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Everything posted by Nova

  1. Nova

    My whole life just flashed before my eyes, I gave it 2 stars
  2. Nova

    this is the oldest one i know of but i definitely had more on my old pc
  3. Nova

    should name it ' Exploiterina '
  4. Nova

    well technically i did say that after the new update i would work on it. which i might actually do. dunno if ill finish it but yea
  5. Nova

    bs i have been waiting for over 10 years for half life 3 and i still havent got anything good
  6. Nova

    i believe you can the cage at the vehicle repair bay at base
  7. Nova

    hey fitz welcome to the server. im the head dev of I&A if you have any questions about the server. dont hesitate to ask
  8. Nova

  9. Nova

    wasnt saying you specifically just meant it as a general thing
  10. Nova

    if you cant fly you shouldnt be flying on the server in the first place
  11. i made a helpful tutorial on how to make your own wasteland server
  12. Nova

    well considering we have doubled our goal for donations I'd say people have plenty of incentive to donate
  13. Nova

    blufor really is just cannon fodder for opfor. especially since all the WL vets play opfor
  14. Nova

    time to cut it loose. I&A has been carrying wasteland for too long and now that wasteland isnt monetized anymore we simply need to cut it loose
  15. Nova

    hey lachlan welcome back. if you have any questions about the changes to I&A please poke @BridTheAtl on ts as he is more than happy to help
  16. all fixed for the next version. if you want to go over it with me at some point before the next release i'd be more than happy to the reason it is like this because we wanted to push the beta asap so we could get player feedback an what not and find any issues like the one above
  17. Nova

    cant please everyone
  18. Nova

    maybe if people actually crewed tanks together this could be a thing
  19. Nova

    i really dont understand. lets leave the whole community because you want to get better at the game by playing single player?
  20. Nova

    the datalink would be sick too
  21. will go over the map tomorrow and try fix a lot of the buildings which are like this
  22. Nova

    monkas. AAF truck looks sick. gonna be a sick update
  23. Nova

    that looks like ora flying use OBS