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Posts posted by Cake

  1. PZ4ZHuE.png

    Welcome to Edition, 4! of the Altis life ROAD-MAP. We have plenty to share this week, seeing as though as I didn't share anything last Saturday, I shall make it up to you all with this weeks! I know.. I know "CAKE IT'S THURSDAY NOT SATURDAY!" I'm busy all this weekend yet-again starting early tomorrow morning and well I'm not letting you guys miss out again and have to go two weeks without an update so today is the best I can give.

    Since my last update given, (June, 4th.) we've ticked many things as complete and worked on new things to enhance game play for you all, as well as adding a few things for entertainment or touching a thing or two here just.. for well.. Update purposes, giving you a new feel and such. Those who read my first ROAD-MAP post would've seen "If a Development road-map thread is not posted one-week this is due to no development changes to the road-map and we're continuing with last's week's addition." Seeing as though as I didn't post one last Saturday, you now understand why.  Although I'd still would've liked to post one to even just give you guys a little more information but sadly I was busy and was unable to make it on Saturday and I wasn't going to post it on a Sunday.. that's death penalty. I'm receiving it anyway for posting this on a Thursday

    But from my last update we stuck to completing everything under "Upcoming" and can say that progress was made over the past two weeks, and a lot. I want to quickly apologise for not giving you all an update last Saturday, I know.. Must of be depressing.. As well as again saying thank you all for your patience for waiting for this update.

    Both Kerry and I have already started mucking around on Tanoa, exciting it truly is. Different, yes. But WE like different. We've already slowly starting working on "Sydney" as such on Tanoa but nothing is official, and if I had to give you a completion percent I'd say 4% or so. Yeah! LOT'S OF PROGRESS! We're really excited to release this update and as soon as it hits public and all runs smoothly with no bugs both Kerry and myself will be heading straight to Tanoa to muck around more with that "4%" progression we've done. We want to build up a Tanoa Life and as usual release updates like this to see the communities feedback on if they actually want to go for it. Sadly this most likely won't happen for a while as the HUGE problem is that you need a DLC to play it, which hurts.

    In another developing news, I finally got my Map-editor user badge on the forums, yay me.



    Alright from my last post I gave you all 5 screenshots to view over and possibly scream at. I'll be releasing more screenshots but let's try and stay in our chairs? I'll even chuck in a little extra as a "sorry" from myself for me missing a road-map thread last Saturday. Now I can happily say that Sydney.is.complete. I repeat, SYDNEY.IS.COMPLETE. Everything in Sydney has changed and everything is fully completed, our work in Sydney is finally complete. It's been an insane few weeks hammering through Sydney and changing things throughout it. We hope that you guys will love the new look of Sydney. Sydney isn't the only place we've worked on though, we've made changes all around the map.

    Things have been detailed, so it looks correct. I won't go into too much detail but I'll release some, have you ever walked into Centrelink... and it's completely empty with just some guy? YES! Well, that's changed. We wanted to create small environments to make it feel like they're going into a place that's correct looking.. Centrelink has an office now guys, I know. KEEP CALM. The Sydney bank also got detail, to make it feel like you're robbing a god damn vault and not just some lazy, cash register that has 50 cents in it. As well as many other places, Most places have been detailed to fit the role they have. 

    Correct texturing of signs has been a huge pain and extremely slow with the amount of textures that are actually needed. I'll tell you now there's a lot more custom textures than the current update. We want things to look right, put players in an environment that fits and looks correctly or how it should kinda look. Now, sadly we're not lazy. Since we've improved the Hospital in Sydney we thought.. why not have the improved HOSPITAL at every other Hospital around the map, making them all FULLY-FUNCTIONAL so EMS can now RP at any Hospital with the correct equipment. The Hospital isn't the only place we've done this for, we've improved many places and have them all the same around the map so it's not just in one city or so where it looks different. It was strange seeing most detail in one shop in Sydney and going to the same place in a different location and it was just an AI with no effort.. Tsk, tsk. No more!

