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Everything posted by CeeFar

  1. CeeFar

    I was referring to altis life.
  2. CeeFar

    @Subnoize @Snowwie SaiyajiN @Lotza @martin I'm smelling a faction change for medic
  3. I see all these posts about "old straya' And I think the thing that was really appealing about the old server was the fact that it was essentially a "structured" warzone (And I use that term lightly). One thing that always popped into my head was, the narrative of the server is rebels and cops at war, and damn they do a good job of reaching that narrative. The demilitarisation of both sides has turned that warzone into an attempt at roleplay. The server pop is reflective of this, and I think the old server was truly a unique gamemode. By constantly enforcing that it was a roleplay server it was pushing people to do something that the server wasn't actually being used for, and in my opinion if the server had gone for more of a "constant battle with rules about engagement" it could have and can still be very interesting. The main thing in this though is you'd have to find a way for civs to be balanced into the mix, but I think it's possible. And whilst I don't mean to push anyone away from straya, if you really want a hardcore roleplay experience there are other servers out there to suit your tastes. It was basically one huge game of overthrow the island, with politics, money making, and cops involved. I think that if many of the features had been moved away from requiring staff to being automated we could have had and we can still have a thriving server. Please take everything I say with a grain of salt, this is just my opinion, and simply a reflection of the past.
  4. CeeFar

    I tried :(
  5. CeeFar

    We all really appreciate the work that you put into this community, and I'm sure we can try as a team, and as a community to get that 200 dollars over the goal so you don't have to spend your own money on the TS license. It's a service we ALL use and need. - nclem
  6. CeeFar

    I actually died seeing this. It's ****ing weird that he's a household Australian name.
  7. CeeFar

    Ah sorry my mistake
  8. CeeFar

    By only playing cop that makes you biased towards cop.
  9. CeeFar

    @Vitale Remove City Limits - screws cops over Remove requirements for rebel takeover - Screws cops over rebel pricing - rebel pricing is up to 200-300k for a full set of kit. Bring back sydney bank - I agree with this one but it would need to have a lot of revised rules about third party/engagement distance/civilian interaction because it can easily become a cluster**** Apart from the revive I agree with everything else and I think they are good ideas.
  10. CeeFar

    @Cables. My little story from way way back (@Snowwie will remember) When I went for support almost 8-9 months ago, I was almost immediately denied, after a couple days of trying to figure out why, and thinking about it I realised that it wasn't because of my "personality". It was my behaviour and the message I conveyed about myself and my own maturity when I was online. I asked around, I spoke to all of the leads, all of the managers and most of the staff that knew me and basically said "What can I do better", "How can I improve", "What am i doing wrong?". I took the feedback given to me, wrote it down and changed my Behaviour, not my Personality. You should never change who you are and what you stand for for anyone, but it's important to reconsider how you are behaving sometimes. I reapplied a month later and guess what, I got the position. Just think about how you come across online, and who you are playing with.
  11. CeeFar

    You talk like you're tough shit now but someday, somehow some random is going to go like 250-10 or whatever and you're going to be sat there looking like a deer in the headlights.
  12. CeeFar

    In my opinion NOTHING will ever compare to this. This made me genuinely lose it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qSeKjRClQhU
  13. CeeFar

    Taxis were removed due to a glitch that I discovered literally let you spawn infinite amounts of money.
  14. CeeFar

    MNine one thing I've suggested a few times to fix the issue of CAS pilots who do and don't have the DLC is a little stand at the CAS hangar, usable once per AO, go up to it. Scrollwheel, and select either "DLC or Non DLC". it will then randomly pick one of the DLC jets or default jets.
  15. CeeFar

    I mean, you could be like me and do 10 pushups every time you die in CS deathmatch ;/
  16. CeeFar

    @Farensik @Farensik.
  17. @Zorgain Is the meme "Kicked Off"?
  18. CeeFar

    Oh idk, apart from every single premium giveaway there's been so far. Staff Giveaways Christmas Giveaways
  19. There you go @Reefkey For future reference, avoid camping police checkpoints as they can only be manned by police. it's against the rules to camp them/rob people at them.
  20. @Ringo Dal Dingo @Busker @Reefkey Simply asking snowwie if it's against the rules seeing as I barely play altis life anymore... + even if it was against the rules. I'd just PM Reefkey to let him know that it's against the rules. Now isn't that better then a witchhunt? 1. No one gets banned. 2. A player learns something new. 3. Happy days for everyone.
  21. @Snowwie camping checkpoint still against the rules?
  22. CeeFar

    Why was it taken out of context? What is the point of that? That just makes it even worse. We need the context so that we can get an understanding of the situation, and anyone that ISN'T from the community can understand what's happening before making a judgement on the community.
  23. @Noordo I'll translate what that the masin thing means. Sergeant bonez has connected to the lobby.
  24. How to tell it's old. 1. Blue Ticks 2. "S03E Masin has connected to the lobby".
  25. CeeFar

    I wanna join