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About rakiM

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  1. rakiM

    It never got accepted :c
  2. rakiM

    R.I.P Rebels.
  3. rakiM

  4. rakiM

    I disagree, we cannot blame these public spots for not knowing what to do. I believe it is the high ranking officers responsibility to brief them on what you don't do and what you do. I reckon its is not fair to cut down the public slots and make more people wait for a slot to open. If you've been randomly tazed or such you should ask for a higher up or go to the help desk in team speak IF they're not busy. But yeah we shouldn't cut down the slots because of some minor mistakes (Maybe the cadets should spawn in a different area within the police station with texts telling them the basics?), like I said call upon a high ranking officer and they will sort it out...no drama.