    Screenshot 1 - 



    Screenshot 2 - 



    Screenshot 3 - 



    Yeah, I'm not removing that graffiti, picture is 10mb.. way too much effort to remove it and re-upload it. 

    Also, as I said earlier. I'll give you a little something extra as a sorry for not posting last week's edition. Now, below is artwork I created just for this little sorry I'm doing. It's a little tiny teaser nothing too major but something to be quite excited for.



    It's not even 50% complete, but we're doing something exciting with Federal Reserve we think you'll all enjoy and like. Next week's edition will most likely have a fairly-lengthy explanation of all this. But for now, enjoy a tiny teaser. It's also a snazzy .GIF if you didn't know.



    Alright, same attack plan as my last post, I'll be posting my last "UPCOMING" changes and crossing out / adding things.

    Two week's ago edition - 
        Better looking jail (Requested by an in-mate)
    ⦁    Government have funded a Life-saving HQ
    ⦁    Government have funded office materials for Sydney Bank
    ⦁    Government have funded more pathways around Sydney
    ⦁    Government have funded Construction areas 
    ⦁    Business owners have deals with each other on swapping places
    ⦁    I've brought some friends over to help me with the Rebel markets at Gang bases (Thanks Jeffery, Frank and Harry)
    ⦁    Sydney gun-store owner has finally decorated his building
    ⦁    Gang-hideout #2 owner disliked his neighborhood and has relocated
    ⦁    A secret organisation has funded in an overhaul for Rebel outpost #1


    This week's edition - 
    ⦁    Better looking jail (Requested by an in-mate)
    ⦁    Government funded a Life-saving HQ
    ⦁    Government  funded office materials for Sydney Bank
    ⦁    Government  funded more pathways around Sydney
    ⦁    Government  funded Construction areas 
    ⦁    Government funded an overhaul of Hospital 
    ⦁    Government funded in a Heliport for Civilians and Police
    ⦁    Government funded in a re-location of Police P.D as well as improvements
    ⦁    Government funded a TAXI HQ
    ⦁    Government funded an overhaul for Petrol stations
    ⦁    Business owners have deals with each other on swapping places
    ⦁    I've brought some friends over to help me with the Rebel markets at Gang bases (Thanks Jeffery, Frank and Harry)
    ⦁    Sydney gun-store owner has finally decorated his building
    ⦁    Gang-hideout #2 owner disliked his neighborhood and has relocated
    ⦁    A secret organisation has funded in an overhaul for Rebel outpost #1
    ⦁    Funding a new real-environment Paintball arena
    ⦁    Civilians spawn elsewhere in Sydney


    What may come out at a later-date - 
    ⦁    Trying to have the Government place in Apartments / Units
    ⦁    Having Oil rigs
    ⦁    Trying to have the Government fund a re-location of Federal Reserve
    ⦁    Trying to have the Government fund a new, working Police Checkpoint
    ⦁    Meeting with a secret organisation on having a re-location of where Slave's go
    ⦁    More robbable places
    ⦁    Nightclubs, free nachos will be provided.
    ⦁    Official, nice looking, decorative court house
    ⦁    Gang flags
    ⦁    Seasonal themes

    We've stepped things up this week and adding quite a few things to this list, of course this isn't everything as we're still keeping a few things hidden but slowly releasing things to this every week to show you what's being added. Because we're assholes we're never going to go into detail about anything on these lists, we want you all to be excited.



    So, in conclusion. I wish to apologise yet again for missing last Saturday's post, it's not like me to miss something and if I do I normally have something prepared before hand to get it done, last Saturday I had nothing it was so unexpected and hectic that I didn't get time. But this week's I did. 
    I'm hoping this week's edition makes it up to you guys with the screenshots, lot's of details, things added to the UPCOMING section as well as the extra bit of information I gave about the Federal Reserve.

