.

    The issue with FSG is caused by the same issue with CAS, no one bothers calling it in. Theoretically, mortars are used incorrectly for the circumstance, if mortars could soften a target before infantry can enter FSG could work, however regarding how mortars are used now where it require infantry approval for fire missions it makes the use of mortars limited.

    Yeah with the Neophron its mostly a aircraft focused on bombing (Lazed) and rockets, and with recent nerfs to its gun it has made it more defined. However the wipeout almost seems to triumph the Neophron in all categories except for bomb size and rocket pod size, even the larger bombs on the Neophron are simply ruled out by the fact that the wipeout still carries 4 bombs despite two of them being unguided (Free bombing is accurate as heck). I wouldn't abstain from the wipeout having its two Mk 82's removed at all to be honest.

  10. After recent changes to the CAS loadouts, some loadouts make little sense in relation to the playstyle of the vehicle. So I am here to present some loadouts that may better define the loadouts of vehicles. Vehicles that will remain uneffected by this will be the Hellcat and Pawnee as their miniguns and DARs fit the playstyle of light, gun-run CAS.


    The characteristic advantages that helicopters have over jets is that they should have some form of guided missile system.


    AH-99 Blackfoot:

    Its stock Arma Loadout hits really close to what the vehicle is meant to play like, it acts as a sentry, guarding areas of the sky with its 4x ASRAAMs (Stock) and DAGRs to deal with some armor. Its stock loadout of:

    4x ASRAAM and 24x DAGRs

    Is still a decent loadout, the Blackfoot performs well as a little AA helicopter if you can call it that, but one improvement to make it less overpowered and maybe require more logistics while still maintaining its Anti-Amour power is to replace the DAGR pods with a Skalpel on each side, this will enable the blackfoot to kill two vehicles before returning to base as the 20mm minigun is unable to kill armored targets, while the DAGR pods allow the vehicle to spend 4-6 rockets per vehicle enabling it to kill 4-6 targets. Which makes it

    4x ASRAAM and  2x Skalpel


    Mi-48 Kajman

    This helicopter stock is probably way to overpowered in terms of its use on the server with its

    8x Skalpel and 38x Skyfire

    However to balance this helicopter considering it has a 30mm cannon which with APDS can decimate everything but armour I am proposing two possible loadouts:

    6x Skalpel and 38x Skyfire

    Which aims to reduce the spam of skalpels by reducing the overall amount of them.


    38x Skyfire and 2x Sharur

    Which aims to give the Kajman two large missiles, again increasing the logistic burden of having to retreat to the base, but it also guarantees kills for enemy armor

    Both loadouts keep the additional rocket pods to give the Kajman an AOE weapon to deal with large squads of infantry or light vehicles.


    PO-30 Orca

    This helicopter in its orginial configuration is a capable light vehicle attacker fitted with

    1x 6.5 minigun and 12x DAGRs

    However DAGRs while weak when fired one shot at a time, a whole pod of them can easily kill 3-4 vehicles, similar to the suggestions made about the blackfoot, the Orca would see an addition of skalpel's or possibly ASRAAMs, however the idea of the Orca being a missile carrier doesn't bode well so I am supposing making it fit for AOE damage/Light vehicles differing from the Hellcat and Pawnee in that it receives

    1x Twin 20mm Cannon Pod and 19x Skyfire


     Jets that are going to be addressed are CAS jets as they are in the middle of an identity crisis. Jets are being kept unique from the helicopters as they are the only vehicles to be equipped with large rocket pods and bombs.


    A-164 Wipeout

    The main focus on this jet I feel is its cannon, its cannon has an incredible ability to destroy anything, and anything that is has difficulties with can be alleviated with bombs, for balancing this plane I've considered removing the GBU's by restrained from such as it removes the coordination between CAS and JTAC for good effect. I propose keeping the Wipeout with its 2x Mk82's and 2x GBU's along with the 2x Falchion but removing the rockets as (1) the role of rockets is replaced with the main gun of the Wipeout and the Mk82s and (2) the 7x rocket pods are negligible when it comes to dealing AOE damage. Therefore the loadout is

    2x Falchion, 2x GBU-12 and 2x Mk 82


      TO-199 Neophron

    On the other hand, the Neophron has three distinct advantages over the wipeout: Speed, bomb size and rockets. For this loadout of:

    20x Tratnyr AP, 20x Tratnyr HE, 2x Sahr-3, 2x LOM-250G

    This existing loadout should be kept to exemplify the advantages of the Neophron over the wipeout. 


