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Posts posted by Killzone

  1. On 8/12/2016 at 11:50 AM, Unit_3397 said:

    This topic has been floating around for quite some time. I'll discuss this proposal with our current developer and wasteland staff.

    I personally like this idea, especially as it involves the community's decision. +1

    As to if or when it may happen, hopefully within a few days I can reply with the verdict,  if it will be added to the development road-map or not. 


    thanks anyway :D

  2. Should me and maybe @TH3GamingBanana create a ice cream shop for the customers of Sydney. 

    We currently had one active and it was a big hit with costumers piling up but, the suicide bombings weren't the best thing ;) (roger) as the police closed us down but do you guys think if we could get permission from the cops and not have as much chaos round it would be a good idea.

    If we did we would have to get some more employees which if you would like to become one just pm me on ts or in game.


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