    ⦁    No ETA on release, Although that loading bar gives you a nice indication on when we could be done...
    ⦁    Sydney is fully complete
    ⦁    Upcoming changes improved
    ⦁    Federal reserve teaser
    ⦁    Loads of detail has been added to make things belong correctly

    We want to thank you all for the wonderful journey you're all following us on, I made these for something different, to allow the community to always have feedback and make sure you guys know what we're up to as well as just update you all along our journey. We cannot thank you all enough for the support and patience you guys are giving us.



    If you'd like to suggest things go - HERE

    Thanks @Kerry for the hard work put in as well as the Hours,
    Thanks Server admins / mods for keeping it clean,
    Thank you community for continuing to play on Altis life!

    We out!

    • Like 4

  2. PZ4ZHuE.png

    Welcome to Edition, 3! of the Altis life ROAD-MAP. We have way more things to share with you guys than last week's edition, and honestly we're really excited to share it! We appreciate the patience you're all having with the map update.

    Since the 28th, May, Saturday. (Last Saturday) we've been extremely busy developing new things we think all players will find enjoyment out of. My game-time to play on Altis life has cut back quite a bit to only playing at Nights for a few hours now whilst developing all day to really smash through this map. I'm happy to say that we are 4 steps closer to releasing, but we're taking 2 steps back to over-look things we've done and make sure we haven't broken / mucked something up, we want everything to look right and correct. We're doing this so we have a smooth update, bug-free. We don't wish to release something that will cause things to break or have a large amounts of bugs as we wish to continue to develop after releasing this map and we don't want to have to re-trace our steps and tweak / fix things we stuffed up when we can be working and releasing new things. So hold on whilst we re-trace our footsteps and progression to look for bugs and other. 

    We want to thank the community for posting suggestions for the Development road-map, some of the suggestions were absolutely fantastic, other's were also quite amazing for just a down-time, enjoyable thing. We thank you all for putting in those suggestions as you've helped us create things that not only you like but others will as well. All suggestions were taken into consideration, most made it whilst a few were not. Sadly the form has been put to private so only Kerry and I can view it and track our progress through it, we had it public for 2 weeks as a small "Thank-you" to the community and you could see what we worked on, what we finished and such. Now you'll all have to wait patiently on these SATURDAY-UPDATES to see screenshots as well as upcoming changes instead of viewing that. 



    We've been extremely busy from last week to this week working on the map daily! I've got some really exciting news as well as MULTIPLE screenshots to show you. Last week I showed you a single screenshot, this week I'm showing 4. Please note that these screenshots are very early and are not a final showcase as such. Everything you see in all images are SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Please don't expect things to look exactly like this in-game when we release it. This is for you to have a general indication of what could be added. We won't be releasing any information about these screenshots as we want you to use your imagination on what these could be or what could they be used for. You can guess and ask us all you'd like but we won't be saying anything at all.

    Screenshot 1 -


    Screenshot 2 -


    Screenshot 3 - 


    Screenshot 4 - 


    You probably noticed "Coming soon" in one of the pictures above, Kerry and I have agreed upon the decision to place all players inside a forever-changing environment. Custom construction sites with different sizes every time to fit our needs will be placed here and there on the map. These construction sites are what we call "Live-development" area's, things we don't find a priority but would like added in the future will be placed on a custom-textured billboard with a construction site around it allowing players to know that something in the near future (2 weeks to a month) there will be an update on where that area has been completed and something new is there. 

    We've called over the workers from Stratis to come work for us here on Altis and give Kerry and I a helping hand with creating what we need added in-game, these workers work 24/7 through storms and all to get what we need done. They have no interaction with other people as they're focused on creating things for us. The Government was kind enough to fund both the workers and Kerry and I for Construction sites as well as all costs of what's being placed there. These construction sites will be placed over the map on where things will be added in a future update.

    The construction area's are messy with rubbish left from the Workers as well as unstable things here and there, for this reason it's a health and safety issue. We've let the workers block off construction area's with fencing for everyone's safety, sadly we have those that break the rules and tend to find themselves exploring it late at night / early mornings, Kerry and I, workers nor the Government can be hold accountable for whatever happens as you've been warned. 

