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Everything posted by [AI] STALKER


    @Cjay: Agreed. It takes high end hardware to run a high slot server of the size being hosted. However , with the amount of constant crashes , if it is not feasible to hire the server needed to support the high end population without constant crashes , then would not The answer be to lower the max pop count? In the same way that a Club that does not have enough security to stop fights when it has max customer capacity on site simply lowers the max amount of people it allows thru it's doors. TLDR: If player count = Y causes constant crashes , then lower max player count to X.

    1. Before any " POLICE COUNT MUST EQUAL " rules .... THIS server needs an indicator on the player HUD that clearly shows the amount of POLICE , EMS etc online. IE: POLICE: 5 : EMS: 2 :CIV: 39: Players can clearly see the amount of police etc. Because NO ONE is checking the map and player list while actively chasing someone down to see if they can scroll thru 40+ players and count the amount of cops online. There not. And they shouldnt have to. 2. KEEP IT SIMPLE. POLICE RULES : @ Police count of 0 : PLAYERS CAN DECLARE OUTSIDE OF SYDNEY PLAYER ROBBERIES ON ANYONE OUTSIDE OF SYDNEY PLAYERS CAN BE KIDNAPPED OUTSIDE OF SYDNEY KIDNAPPED PLAYERS CAN BE SOLD TO OTHER PLAYERS AS HOSTAGES. PLAYER THEFT SERVER WIDE @ Police count of 2 or more : Following condition is allowed ---------------------------------------- SERVICE STATIONS CAN BE ROBBED SERVER WIDE - Script condition = Police Count = <1 then allow . IF Police Count =>1 then disallow. @ Police count of 6 or more: Following conditions are allowed ----------------------------------------- SYDNEY BANK CAN BE ROBBED PLAYERS CAN BE ROBBED WITHIN SYDNEY CITY LIMITS PLAYERS CAN BE KIDNAPPED WITHIN SYDNEY CITY LIMITS PLAYERS CAN BE TAKEN HOSTAGE AND SOLD TO POLICE THRU NEGOTIATION SERVER WIDE POLICE CAN TRAVEL PAST POLICE CHECK POINT 1 IF A POLICE RANK __INSERT RANK __ OR Higher IS ON @ Police count of 8 or more : Following condition is allowed -------------------------------------- FEDERAL RESERVE CAN BE ROBBED ** THIS IS A START OF A SIMPLIFIED RULE REVISION THAT IS EASY TO READ AND UNDERSTAND FOR ALL AGES ** DECLARING IS DEFINED AS: Using either Direct Chat , Side Chat or email system to inform your target of the following. INTENT - IE: THIS IS A ROBBERY : LOCATION OR CLOSEST FEATURE -IE EAST OF MELBORNE DRUG DEALER : TARGET DESCRIPTION -IE ZAMACK Robbery example : this is a robbery , east of melborne drug dealer , Zamack. ID check example : Red Offroad , south of rebel 1 , this is an ID check - stop your engines. CIV vs POLICE : Any police seen near global marker ZINC GANG north of Sydney check point 1 will be shot on site. KIDNAPPING IS DEFINED AS : Thru threat of violence , or and use of ZIP TIES a player is forced to leave there current location by another player and accompany them to another location. HOSTAGE IS DEFINED AS : A player who has been kidnapped with the intent of being SOLD or NEGOTIATED to another player and or group. ROBBERY IS DEFINED AS : ATTACKER PRESENT=TRUE VICTIM PRESENT=TRUE Money , Inventory , Weapons and or vehicles are taken from the Victim by the Attacker. This includes - Player on player , player on NPC ie: GAS STATIONS , BANK TELLERS. THEFT IS DEFINED AS : THIEF PRESENT = TRUE VICTIM PRESENT = FALSE Money , Inventory , Weapons and or vehicles are taken from the Victim by the Attacker.

    This. Love it. Good to see another company start up.

