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Posts posted by Nova

  1. 3 hours ago, pkisbest said:

    There’s a weird issue when sometimes when flying a helicopter i randomly loose all my flares. 

    It’s happened a few times as I enter AO’s, but I don’t believe entering the AO to be the only cause. More testing from myself will be conducted to try and identify the cause.

    are you flying into the georgetown and kavala AO's? coz that removes all ammo

  2. i gather you don't really play on the server since i havent really seen you on and half of this stuff is already in

    as zombine has stated civvies do roam the AO and there are civilian vehicles

    only time i have seen a town get levelled is when i have done it myself. never seen a player do it

    it already says in chat if someone kills a civilian and i believe you lose a point

    plus we already have ROE's 

    Kinda seems like you trying to get some ez rep


    • Wait What? 1
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    • lul 1
    • Jebaited 2

  3. 12 minutes ago, Slep. said:

    The AH-99 is meant to be a co-op heli, but you can control all fire systems by jumping in pilot and doing manual fire, and switching between the two to access all weapons.

    However as I said before this heli is best flown with a gunner and a pilot. Also play it from a distance, use the guided weapons to your advantage, don't play like a light helo like the Hellcat.

    did you even read the post?

  4. 19 minutes ago, Yeet said:

    Not really a griefing opportunity as you'd only be able to take control when you don't have a pilot. And although its just a game, it kind of sucks when your grinding side missions to get a specific vehicle only to have it downed within the first 3 minutes of it being airborne due to the pilot disconnecting (Which happens a lot more now because of the VTOL's being so buggy and causing crashes when you fly them).

    whats to stop some rando from hopping in the gunner seat and flying off with it?


    • Like 1

  5. 3 minutes ago, Tommo said:

    Yea, I'm not sure. I guess that's up to you guys. Any perks that would improve gameplay. Tbh, I dont really know..

    there really isnt anything that can improve the gameplay tbh. like you're probablying thinking a KOTH type deal but we have all guns unlocked and that isnt changing

  6. 36 minutes ago, Tommo said:

    I've been playing Invade & Annex for a while now, and I've noticed that I only play for an hour or two. I've come to realise this is because there is no real goal to work to, sure, controlling or defending a base is sort of a goal. But adding a level system will allow the game to become more playable. Like adding special perks for each milestone of level.

    Yes, I agree this is a milsim sort of server. But giving people a goal to work to instead of capturing a base would be a great addition.

    What do you guys think?

    there are weekly leaderboards like taking down towers and most ears collected. level system could be cool but what kind of perks would you propose?

  7. 9 minutes ago, Jay said:

    Hi InfamousNova,

    Thank you for sharing this great opportunity with the StrayaGaming community. It is people like you and the contributions you make to this community that allows it to strive and continue to provide safe and enjoyable servers for people to play. Knowing we have such amazing people like yourself warms my heart.


    Kind regards and thanks,

    StrayaGaming Rust Manager, Jay

    no worries rust manager Jay i just look forward to all the RDM montages that will come from this. and thats what we all look forward to

    • <3 1

  8. 28 minutes ago, Del said:

    Great work on this server guys. Love the mission format and some of the new side missions. I sincerely hope people give this a try and populate the server. It''s been a blast so far. Keep up the good work!

    Just curious to know, will the main mission format here be carried over to the Altis server once the bugs have been worked out?

    it depends what people want. in a few weeks time once we have ironed out the bugs and we decide to update the Altis server then we can decide if we want to keep classic I&A or also put sectors on altis