    The workers have signed up to a long-term contract with Kerry and I to also help us over on Tanoa once we find it's location on the map. But that isn't very important at the time being for neither them or us. The Government and workers wishes to apologise in advance for any noise they create whilst working on the area as they may be situated around housings were people may be trying to sleep.

    We are hoping all players feel like they're in a forever changing environment once we start placing these down and having them updated with something there in the next update. 



    I'll be posting last week's edition of the "Upcoming" section as things have changed and we've ruled a few things out from that as well as adding a few more things.

    Last week's edition - 

    • Better looking jail (Requested by an in-mate)
    • More things that can be robbed 
    • Nightclubs (Don't drink too much, under cover cops might be watching)
    • Life saving HQ (Just in-case you're drowning) 

    This week's edition - 

    • More things that can be robbed  
    • Nightclubs (Don't drink too much, under cover cops might be watching)
    • Better looking jail (Requested by an in-mate)
    • Government have funded a Life-saving HQ
    • Government have funded office materials for Sydney Bank
    • Government have funded more pathways around Sydney
    • Government have funded Construction areas 
    • Business owners have deals with eachother on swapping places
    • I've brought some friends over to help me with the Rebel markets at Gang bases (Thanks Jeffery, Frank and Harry)
    • Sydney gun-store owner has finally decorated his building
    • Gang-hideout #2 owner disliked his neighbourhood and has relocated
    • A secret organistation has funded in an overhaul for Rebel outpost #1

    What may come out at a later-date - 

    • Trying to have the Government place in Apartments / Units
    • Trying to fund a new Paintball arena using real surroundings
    • Having Oil rigs



    As you can see we've been busy, we've released many new things for you guys in the upcoming area so you all have an indication of what may be coming out, that is also a SUBJECT TO CHANGE as we may find things not so much of a priority etc. I thank you all tuning it and following on our Development updates, we enjoy hearing people say "I like what they've done with this and that", "I can't wait for this and that", "I like this and that" it's nice to hear people enjoy our ideas and such. Our goal is to have everyone shocked when they play, kinda like they're new to the server and have no idea where things are, that's what we want. We don't want players to be bored so we're busting our ass's off to change it around. 

    • No ETA on release
    • Busy as all heck, and only getting busier
    • Live-development released
    • Upcoming changes improved
    • Suggestions form gone private


    If you'd like to suggest things go - HERE

    Thanks @Kerry for the hard work put in as well as the Hours,
    Thanks Server admins / mods for keeping it clean,
    Thank you community for continuing to play on Altis life!

    We out!

    • Like 4

  3. 1 minute ago, Warden said:

    I can't open my mission file in the 2D editor is that normal?



    Don't try and open it, just grab the ID'S from the area you're trying to remove. Then go back into EDEN and re-open your mission

  4. Just now, Cjay said:

    Is this only for trees bushes etc or does it also work for buildings and other stuff along those lines because i have only seen people being able to remove destructable objects.

    Works for

    • All buildings in-game
    • Trees
    • Bushes
    • Footpaths
    • Signs
    • (Use grass cutters to remove grass)

    Basically everything on the map is.. technically... erasable.. if you have the ID for it.

  5. Unfortunately EDEN didn't come with a button for building / tree / walkpaths ID'S. To get these ID'S go into 2D editor and up on the tool-bar you'll notice "ID" hit that. ID'S all over the map will pop up.


    Roads / bushes / path ways / trees etc are all 7 numbers long
    Signs are 5 numbers long

    Once you've written it down (or all of them)

     Go back to EDEN, place down an INVISIBLE HELI-PAD and put in the INIT code - 


    delh = [0,0,0] nearestObject 1122078; delh hideObject true;

    Where "1122078" is, is where you place your ID. Do this for all separate ID'S


    Yeah. It's a bitch.

    • Like 1

  6. imageproxy.php?img=http%3A%2F%2Fi.imgur.