    Love the video - Dyet : U sir are a god , SAMiAM .... that .. was .. tight m8.

    This should be covered by common sense rules. Agreed 100%, In short : Dont be a dick.

    Do they not require GOLD anymore?

    First , i will not say who this person is by online name or community member. But this is the coolest role play response i have seen for joining our organization. Please read and enjoy as i did I'am a Diamond Miner, I've been a solo operator of my business for nearly 10 years, since my wife took our Infant Daughter and moved to Stratis. I was going months at a time without seeing another soul as I mined Diamonds in the isolated parts of the country. In that decade I've seen rebels destroy Melbourne and it's population and economy, leaving the once vibrant city a ghost town and ruin controlled by rebels intimidating, robbing, kidnapping into slavery and murdering the few staunchly law abiding citizens who remain. The fear I felt from this forced me to buy a personal protection firearm, something I've never done before and wish I'd never have to. It was several Months ago when I was in the middle of a expedition to stake out a mine North-East of Melbourne when I saw a large convoy of large box trucks with helicopters escorting them. I saw the logo on all the vehicles of this awe inspiring convoy, the logo of Acquisitions Incorporated. As I sat atop my hill eating a tactical bacon and watching through Binoculars as the mile long convoy rumbled through I felt a small glimmer of hope appear in my weary soul. This was reinforced when I spoke to Police and other Miners during my annual trip to Sydney to renew my licenses and resupply and replace gear. They said how much good this corporation had done for the people of our war-torn nation in such a short time, catching rebels and destroying their drug shipments... it is something that needed to happen for so long, I know the police try but budget and manpower shortages confine them to Sydney almost all the time, it isn't their fault but someone else needed to take up the mantle of doing what needed to be done. and I know what I need to do... It is time to give up the loner's life and be part of a group again, I've sold my mining business and am ready to move onto something bigger and better, hopefully with a position in this Corporation and doing what I can to better the community and one day free our nation from the grips of gang wars and lawlessness.

    This is ... awesome.
  9. Due to a recent unlawful targeted attack on our staff and private premises in Sydney by local police officers , and the up and coming federal court case against the senior members involved in these activities , Acquisitions Incorporated has been forced to slow down its logistical arm within Altas. Unfortunately even with the recent public buy back on all previous publicly listed shares at an unprecedented 20%-40% return in as little as 4 weeks , the Commisoner of Finance has instructed me that as several previously planned ventures and investments have now been canceled until the out come of the federal hight court and the related commisonial inquiery , All shares are now currently fixed at $10,000 per share in line with there initial pubiic release - with such a move causing a loss of investment potential to our company of over $49,000,000 AINC is currently putting a firm hold on all sale of future shares until this matter is resolved in the courts. We do at this time thank all our previous and current share holders and customers as well as employee's and contractors for there continued loyalty and understanding during this very trying time , and assure you our Security Division has stepped up its activities to carry out Security inspections in all areas of production , processing and sale to protect you The people from terror groups such as Somalian pirates and the so called Private Military Contractors who are terrorizing the good people of our nation. Yours in good faith , [AInc-CEO-LAWYER] STALKER SYDNEY HQ - AInc Australia !2 , 146 Freedom way
  10. [AI] STALKER

    To : Commissioner Spectral From : AINC CEO STALKEr AINC security is available to assist in the defense of civil infrastructure.
  11. [AI] STALKER

