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Posts posted by Ryan

  1. Your In Game Name: Ryan

    Your TeamSpeak username: Ryan

    Who Are You Reporting?: Airfield  Hospital 

    Who Else Was Involved?: My Dead Body

    Evidence (If Any) (Screenshot, Video etc): http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/478897176939669752/6E3CDC31CD3DE9ED0B95A0A65A85E8EA2D38C89C/



    Describe What Happened: Some One Took Their Half Of The Hospital 

    • Like 3

  2. Hey Jake,


    Everyone can get annoying at times, maybe some a bit more than others, but your a really nice generous bloke.

    I know for a fact I'm hard on you some times because I would be stressed from help desk or people being annoying and most of the SP guys would know as well.

    But as Gotenks and Roger said, right throughout life you will get people that don't like you for even the smallest things but you just have to cop it on the chin and just ignore them and pretend like they love you! :D

    But mate stay strong and I know you will, if you ever need to talk about anything please don't hesitate to ask either talk to me on Teamspeak or message me on the forums because bottling it all up doesn't work trust me.

    And one last thing keep the dolphin alive! 



    Stay Strong!



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  3. Oh Mr Black, I pulled him over the other day for speeding and evading Police, He crashed into a wall, and he said he came from Ireland. Hes a nice fella, a good majority of the time I couldn't understand him tho, got a voice of a weirdo.

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