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Jack Killerado

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Everything posted by Jack Killerado

  1. Jack Killerado

    Just buy a boat. Not that hard
  2. Jack Killerado

    Granted, but you have to eat it in front of 5 starving kids and you can't give them any i wish to be able to fly.
  3. Jack Killerado

  4. Jack Killerado

    If we ever get a fire department we NEED this song. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pqegkP92xcI
  5. Jack Killerado

  6. Jack Killerado

    I don't know if this will work, and it probably won't but i just thought of having one small bank in each major city; Sydney, Brisbane. ext (legal to walk into and take money out) and having one major bank that you can't just enter without rebel intentions i was thinking that this would be on the right side of the map but that might be too close to reb 2 and it would just be a big bank that's hard to rob but has a lot of money. ( kinda like another fed i guess )
  7. Jack Killerado

    @Leopard That was made in January mate. Because
  8. Jack Killerado

    I'll chuck in 150k i know it's not a lot but I'm not rich good luck to everyone and hope they can have some fun also the run sounds fun @nclem I'll just wire you the money?
  9. Jack Killerado

    I agree, but at the same time i disagree, because we do need it because otherwise rebels can't really mug people, in my opinion civ's shouldn't be able to do it (i don't even know if they can) but as i said before, i really would not want it removed because it's kinda needed but i couldn't think of anything that could stop it other for fully removing it so... eh
  10. Jack Killerado

    Cyas Mate Good luck with your new job.
  11. Jack Killerado

    Welcome to straya man, hope you have a great time here and hope we can talk sometime.
  12. Jack Killerado

    HELLO! Hello People! My Name Is Jack and i thought i would make in introduction of me because why not? If you want to know a little more about me then read on... I am a 14 Year old gamer that has been gaming for his whole life, you could say i am kinda new but i have been on this server for a couple of months and i am also not some veteran of ArmaIII. Also my in game name is Jack Killerado, but I'm usually called SpAc3r Out-of RP and i only really play as a rebel and never as a cop, I Own The Lazy Lizards also, but it's not very known yet. That's all i can really think of anything else but feel free to find me on Life And have a chat! I Really hope i can belong in this community because this is definitely the best community i have ever came across. Hope You All Have A Great Day!
  13. Jack Killerado

    Ye (Btw, idk if you're editing this, but if you are this is so good.)
  14. Jack Killerado

    When you don't even have a phone because you lost it
  15. Jack Killerado

  16. Jack Killerado

    #5kHype Grats