    Welcome to Edition, 2 of the Altis Life ROAD-MAP. We have much in-store for you lovely people that are waiting all so patiently for this. Again we appreciate everyone's patience whilst we work on the Map. (Let's not forget to thank the texture designers and behind-the-work scripters that we hardly thank..). 

    Development road-maps is shifting it's post date's to Saturdays. Last edition I said I'll be posting them Weekly on Fridays this has now be changed no reason besides it's easier for myself to post on a Saturday rather than a Friday. So now every Saturday you'll be receiving one these, even after we've released the patch I'll somewhat still release these because we're never finished.

    Since last Monday to now it's been busy... Daily editing and refining things to make them just look...right. We haven't stopped, and the little hours we get to go on the server and muck around we do.. (Thanks cops for picking us up after our boat is stolen when we're fishing in the uncharted waters). Both Kerry and myself have mapped together what we will be doing and what won't be done in this update as we don't wish to release everything in one big hit but keep some things locked away until the appropriate time to release them.

    We also want to thank the community for putting suggestions they'd like adding to the server (Here) you've all been a huge help and a few are in the works as we speak, just a reminder that this will only be public for one more week! After that you won't be able to see what's been completed and what not. So get your suggestions in before time runs out!



    As stated above, it's been busy. We've completed some major things that needed improvements badly (Jail, Market, P.D) and that's all I'll kiss and tell to. We've done some MAJOR OVERHAULS to some places on the map. Things have been swapped around, things re-placed elsewhere.. and some completely new you've never seen before. It's been a busy week and we're keen for another big week ahead of us. 

    would like to release something for the world to see, a minor feature being added and a little overhaul from the current texture.



    Forget where that's placed, don't ask questions because unfortunately nobody will answer that. You can guess all you like what's there, you can guess what's not going there, what was removed.. what have they done? Could this be a trick or not? Nothing will be said. Now, this was just to show off the signs and a very rough photo with little detail been placed in (Things have changed since this photo has been uploaded.. 4 days ago.). But you can see more serious role-play will be added into this soon, cops will be checked.. Be careful.

    Besides that screenshot there, I have no other screenshots I wish to share of what has changed, a few more can be released in next week's edition. We've slowly been going through and evaluating what is a priority and what isn't over on the suggestion road-map (Here). We've completed a few, working on some and having others planned. We're trying to not release so much detail about the upcoming changes, we're just going to drop hints at you and let each and every one of your Altis life players guess. Because we're sick, lunatics. That's why.



    In the screenshot above is confirmed to come into play in the next update, so that is "upcoming". "Cake! Let me know more!"
    Oh sorry. 

    • Better looking jail (Requested by an in-mate)
    • More things that can be robbed 
    • Nightclubs (Don't drink too much, under cover cops might be watching)
    • Life saving HQ (Just in-case you're drowning

    That's all I'll release for now, and of course that was just taken off the suggestions page, but anyway. I'm not releasing things that we've put down and working on that's not posted there, that's crazy. You can wait.

    There's many more things upcoming that I'll release in next week's edition but for now and for this week, that's all you're getting.



    • Screenshot of an upcoming texture change.
    • 1-week left of the public suggestions form.
    • No ETA on release
    • Busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, busy *breathe in*, *release* busy.
    • Released a few upcoming things, but not too many.
    • Dev roadmaps changed dates to now being posted on Saturday's!

    That's all folks, that's all for this weeks edition. Now go play and I'll go look do stuff.


    If you'd like to suggest things go - HERE

    Thanks @Kerry for the hard work put in as well as the Hours,
    Thanks Server admins / mods for keeping it clean,
    Thank you community for continuing to play on Altis life!

    We out!

    • Like 4

  7. EP8hkWq.jpg

    Welcome to the first, of many development update edition-threads. 
    I'm CAKE, I've been working closely with @Kerry for quite some time behind the scenes with the Altis Life map, I've seen what needs to be changed, what is changing, the upcoming changes and also assisting him with the build of the map. (Thanks Skype for making it possible to share screens to see what he's done vice-versa. You da REAL MVP).

