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Everything posted by Bow

  1. Bow

    White guy + Black face = Illuminati confirmed? Love the top, and yes i was very bored.
  2. Bow

    PlZ bAn. <3 #AbuseItLoseIt? Jaydos 4 Production Team.
  3. Bow

    // Denied // Please make a new application in full time enlistment as you were removed longer then 3 months ago, Thank you.
  4. Bow

    @Virtual_Seahorse As you can see that SUV was apart of a APD emo stage... it was just a phase man i swear, the black uniforms and gray SUVs were a thing of the past.
  5. Bow

    Was just a suggestion, i am a casual on the server so maybe on once or twice a week, ive never seen the civilian thing but i guess i am not looking. Doesn't help i am always flying or CAS. And yes while the ROEs state you can not engage strategically valued targets, theres nothing about the buildings themselves in the manner ive suggested And that wasn't a necessary comment from a I&A admin man.
  6. Bow

    Old Dance Party At DJs House 2016
  7. Bow

  8. Bow

    So you can now rob civs anywhere in SYD and not just in like 3 spots.. praise the lord, it was annoying always checking if you were 50m away from a safe zone.
  9. Bow

    //ACCEPTED// Welcome back to the APD.
  10. Bow

    //Pending// Please talk to Mitch, Bow or McCain.
  11. Bow

    // Denied // To reinforce the previous decision by my seniors, you appeal has been denied. As previously stated, please submit your application for appeal on the 12/1/2018 onwards, as your application can not be reviewed with in the month of being removed. Thank you.
  12. Bow

    //DENIED// Your appeal has been denied for the following reasons: 1. Due to your previous rank being faded out, there is no rank to restore you too. However this discipline will not impede your progression to senior ranks. 2. You have taken more than 14 days to place an appeal. 3. After review by Cabinet and Third Parties, it has been found that with your previous experience the negligence of the civilian in police custody to respond to another situation was not acceptable. 4. The way you handled being served your discipline was not befitting of your rank or an officer as experienced as yourself. 5. Previous punishment for the same issue have been served exactly the same, and as such to continue consistency and fairness each officer is to be held to the same punishment.
  13. Bow

  14. Bow

    Get A Milky Way.
  15. Bow

    // Denied // Took longer than 1 month to come for a interview. Please re apply if you still have interest in joining the APD.
  16. Vans are the best and the worst patrol vehicles.
  17. Bow

    #BringBackBrissyBridge #OGDays #BridgeBoys
  18. Bow

    Details on giveaways?
  19. Bow

    Altis Police Department Police Academy Officer Application .................................................................................................................................................................................... Declaration of Application: - By placing this Application you are not guaranteed placement in the Academy. Your Application for Academy Officer in the APD may be Denied if you answers do not meet the minimum word limit, you lie in your answers, have an unsatisfactory history of Server Rule Breaches/ Protocol Breaches or fail to agree and acknowledge all statements and declarations in this Application. You Application may also be Denied after an Interview with a member of the Academy Officer. If you application is Denied a time frame will be placed after which you may reapply. Acknowledgement of Declaration: (Y/N) Basics: - Name on Database: Bow Callsign: S03W Rank: Sergeant Age: 17 Questionnaire: - Why do you want to join the Altis Police Department Academy (100 words min)?: I am always looking for more active roles in the APD for me to participate in and contribute too. I have been wanted to join academy for a while but my focus has been else where and slots were full at the time however since my time and slots have freed up i am seeking to join. Being apart of the academy team will also be another thing i can put behind me when climbing the rank as i can claim an even more active role. It is also be good for me as i can connect with other officers and further establish myself in the APD and further contribute my time effectively. I also desire down the road to not only be a active member in the command team but to be a member of the discipline/black list appeals team but trial academy is a good first step. What can you bring to the Academy? (50 words min)?: I've been apart of the APD here for a few years, on and off but long enough to know its track record and boast a positive reputation. Through my time with the department i have achieved high ranks in the command team and maintain a practically clean record. I believe with my experience and ability, i can confidently say that i have capacity to preform what is required of me as well as quickly learn or improve in areas that i am lacking. I like to say that i am a respected member with maturity and an able officer that can contribute and work accordingly to what is required from me during my time in the academy and else where. Do you wish to work in Enlistment or Training? Why? (50 words min)?: I do not have a preference, having worked in both fields i am not bothered. It depends on where numbers are needed the most, either from lacking staff, activity or increased demand. I feel confident with in the 'enlistment' side as i have performed interviews for a older APD here and love the interactions i have had during such interviews. I am also happy to work in the 'training' side of the academy as i can say i deliver well informed and enjoyable training to all areas i have conducted myself in however i do not see myself necessary in this area as with my rank i already have the ability to train a large portion of the APD. How much time can you dedicate to the Altis Police Department?: Currently i am in the progress of examinations and still giving a more then enough hours every second day, however afterwards ill be able to give a few hours a day or more. Have you ever been the subject of Disciplinary Action within the APD? If so when and why? No Conclusion: - Have you read the Altis Police Department Protocols?: (Y/N) Have you read the Altis Police Department Academy Staff Guidelines?: (Y/N) Do you acknowledge that by partaking in illegal or 'Rebel' activities you do not have the right to apply for Speciality Divisions within the APD such as SRT, POLAIR, Detectives and The Police Academy: (Y/N) ....................................................................................................................................................................................
  20. Bow

