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Everything posted by bailzorking

  1. bailzorking

    Yo can I and @Brenz still get comped for that black foot on server freeze? legend
  2. bailzorking

    More stuff for me and @Brenz to blow up with "mortars" at Rogain
  3. bailzorking

    Pretty sure brenz and i could take rogain...just the 2 of us...and a black foot hahaha
  4. bailzorking

    Will the team balance affect inde players?
  5. bailzorking

    I dont know what to say that doesnt sound insulting like "get good" to the comment of needing a large indi group. 2 man groups can survive a full night and top leader boards against opfor. I do agree general stores shouldn't be blocked off but my tip is...dont go to rogain general. Go to girna. Bls will give you safe passage for a fee.
  6. bailzorking

    Ples no more fog and rain
  7. bailzorking

    Mate...we will just shoot it down
  8. bailzorking

    HELLO! Its i...the salt king...just wanna say what a lovely bunch of people you are :)..well some of you hahaha and that we as a clan enjoy playing on your server oh so very much. And we will all continue to keep playing one more thing i just wanna shout out to unit to ples stop using an orca and come to mid gunstore to 1v1 me Love saltKing
  9. bailzorking

    Ples leave mid gunstore alone..
  10. bailzorking

    Yeah people really shouldnt bring money to mid gunstore...amount of times we make bank...
  11. bailzorking

    Mate you savage.
  12. bailzorking

    $1500 buys you a 7.62 rifle some ammo and a decent scope. Ples get good and you will be fine
  13. bailzorking

    Vote wildman for admin
  14. no no.....your not coming for us unit....blue eagle is coming for us in the orca i dont think ive ever seen you far from his side
  15. bailzorking

    nar the team balance is so bad. we always go above blufor on the leader every night....if we didnt play indie we wouldnt have anyone to shoo also...you should stay out of the sky when im online...always got a truck with 20 AA rockets somewhere on the map
  16. bailzorking

    YOOO MR SNOWW dont you already team up with us BLS boys? why you gotta go and try and make a "hit squad".....