    "Cake" you're not a developer or anything, why post this if you're not involved? -
    You're right, bingo.. Ding, ding. I'm not, but I'm been extremely lucky and extremely privileged to have Kerry let me help him. I've also posted this thread so you all have an insight of the road-map with Kerry, you're Map editor. I'm want the community to know the Map developer that puts in a serious amount of time to create a map you all enjoy playing on, as well as all other Altis life developers. (Scripters, Texture designers etc..

    What is "Development road-map"? -
    Lovely question. I will be posting many of these of the course of the road-map we've placed down. @Kerry and I will be working closely with the community to gather ideas, expand the possibilities, open the gates to more role-play as well as keep you all up-to-date on what happens behind the screen. We want each and every one of you Altis life members to feel like you're apart of something that is forever changing for the good. We want you to know the upcoming changes, be hyped for them, talk about them and discuss things. 

    I will be posting many road-maps towards the official release. In these threads you will find all the information you need to be prepared for the update, know the change-log as well as any unfinished things that you should be aware of / bugs. I will be posting these to keep you all up-to-date to know we haven't forgotten about you all and are always working on bringing out new and exciting things.

    Now, as you all know we're always changing things for the better, updating and enhancing things to the best we can. Kerry and I will be working alongside each other for quite some time to push out new and exciting things for the members of Altis Life to enjoy, there is no ETA given by him or myself of when things will start to be released, and to be brutally honest we have yet to discuss when we'll actually finish this project. What I will say is it's going to take an extremely long time (Not too long of course.) to complete. We ask for everyone's patience, not to rush us, annoy us, continue to question us on what could be added / will be added / won't be added / will be removed. They're all secrets, you are all to wait until we release it to find out what actually happens.




    The Development road is long, extremely long. We've got things in the works that could be implemented in a few months time. That being said we have things we want to push out as early as possible. Unfortunately having things rushed causes bugs and errors, which we all don't want. Kerry and I want to make all updates as smooth as possible, for that to happen we're going to have to test everything several times and have other eyes look over it (B-b-beta testers.). Once everyone and everything is approved to be placed in that's when we schedule and update for you Ladies and Gentlemen. Now, of course we are attending to the most important matters on our list first, from there we'll implement minor things as well as just general detail around to make things look prettier and more.. right.

    Now, we want to have the community suggest things to be placed into the server, now.. WE DON'T want to be bombarded with useless suggestions that will have no RP cause and such, so have some serious time to think over what you want added and fill out the form (
    HERE) from there it'll be automatically added to a list for both Kerry and I to visit. (HERE) keep in mind that this will only be public for about 2 weeks, then it'll be going private this is so you can't see what we complete and know what's added to keep it secret. We want to keep everything quiet with no word getting out. For the first 2 weeks that those two are public you will be able to see what we're going to complete and such. This is a small thank you to the community of Altis life for keeping it active and enjoying it, so if you're one of those people that enjoy watching the development or knowing your updates first, I'd watch that and check that daily, things will change.

    For those that suggest, if your idea is liked by Kerry or I we'll try and make it work, we'll spend countless amounts of hours, days and or even weeks to try and make it work with role-play. Unfortunately Kerry and I have both extremely urgent matters to attend to and fix first on the map which will cut down the time we get to fiddle around with your lovely suggestion. But I promise we will get around to it, that's without a doubt. All suggestions will be looked over and considered by both Kerry and I, if we like the idea we'll see it to be approved if needed by our higher-ups and go from there. 




    As stated above in the Dev road (Development road) we've got two pages set up for suggestions as well as the spreadsheet it is placed on. For the 2 weeks it's posted live for all players to see is what could possibly be seen an in upcoming update. NOTE THE *POSSIBLY* it's not 100% sure it will be added to add the suspense of what will and won't be added. We don't want all our players knowing what we'll add, we want them all surprised and shocked of what's changed, for that to occur we need all lips sealed with no hints dropped by anyone. That's tough. Eventually when we're confident we'll release screenshots (Teasers if you please) of things that have been added without showing off too much, just enough to get you excited. 

