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Everything posted by CeeFar

  1. CeeFar

    the og's in one thread xd
  2. CeeFar

    Also @geera as much as you may personally dislike mitch, or you say the community dislikes mitch, there are two things that are not needed. - You naming him in every post, if everyone dislikes him as much as you say, you won't need to name him. - you REPEATEDLY latching onto ONE example of his misconduct, and also making baseless allegations. I'm yet to see any evidence of this heli incident. Myself and @Mitch may not have gotten along very well in the past, but like I said in my previous comment, at the end of the day he is a person, he deserves the same respect as anyone else. If you don't like the way he staffs, runs the APD, or acts, do what others have done for different moderators in the past. Get evidence, make sure it PROVES what you are asserting, and then SEND IT TO HIGHER UP STAFF. DO. NOT. POST. IT. PUBLICLY. In regards to his style in running the APD, yes it is harsh, yes he may not contact people that get punished, but he has plenty of experience and I don't doubt that without him as dep. commissioner that APD would probably be in tattles at the moment.
  3. CeeFar

    110% agree with what @Michael Steiner has to say. I remember way way back, a couple months before I even registered my forums account, you'd be able to just jump in TS and have a yarn with ANYBODY. The highest of staff, the highest ranks of the APD, it didn't matter. Because at the end of the day, your positions in the staff team/on the server didn't really matter - you were still a person. We were all FRIENDS and we were part of a COMMUNITY. Now people hold certain positions (some moreso than others) to pedestals, and make them think it means they are more of a person, and worth more than other people. With it becoming easier and easier to attain certain staff ranks, you get people who really shouldn't be in those positions, in said positions. I have also (while browsing the forums recently) seen some macabre comments that would NOT fly 1-2 years ago (get you banned REAL quick). You also see plenty of racist/homophobic slurs in game chat now that would've got you community banned last year. As to what @Pezza said when referring to the cop reset, I was chief inspector at the time of that reset and I got re-set with everybody too. As a bit of personal anecdote, I remember when I applied for support TWICE, got denied TWICE, reapplied a third time and under mentoring from the current STL and SM, finally made green tick. I sat at green tick for about 7-8 months, and never made red tick (for good reason, I simply wasn't ready). I made a moderator application while I was green tick, it got something like 20 or so likes and like 300 views, everyone told me I would for-sure get it, but it was ignored and eventually denied. Point being it used to be incredibly difficult to get to a staff position, and in an attempt to bolster staff numbers, the bar has been lowered WAYYYY too far.
  4. CeeFar

    came out of hiding to say: signed.
  5. CeeFar

    holy shit i remember this. GOOD ONE JAY HAHAH
  6. CeeFar

    love the idea but there would need to be some changes for this to be effective 1. more use of ground vehicles 2. more incentive to use the roads and a couple more
  7. CeeFar

    Idk people seemed to be pretty happy getting bombed when the server pop was constantly maxed and jets were absolute insanity wreckers. The thing on old WL was because jets were such an issue, it encouraged TEAM WORK to take them down. You'd have people set up a net of AA's, or contribute cash for someone to go buy an AA jet. People leaving when they are getting bombed are the minority. When I get killed repeatedly I keep at it until I achieve a desired outcome
  8. mass destruction and group v group combat is what i lived for.
  9. CeeFar

    which is perfect, because if you decide you want to go third party some shit, it's completely your own fault if you get shot. Roleplay over ruleplay
  10. CeeFar

    ... wat... You don't mean a naval destroyer, right???? i haven't heard anything about a new naval destroyer... pls link. no bamboozle this has me very excited. To be fair i haven't updated my arma yet xd
  11. CeeFar

    my fav response to this one is *man it's almost like you guys put it up your ass so we HAVE to go digging! agh, let me go put my gloves on*
  12. CeeFar