    Y-32 Xian

    Unsure how to change this one, I've been jumping around a couple loadouts such as

    2x LOM-250G, 40x AP/HE Trantyr


    2x Skalpel, 40x AP/HE Trantyr

    Since it can be used as both a jet and a plane (Looking for opinions on this).



    I'm ready for any critiques regarding each loadout and I am able to explain further if need be.

    • Wait What? 1
    • Facepalm 1
    • thinking3d 1

  11. @Tungsten Exactly, current CAS roles have seen less usage, when there is not UAV operator CAS may receive one or two lazes tops per AO as most infantry on the server will happily get killed by vehicles and make no attempt to call CAS on it. I've nearly compared it to an ethical dilemma, where you can choose to help the infantry with vehicles and risk getting a warning or a kick Or leave them to die.

    What doesn't help is the change of loadouts for a lot of the armed air vehicles which may them near useless, such as the Skyfire Kajman or DARs on a blackfoot. Instead of giving everything dumb fire rockets due to "CAS Power Creep" define the roles of vehicles to a greater extent instead of blanket nerfing everything. I'll make a post of suggested vehicle loadouts later today to explore this.

    • Like 1

  12. Oh sorry I wasn't specific enough, any armed vehicle should have crew slots lockable, but passenger slots open. I.e the Marshall's Gunner, driver and Commander slots are locked but the passenger slots are not. Or in cases where there is no passenger slots, I.e Cheetahs and Bobcats the vehicle's entry is locked to the regular player without some sort of verification (Being in the group).

    • thinking3d 1

  13. I think I can vouch for most of those who drive tanks *cough SNAFU cough Aussie Dave, that having some random pleb jump in your vehicle and proceed to do something stupid is the worst. Whether you are in a bobcat defending the HQ, a tank taking out enemy vehicles from a hill or a Strider lazing a target the entitled prick jumping into your vehicle is the worst, especially when vehicles such as the bobcat average a speed of 40-50kmh and having to drive to every AO.

    The way to solve this would to be a locking feature, this could be:

    - A scroll action, similar to that of turret safety where a player who wants to lock their vehicle just chooses the scroll action while in it

    - A limitation to those entering can only be in the person's group to enter the vehicles

    - A limitation to those entering can only enter in passenger seats of that vehicle

    Obviously these apply to ground vehicles and do not apply to helicopters or any other aircraft for logical reasons.

    The lock will "deactivate" as soon as the "Key carrier" has left the vehicle and hasnt returned in 30 minutes and this timer is reset when the "Key carrier" re enters their vehicle.

    This feature if implemented will improve quality of life for tank players, and it is understood that this is a "Public" server and cooperation is key but having some random purposely troll you or neglect the current situation and take your vehicle for a joy ride is stupid and preventable, by implementing a lock vehicle system.

    • Like 1

  14. From what Im guessing this was in reference to Laws of War release day when mine dispensers were being used. I have a few pointers on how me and other guys where using them.

    1. Side Chat announcements were given regarding our actions

    2. The map was marked with the location of the mines

    3. Mine detectors were equipped so that ALL of blufor could see the explosive markers

    The fact that people kept running in to them despite all warnings and marking was not our fault but the fault of careless players. Mines are effective against enemies, but can just be as effective against friendlies if bumble****s roll right into them.

    Note: In relation to the night in question, I am sad to say the holes in your point are exacerbated, not only did people who were against this mine defence thing team kill, not revive, team kill medics reviving, stealing vehicles and even hiding our bodies (Skippy and BotMedic) but they were actively deleting our mine markers. It does not bode well if we are trying to alert you of our minefields but you fail to recognise its existence or even try to hide its existence by deleting markers (Tack). During this time abuse was being flung at admins, especially @M9' which led to a kick of BotMedic.