    So for the upcoming for this post is basically nothing, Kerry and I have nothing to share of what is upcoming. Watch the spreadsheet (
    HERE) if you want a little knowledge of what could be possibly added. Watch over the next couple of weeks for Kerry and I's name to see if we've released anything about upcoming things. Unfortunately, and sorry to disappoint but nothing for this edition of the Development road map.






    • For 2 weeks, the spreadsheet is public to see other's suggestions of what could possibly be added.
    • Huge updates to come into place.
    • Kerry and I are going to decrease our life-span by working on this nearly 24/7.
    • Extremely long road-map.
    • Keep calm, keep patient.. This is going to be huge.
    • More Development Road-maps will be added.

    That's all for this edition of the Road-map, it was a general introduction of what these are, and for you all to get a little understanding of how it's set out. Many more will be posted as stated throughout this thread, I'm aiming to push one of these out weekly on a Friday-night to give you all a little general update. If a Development road-map thread is not posted one-week this is due to no development changes to the road-map and we're continuing with last's week's addition.  


    Thanks for tuning in and taking interest,
    Thank you @Kerry for the extreme amount of hours you're about to put in.

    For the spread-sheet with the suggestions - CLICK ME
    To put a suggestion in - CLICK ME


    • Like 6

  8. 12 hours ago, Jared said:

    I was referred by @Cake

    @Spectral | 1 point for Gryffindor? 


    Anyway glad you actually signed up to the forums Jared. All the cool news, upcoming events, event suggestions, development and what not is all posted around here.
    If you ever need a hand with anything, find myself in help-desk and come ask a question.. If you're unsure or still learning the rules (Read up on them here) enjoy the life of a Cartel.

    Enjoy Strayagaming and all that it has to offer
    And have fun. ♥

    • Like 4

  9. Hi and welcome to SG
    Glad to hear you're enjoying I&A (Invade and Annex) I enjoy playing from time-to-time strategical with a group of boys.

    Use teamspeak whenever, most members around the community start-up Teamspeak as soon as they boot up the computer, to either play with a few members, have a chat, or discuss issues / matters that need to be resolved with eachother. There's no set-times to be on and off from it, join whenever and go into any channel, members will either be in the channel or will eventually join depending on the time you're on. 

    To work as part as a time for I&A - Join the Teamspeak find the allocated channels for I&A (You'll live in them if you play I&A all the time). Talk and use your comms correctly, calling out directions, bearings, areas etc.. If you're a pilot get to know and coordinate correctly with your pilots. The other channels have the same rules applied, get to know them have a few chats etc most importantly do have fun.

    The channels allocated for I&A are these (Be advised I have a custom skin for teamspeak, so your's wont look like this obviously.)


    If you're unable to find these channels, just hit CRTL + F and type in "Invade" and it should pop up for you. 


    Over time you'll get to know people that play quite frequently and what not, you'll also make friends that's easy. I advise you to read up on the I&A rules (Here) so you don't get into trouble from any Mods / Admins on the server. 

    If you ever need help, feel free to join Teamspeak, find the Help-desk channels and any support member (Green, Red ticks / Mods & Admins) will help you with whatever question you have.

    Best of luck,
    Glad to hear you enjoy the I&A server 
    AND most importantly have fun ♥

    • Like 4

  10. Many thanks for the event Spectral, was honestly a blast even from just spectating the event.


    Huge shout-out to everyone, made 300k+ from all the revives and such. Thanks for supporting the Cake foundation.

    • Like 2

  11. 21 minutes ago, John Paul said:

    Another amazing video. Have put the video in the featured video widget on the sidebar. Maybe your next one could be rebel 1/2 spawn or a drug dealer/field/processor

    ???????? for that, honestly didn't expect that at all. Also ???????? for suggesting the next area ♥

  12. 8nBNWUg.png


    Damnnnnnn Cake, back at it again with the timelapse.

    I gave up on trying to get an aerial shot of the Market with a Police drone or hovering a helicopter at a certain distance so instead I gathered my footage from elsewhere.
    Another 24-hour in-game time lapse of the most common area Sydney market.  