    10/10 would recommend again
  21. Bow

    1v1v1 Capture the flag would be fun for sure! Maybe alternate between a two team and three team CTF sets of games. As well as alternation with the intended game style that be either a focus on vehicles, air or CQB/Ranged/Urban combat ect
  22. A Terraria, Insergency, Dayz or Garry's Mod servers might be interesting
  23. Bow

    Name: Bow Callsign: K05W Rank: Leading Senior Constable Training Completed By: [L04W] Josh Gluesniff Why do you deserve a promotion? (50 Words min): I have been extremely active the past month and have worked my best to continue participating and contributing in the APD. Either that be on patrol during GD or detective work, assuming CO or training and guiding other members or civilians. I believe im capable in the extra duties and responsibilities that come along with the rank of sergeant and i am confident in my ability and knowledge as a officer. I desire to be promoted to extend my abilities to preform and improve myself as well as assist in other areas or further contribute where it is needed. I can confidently reassure that i am able to fulfill the tasks that come with being a sergeant as i have previously shown through my time with the APD and as a old command team rank, even to current date. This is shown through my participation in the detectives and GD patrol, through processing and interactions with other officers and civilians in game, and through training and communicating with officers in other areas that require attention. This is why i believe that i deserve the promotion and desire to be apart of the junior command in the near future. Who would recommend you for a promotion? Hopefully it is fair to say everyone i have communicated or patrolled with. I know a lot of the detectives would support me and a good deal of the common GD folk
  24. Bow

    Right up my alley, a lot of games like this currently in development but this looks sick.
  25. Bow

    Questions! Will the new jet DLC be included in the jet shops? Id gather all the jets would be unarmed but will they have less fuel? ( to prevent the extreme us of trolling ) Where will the court house be moved? It really should stay some where in syd, maybe by the beach or something. Will cop force training include 10-codes, escalation and better roleplay? I've been avoiding long sessions as cop lately as it has turn to slack for me, gear is no longer rank specific so we have cops abusing or having no clue how to handle it. What even are 10-codes anymore? Don't hear them. And escalations and role play need to be worked on cause i see to many cops tasering or shooting in situations that can be defused easily by a little chase for a restrain or using something called a mic. Ramming and speeding is becoming popular again in all ranks and to many officers are to trigger happy and don't facilitate for roleplay situations very well. Cop is a lot more fun but too lose from what I've experienced, cracking down a bit was the point in demoting and restarting the APD. Whats the fate of westpack? Will this bank be moved to the outskirts of syd or fully moved to another area?