    "id please" *don't have id sir* "alright i'll get your fingerprints done" *fingerprints are burnt off with acid sir* "alright I'll do a retinal scan" *I have fake retinas sir* "Alright I'll do a DNA test" *don't have any DNA, sir, it's not my DNA* "do you have ANY documentation to prove your name, identity, or proof of residency?" *no sir* "alright well i'll be sending you to the altis correctional facility, it's where we send people to await processing when they come here as illegal immigrants, seeing as you can't prove you lived here legitimately, that's where you'll be going. The waiting time is quite a while, 30 or so years. Bye!"
  13. CeeFar

    I have to add, what even is the point of reading the rights to someone when there is literally no functioning judicial system at this time. It has, and pretty much always has, served as a placeholder and there's no real reason to read them other than another thing for you to remember/forget.
  14. Hey all. To all my past/present people who served in the cop force, I'd love for you to send me through your funniest/most outrageous dispatches that you have screenshotted. Going to make a funny video out of all of them. Example - I look forward to the responses :)
  15. CeeFar

    Cannon's away captain
  16. CeeFar

    They still spend their time in jail, the only thing that is removed if there are no sgts is the officer profit, which, well, you already make loads of. Boo Hoo, send them to jail. If they've just killed someone they probably already have a bounty anyways.
  17. CeeFar

    "Hello sir! I see you are carrying a firearm! Would I be able to have a quick look at how many mags you are carrying to make sure you are in compliance with the law?" *checks bp, vest, uniform* "Ok cheers!" done
  18. CeeFar

    Quick suggestion that some other servers have. Make it illegal to carry more than 2-3 magazines for your weapon at one time. This way you have enough for a defensive use, but it helps to curb offensive use of guns.
  19. CeeFar

    @jizza From the original post, it's clear lotza has taken this into consideration, which is why he mentioned "Server balance changes". Quite a number of the APD officers that currently play (Myself included, even though i've been absent for a while) have already been through 2 cop-wide rank resets. You acknowledge the amount of time it takes to attain a rank and you want 200+ of them wiped? For the first little while, as there was with any reset, there will be a LOT of hard grinding from plenty of rebel, contractor and any cartel groups that may be around at the time and I don't personally think it will implode any groups. From the previous server-resets I have been a part of (e.g when the strayagaming mission file was created and we scrapped the old one), a reset is pretty much nothing but beneficial for the server. It breathes new life into the community, makes way for new addition and allows staff and management to make bigger and more aggressive changes as people aren't attached to 250 million dollar bank accounts.
  20. CeeFar

    The medical delivery missions still exist, and act as a reminder of good features that COULD be used, but go untouched because they, well - suck. With one tweak (the reward), medical delivery missions could be popular again. Currently you only get 50k per mission.
  21. CeeFar

    Braiogantu (the black text adds to the mystery of it)
  22. CeeFar

    @Links you know its serious when @ALI likes it.
  23. CeeFar

    I think this would work but it wouldn't take long for a new hub to be found. If you take pre-emptive action by blanketing the whole area but allow vehicle destruction in the safezone, it solves everyones issues.
  24. CeeFar

    the way both cars comically come flying down just gets me
  25. CeeFar

    Why do the police never respond to me? They should be. If you are consistently getting no reply, get a screenshot of all of the officers online at the time and head to teamspeak (ts.straya.life, find the command lobby) and let them know that you aren't getting responses on your dispatches, alternatively use a complaint form (can be found in the Police teamspeak descriptions). If you need assistance e.g your car has broken down, call EMS instead, they might be able to help. Alternatively for your best bet in getting a response back, find the highest ranking police officer online (See next question) and directly message them. How do I know what officers are what ranks in game? Every officer has a callsign, with their callsign indicating their ranks, they are as follows (I will be referring to the first letter in the callsign, starting with highest going to lowest). The letter at the end of their callsign in game dictates which station they are a part of e.g S, Sydney, B, Brisbane, M, Melbourne) F - Commissioners/Cabinet C - Chief Superintendent B - Superintendent T - Inspector S (Numbers lesser than 10) - Senior Sergeant S (Numbers greater than 10) Sergeant K - Senior Constable O - Constable Z - Probationary Constable