    Role Play scenario example: [AInc-CEO-Lawyer] STALKER " People at Xlocation , this is an AINC security inspection , weapons on ur back , hands on your head " People at Xlocation comply. STALKER and AINC crew walk up , do a name check in role play - [AInc-CEO-Lawyer] STALKER " Hi guys , thank you for complying with our security check , we are looking for known terror group members , my security staff and i will require your ID's and registrations of your vehicles and will be checking your face against a list of known terror suspects on a federal list. Once we are done , you are all free to leave gentlemen. " [AInc-CEO-Lawyer] STALKER " Mr Joe Smith , your name is on a Federal Kill On Sight anti terror list , under standing order 417 i am now authorizing your execution " Stalker shoots Mr Joe at Xlocation , even though until this point i would of simply let him go with no issue , i was given his name via role play .. his name is on the hitlist , And this hit list gives me authority to kill him. Role play continues. [AInc-CEO-Lawyer] STALKER " Mr X and Mr Y your names are not on our list , we appreciate the delicacy of this situation and advise you to take more care in your choice of traveling companions in the future. We will require your keys to your vehicles to make sure there are no illegal goods or weapons and once this check is done your free to take your selves and your vehicles and continue on your way gentlemen. " Potential RP work around ..
  12. [AI] STALKER

  13. [AI] STALKER

    ACQUISITIONS INCORPORATED WHY SO LONG SINCE THE LAST UPDATE GUYS? Due to recent medical issues , our Chief Editor for our weekly magazine was unavailable to edit and publish all our new updates for you , our loyal customers. However without further ad-due allow me to welcome you all to another exciting update on Acquisitions Incorporated and our recent investments and acquisitions That have allowed us to mature to such a size that we are now proud to announce our first PUBLIC BUY BACK on all previously sold Shares. First , whats new with AINC ? Glad you asked , with a range of new clothing accessories being fabricated between PNX textiles Innovator [PNX] Gregg and our own [AInc-05] Dipp You can now own your very own smart casual and yet very formal outfit known as " casual underwear " for the savvy gentlemen around town. Perhaps you like a more relaxed look? Try our range of "Strayagaming" style Aussie homebrand attire. HEY , I LOVE THE CLOTHING LINE ... BUT I AM REALLY INTERESTED IN GETTING SOME LEGAL REPRESENTATION TO DEFEND MYSELF FROM THE LOCAL POLICE While AINC fully supports the police in all their duties , we understand that sometimes misunderstandings can and will happen , which is why we are currently applying for Official status as a Bar Approved Legal Team that can represent you when such misunderstandings as " these are not my rebel guns officer " or " Really ? A trunk full of weed you say " Occurs and your stuck holding the bag , even though you and i both know what a law abiding citizen you are. SO WHATS THE DEAL WITH ALL THOSE SHARES I PURCHASED ABOUT 1 MONTH AGO ? CAN I SELL THEM BACK TO YOU NOW? DID I MAKE A PROFIT ? Great news. Not only have all our shares matured from an original 10,000 a share to 40,000 then to a staggering 100.000 per share ... but now they are fully matured. This means that any EMS or POLICE that purchased shares on our special locked plan have just made a staggering 40% GAIN on this investment. For those NON EMS / POLICE public listed shares that were purchased , you made an equally amazing minimal of 20% GAIN on your investment , with all shares still currently valued @ $100,000 each , and being purchased back in our FORMAL BUY BACK OFFER this coming Tuesday on the 5th of July. HOW MUCH IS THE PUBLIC BUY BACK VALUED AT ? With the current Value of the shares - AINC is buying back all shares at 100,000 + 20% for public and +40% for EMS / POLICE with a staggering 25MILLION PLUS in funds put aside for this 1ST EVER PUBLIC LISTED COMPANY SHARE BUY BACK SCHEME to reward YOU the Investor for sticking with AINC. The peoples company.
  14. [AI] STALKER

    [AInc-CEO-Lawyer]STALKER is in. Also : Dipp is trying to get hold of you regards that .. other matter
  15. [AI] STALKER

    1. There is no rule that states you cant store money under combat. The actual rule is you cant " store " vehicles. (A) As in real life , i can run to an atm and use a drop slot to deposit cash. (B)In real life you can not wave a magic wand and make a vehicle disappear - Something that didnt happen here by the way as the vehicle were left out in an area were they could be damaged/destroyed/lock picked/etc. This has been confirmed by your own founder TrueBlue. 2.It's issues like the above that strongly suggest a CLEAR revision of the rule set. As it seems there a few people who are misguided on what The rules are in relation to what they think they are.
  16. [AI] STALKER