    Next timelapse? You decide!


    Thanks Sebastian for tazing me several times and too worried trying to get a naked civilian off the roof causing no-harm than someone stealing a police SUV right next you to.
    You da real MVP! 

    Sorry I hardly dealt with people in Help-desk today, was more focused on making this lmao, don't kill me.

    • Like 9

  13. I enjoy looking at the Lifesaving HQ, but unfortunately you never took screenshots of it at a night to see if it was lit up enough and what not.

    Suggestions - 

    • Place buoys to direct incoming / departing boats on where they can go?
    • Please for the love of god fix the right side wall as it's shorter than the left in the last picture (incoming ocd)

    Just minor suggestions.

    Other than that I like the detail you've put into the bank itself, doesn't look so empty when raiding it now. I'm also absolutely in love with the Life saving HQ. 

  14. WUR3ztR.png

    At the end of this post is a link for all that may of missed, was unable to attend to or just want to even just want a re-watch and re-cap of what happened at the ANZAC march on the ALTIS server. I will say it was absolutely amazing to experience and the speech given was beautiful from Lachlan. 
    I  have lost family members in
    Gallipoli so ANZAC is extremely special to me as well as quite a serious event. I did march in the early morning as well as wanting to witness it in-game and capture something I don't want to forget from the community.

    SADLY, if I didn't cut down the footage to that much you'd all be watching a video that's gone 15+ minutes which I didn't want, I wanted to really show importance on the speech given as well as the minute silence. I do want to thank Admins,Owners and just the community itself for rocking up to an event and hardly trolling it. (Except at the end...

      There's a lot of other options of views I wanted to do for recording this, especially aerial. But due to timing and rushing quite a few things to get a spot here and there and not missing it I was unable to get anything too spectacular, but regardless to that I quite like the footage I got.
    Can't wait for other footage to show up.



    • Like 4

  15. 4 hours ago, Charlieee said:

    I will be collecting all the footage on Saturday and then editing it on Sunday

    That makes me feel like it's going to be rushed, if it's being collected all on one day and edited the next.
    I mean my last time lapse took 2 and a half day to just collect all the right footage and edited it up in about half a night.

    Seeing as though this is going to be a trailer (official or not) I suggest not rushing through anything and getting it right, otherwise it'll look horribly rushed and it'd look noticeable.


    Just a tip.

    • Like 1

  16. I played around with it myself in the DEV Branch, no FPS drops occurred at all. Absolutely loved playing in the DEV branch and cried a little coming back down to play on the servers again.


    I did a small comparison myself




    Here are OFFICIAL screenshots if you haven't seen them already - 







    Pretty keen for 1.60

    • Like 1

  17. 9 hours ago, sirgeneralj said:

    So Cool; Kinda surprised not much happened. Maybe we could get a police unit out with 24 in game hours of dash cam footage (Or GO PRO), which would mean all first person for someone :D.

    Do a time-lapse of the Sydney drug dealer vs. the Melbourne drug dealer, could have some very interesting results. And the Intelligence department may be able to offer some payment on that one....


    Just a few ideas :D

    Absolutely love the Police go-pro / dash cam thought, hopefully someone does it. Down the track I'll get Melbourne V.S Sydney Drug dealer 
    Many thanks for the ideas ♥ 


    2 hours ago, S.Sanders said:

    Man you should do a ride along video with like one of the gangs and one of the cartels and watch what they do for a whole 24 hours in game haha

    Well, I did have a little think about this. Problem is I need to see the peak-times where most gangs have at least 6+ members online for me to tag along and see the action they get up to. Obviously all would be credited for helping out and may be able to pay them for not shooting me but until I organise with a GANG leader on when and where I meet I cannot do so. Trust me, I'm interested in SP seeing as though they get up to a lot. Pls adopt me for a day in the future. ♥


    All my time lapses are to be done with 24-hour in-game footage
    Which equals about 4 hours of actual footage in-game. 

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