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Everything posted by Spankadog

  1. Spankadog

    Is rock glitching a reportable offence. because Daniel the drone using dad abused teenager abuses rock glitching to use drones. Context: i was trying to get some static AT into a boat with a platform to go wipe out opfor at airfield on the ocean bed. i was taking fire really close to me but nothing was hitting me. so i was confused so i took cover and checked my area before recording after i concluded it was a rock glitcher. my lack of evidence to actually see him in the rock on the other hand is frustrating except the name i saw at the end of the video. I mainly checked behind me before checking everywhere else whilst i wasn't recording since i thought maybe he was just in bad cover. #freethefalcon
  2. Spankadog

    im done with this teamstacking bullshit. kids like bailey daniel and soulstealer sit in tanks and drones ALL day. but they can't be touched since they are in a heavy teamstack. if i were to go in a jet i would instantly be drone bombed. if i were to try and scheme them from a heavy money shipment and take the money for myself i would be bombarded with tanks drones and numbers. if there are 2 people on blufor and there are 3 people on opfor. you cannot join opfor until the teams are evenly numbered. Simple but not yet done???^
  3. Spankadog

    Hey. Im not sure how you are undergoing this. but i recommend waiting until this new Tank DLC before adding new missions. also i reckon the Malden days were pretty popular but thats just personal opinion.
  4. Spankadog

    There are currently 4 roles. Engineer, Combat lifesaver, Assaultdiver ,Sniper. all with special traits and starting items. I would like to have a Mercenary role where any team Blufor Opfor Inde. can pay you to kill or complete certain objectives, for examples. Someone were to hire a mercenary for 70K to buy a Wipeout and complete the heavy Moneyshipment and other objectives while also giving 10% cuts on them. Someone were to hire a mercenary to take out a certain tank or jet. they would pay about 12k for the AA or AT. or even pay them for the jet or heli they would use to take them out Someone were to hire a Mercenary to kill a specific player. they would pay 30k and tell the last known position of the player. This is just a small idea, my friend and i like to fly jets n shit but we have no one to fly them for but ourselves. which does get boring if we do an objective because we can't secure the money/object.
  5. Spankadog

    Moist is new to me. never seen him. funnily enough as soon as he joins im magically getting shot at every 5 seconds with no sounds or cracks. only to be killed by moist every single time. Yesturday he had killed me in the most weird and annoying way. i only just posted on a hill in full cover and there was no way i was tracked. i had shot 5 bullets with a suppressed navid from 500m away from the target i was shooting. i was then killed by a lynx that made no noise, i was confused and definetly salty. i had only shot 5 bullets and was instantly zero'd and killed by a none sounding lynx. i thought this was just an arma bug and i was hella salty about it. Starting today i just got on the server to getting shot at by the same type of no sounding bullets. only to be rocketed twice from 2 differen't and impossible angles. I have concluded that moist is bullshit. my evidence is weak and i did not get the footage of the navid scenario. but if this evidence is enough to allow me to play the server without being killed by the same person over and over. ill try.
  6. Spankadog

    hard to believe strayagaming didn't exist on arma 2 OA since the only reason i bought arma 3 was to play your wasteland :)
  7. Spankadog

    Hello i was banned on wasteland for messing around in chat with some people under "Racist slurs". i believe i deserve an unban seeing i was not warned nor was i treated respectfully when discussing with administration. The person who banned me was Baden and after speaking with him i had concluded he had a shit day so he took it out on me. It's the last day of the weekend and i'm forced to stop playing due to banter and joking around. apparently telling someone to say a racist slur in a different way makes me a racist, good joke. In game name is. Ace Steam profile link. http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198237062152/ Time of ban was 8Pm 17/12/2017. Ban Duration is 1 day. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How do players of your community become a veteran? i myself have been playing for well over 3-4 years. including the old arma 2 operation arrowhead invade and annex server for 1000hours. I would like to know the requirements and stats to join the veteran rank.
  8. Spankadog

    I bought arma 2 on my brothers account not knowing only 1 game can be played at once, i later made this account. and i clamed 1000 hours on arma 2 you spastic. read properly