    If its a frame rate issue - removing the millions of dead player bodies with a clean up script would seem to be a must.
  17. [AI] STALKER

    I'm agreeing with you , its broken. It needs to be fixed. Regardless if storage of vehicles is addressed or not ... you admit your self that houses are broken as @##4. So lets address that and implement some changes?
  18. [AI] STALKER

    Wonder who's base on the salt flats that was .....
  19. [AI] STALKER

    Agreed. So lets look at that problem and address it. Notification script is not hard. Seriously. Couple of lines of code. And yes i can arrange to provide one if i am given the server version number ... ( another issue which should be addressed but back to topic ).
  20. [AI] STALKER

    Couple of suggestions. 1. Players inactive for 12 weeks. Wipe there houses. : Players are inactive vs players who are active. Not a hard choice. 2. Vehicle Garage system : Remove the ability to store illegal gear in vehicles being saved in garages after said wipe is done... Why 2 ? Because every gang .. and i mean every gang .. AInc , SP , WH , PNX etc etc etc were possible does not use houses to store. We use garages to store vehicles that store our gear. WHy? So you cant raid our houses and take them. Considering the amount of " You cant do this because its a breach of role play / common sense " arguments i have seen ( Most badly constructed btw ) Why are we allowing storage of illegal gear to save in vehicles? Advantages to removing the save system for illegal gear: You would need to actually USE house storage. IE: Houses would exist for a reason other than spawning in. Allows Police , Rival Gangs etc the opportunity to RAID you to steal your gear. REMOVES the " my gear can not be touched because it is in a magical fairy land that exists outside of the universe unless i magic it into existence ". Disadvantage to this system: Some people will cry when they cant keep there gear safe outside the bounds of player interaction.
  21. [AI] STALKER

