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Everything posted by Nova

  1. Nova

    a lot of my friends have the G430's and they say they're good but a lot of them also say they break alot
  2. Nova

    might come join in this event
  3. Nova

    i got a longer video coming tomorrow that shows everyone on the ramp and stuff
  4. Nova

    so much fun. ill upload some vids of it later today
  5. Nova

    he meant making it to the top of the transport leaderboard which at the time would have been impossible for anyone considering the score was at 700
  6. Nova

    probably already in the works but have quacktac work in vehicles @Qeus that is all great update.
  7. Nova

    half my parts are given to me lol
  8. Nova

    my build was about $800 to $1000 NZD low end AMD build runs arma 3 fun for me on low.
  9. no worries dude we all love playing I&A. if you are looking for teamwork theres a guy that jumps on regularly called Wolvren. he usually runs a squad and communicates together. we also have a realism unit within strayagaming called Australian Special Forces [ASF] or SOTG as previously known. you can sign up to that we do missions together with mods and whatnot. welcome to the forums
  10. Nova

    i was once like you but then i came to the realisation that you shouldnt go for an OP build straight away just build one up over time
  11. Nova

    mum get the camera this is all time btw
  12. Nova

    this happened on medic a while ago
  13. Nova

    looks like a good build. if you want speed put your operating system on an SSD and maybe even arma for better performance.
  14. Nova

    any landing you can walk away from is a good one
  15. Nova

    task force is something i definetely want but getting the full RHS NATO and SPETSNAZ in would be a bit much. would like just the NATO.
  16. Nova

    can the cops really hold of atleast 30-40+ guys?
  17. Nova

    Locking because server 2 is down
  18. Nova

    perhaps put cup weapons on the server? idk how hard that is to implement. but it would be cool
  19. Nova

    i like this mod as well we used it in SOTG for a while
  20. Nova

    Either way stop saying it. He's said they aren't changing them so stop complaining about it
  21. Nova

    the damage models havent changed. please stop spamming this on every wasteland suggestion post
  22. Nova

    the reviving while prone had certainly saved a lot of lives. medics die less often