    Roger , the work looks good. Perhaps take the location you currently have and add Detail as you have here. Turning the back room into an actual vault with shelves etc is the right direction. Might do some work next couple of nights and PM you some idea's if your open to it.
  22. ACQUISITIONS INCORPORATED 100 % Australian owned and operated right here from our head office in Sydney Australia. With new services and products being released all the time our promise to the Australian people to provide Quality products and services ranges from everyone's favorite work time snack CHEETOS REBELLIOUS , To your kids favorite cool drink PIPSI TM AInc and for the security specialist on the go , Tactical Bacon TM AInc. To our new move into the Security Industries and general industry with a depot for iron and copper mining opening in the next few weeks , Accusations Incorporated has been employing numerous local Sydney residents in both its transport logistics divison as well as corporate security roles. A fact of pride for Accusations Incorporated is its dependence on both local buyers and sellers , and local residents for its staff , Accusations Incorporated Is here to both support the local community , and help it develop thru structured and directed market growth. SHARES SHARES SHARES SHARES EVERYONE IS TALKING ABOUT SHARES But how do they work ? For every 10 shares you own , Accusations Incorporated approved security teams will provide you with extraction protocols. For every 20 shares you own , Accusations Incorporated approved logistics teams will provide your logistical and security needs. For every 50 shares you own , Accusations Incorporated approved lawyers will represent you for FREE for one legal incident per week. How often can i redeem these offers? Once per week. How much do they cost? Currently : Stock market values Accusations Incorporated @ $100,000 per unit of stock. Will stock value increase or decrease at any stage? Recent reports from Channel 7 news state that Stock levels will only increase over the coming months with the influx of new contracts covering Mining , shipping , labor and security both local and interstate. Can i sell or transfer my stock to third parties? No you can not. All stock is owned by the purchaser and can only be redeemed / resold and or transferred back to Accusations Incorporated Will i lose value in my stock if i sell it back too soon? Yes. Any stock sold back to Accusations Incorporated within 2 working weeks of purchase will be deemed to be repurchased by us at 50% of iit's initial cost. Will my stock GAIN value if i leave it to mature? YES!!!!!. All stock left to mature for at least 2 full working weeks will be purchased back on request at 10% above its current market value. How do i know if i have any? By consulting the Accusations Incorporated STOCK PORTFOLIO that publicly lists all registered stock holders and is revised once per week every FRIDAY. Who do i buy them off? Only Board Members of Accusations Incorporated are approved to sell , repurchase and honor any bonuses on ATO approved Accusations Incorporated STOCK. I would like to take time to welcome onto our board of directors the following important people. Chief of security : [AInc] Genix. Genix has made the move to Sydney to assist in our new head quarters meeting the state security requirements for a company of our size. With a background in counter terrorism back in his military days in Russia , Mr [AInc] Genix is both an accomplished Task force operator , as well As a professional specializing in Risk Management Assessment. From providing on site security teams to our Head Office in Security , to providing rapid response private security to our shipping concerns , Mr [AInc] Genix Has already proven that any and all security related matters that arise will be addressed in both a legal and efficient manner. Anyone interested in approaching Accusations Incorporated with any future Security arrangements , please do not hesitate to email this man. Pictured Below ** Local Police Officer " That Lucky SOB " and Medic "JOHN DOE" Praising CEO : [Ainc] STALKER and his team of security contractors for assisting to locate and neutralize known terrorist's who were gunning down innocent civilians with no warnings last week in Sydney during a period of martial law. -- All Security Personnel pictured below were cleared to enter under Federal ACT 417 of the Counter Terrorism Code pertaining to the use Of Third Party Contractors in periods of extreme necessity-- Advertising Senior Executive : [Ainc] Origin. Origin already a local in Sydney has moved up the ranks of our company to be the most successful sales and advertising Executive we could ever of hoped for. Already having sold over 100 shares , and that was to one of Australia's most well known Business owners , Origin is proving he is the man whos vision will push our company Forward to success after marketing success. Anyone interested in approaching Accusations Incorporated with any future business deals or marketing interests , please do not hesitate to email this man. Senior Legal Council : [Ainc] Epic [ Lawyer ] Extensive legal history covering both civil and criminal law as well as corporate enterprise , Mr [Ainc] Epic [ Lawyer ] represents all of Accusations Incorporated 's legal Interests from our Sydney Based Office. From protecting our company via strict OH&S agreements to protecting ourselves and our clients thru confidentiality agreements , Mr [Ainc] Epic [ Lawyer ] works tirelessly to maintain the strict legal adherence required from such a senior position of staff. From federal cases made famous on Channel 7's " ARMA LIFE " series to International trade agreements with Russian's in funny brown hats. Anyone interested in approaching Accusations Incorporated with any future legal issues , please do not hesitate to email this man. ** Cases involving Sydney , Brisbane and Melbourne will not be acceptable until local courts have accredited prior training qualifications ** Human Resources Manager : VACANT Due to the recent uprising in Sydney over the week , our former Human resource manager is no longer with us. This position is now open and will be filled internally at the first available manner. Anyone interested in approaching Accusations Incorporated with employment opportunities , please email CEO : [AInc] STALKER until further notice. ** STAY TUNED FOR MORE EXCITING NEWS IN NEXT WEEKS ISSUE OF " Accusations Incorporated " PUBLIC NEWS LETTER **
  23. [AI] STALKER

    Dear house holder , Acquisitions Incorporated is pleased to inform you that all utility services have been connected to your home as of 15/06/16. Please find your welcome home package including keys , voucher for Sydney Market and employment application form for Convoy and Mining work enclosed with your DMV registration forms. On behalf of all our employees and supervisors , [AInc] welcomes you back to Sydney and wishes you all the best. CEO: [AInc] STALKER
  24. [AI] STALKER

    We normally run 8-10 strong Hem Box every restart but a few of us were off line that day . So the fresh blood had the zamacks Looks amazing from the Air with security escort in tow.