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Posts posted by Ora209

  1. 37 minutes ago, =S.N.A.F.U.= said:

    The memory leak/black screen /CTD is a different issue from server frames. The AI lag is due to the server being taken by all the stuff happening at any given time. The AI have fewer cycles to work out what they have to do & by extension are dumb as my dead rabbit. With the headless clients running the AI cycles & the server handling every thing else, you get smarter AI & less lag especially when they are spawning in. 

    Ah kk hence making them more of a challenge... would that mean their despawn rate would be faster to? Like i know the tigs have longer despawn times than the other ei... so would that speed up the despawn or do they hang around longer for a reason

  2. I dont know if its just me but i rarely get any memory leaks on the high performance server... the only fps drop i get is from my pc... dispite the fact i have an i7 quad core my graphics card is fairly outdated so that means my fps sometimes drops from 50 to around 39-40 but other than that i probs wouldnt notice a difference... but yeah this obviously wouldnt apply for everyone else.

  3. 1 hour ago, InfamousNova said:

    we would need to change the mission file and and set each mission up individually. although this would be cool its a very time consuming thing

    Ah kk yeah i see now

  4. On Monday, August 29, 2016 at 3:35 AM, Stryker said:

    Ya realise lots of people including me dont care if its not realistic. Realism=/=Fun for a lot of people.

    Fighting more and waiting less makes for a way funner experience IMO

    See thats were arma gets its indeviduality in its unique playstyle, if ylur looking for fun and not really realism i would suggest something like battlefield... @WestOz traditionally the halo jump is usually done from a carrier jet like a Hercules and its basically like just throwing everyone out of the plane (as wierd and fun as it sounds) but the server that your describing sounds kinda fucked up in that you just spawn at high alt without travel time ect. but as i believe it, it is possible to run a script on the server to kinda eject the players in something like the blackfish... i belive the server already has the script imbedded in either the server or base code arma... for example the blackfish can eject/unload the vehicles.

    Just a thought

  5. On Monday, August 29, 2016 at 1:07 PM, InfamousNova said:

    Simply wouldn't work on I&A due to ai restrictions so we don't lag the server out.

    We would need to get a second server which from a financial point of view doesn't make sense keeping a server up when it's not being used if you get what I mean


    What if we do it like the AOs but have it in a line like a campaign but instead of the already bieng there they spawn in after the next ao is taken 

  6. Nah i was thinking something like a modern campaign... abit like d-day butmodern and we dont stop there we continue through the country side, taking check points along the way which also acts as an fob for respawn

  7. 1 hour ago, InfamousNova said:

    there arent many event we can hold tbh, i do zeus missions every now an then, the other zeus operators make missions too. but other than that most people just want to play the ao

    yeah thats what i was thinking, but just wondering if we could come up with any ideas

  8. Hey all

    Just wondering,is there any upcoming events on the I&A server and if were planning any what kind of events would the server hold?

    It would be great to hold one... just thinking out loud

  9. 6 hours ago, Qeus said:

    sadly it is not

    popular mod ace3 has it integrated, and there are several addons out there for it.

    Oh crap then... hahahaha.... i always presumed it was base code so ive probably wasted like 10000 rounds of ammo just from reloading... hahaha just as well it costs nothing 

  10. 5 minutes ago, Nclem said:

    How about get a vehicle blackfish, get the thing with the most seats you can in it, get everyone in THAT, and then get them to put their backpacks in that. 


    Then the blackfish drops the vehicle, everyone ejects from the blackfish, and then picks up their backpacks from the vehicle when required


    Idk just an idea hahaha

    We were toying with an idea similar to that last night on i&a but we came across the issue of how to determine the difference in whos backpacks are whos... but great idea tho, maybe if theres a way to name backpacks or something?

    • Like 1

  11. 1 hour ago, rassad said:

    Why not just talk with a blackfish Pilot, and arrange to Halo from that?   Entirely possible on the server atm.

    It can be done without mods but that would mean people will have to give up their backpacks, which i dont mind doing its just some people wont like that... and with the mod/script its an extention that the pilot controls and you dont need to give up you backpack for a parachute. (Not sure if this is 100% acurate as i last used the mod on an arma 2 server and things might have changed)

  12. Hey all

    I'm Ora209

    I'm a photographer from Sydney that love to play open world, exploration, simulation and fun games. I'am approachable and friendly, i tend to collate a lot of data on games so i have an extensive knowledge on a lot of games. I have played Loads of invade & annex on the straya gaming server but sadely it took til now to join the forums hahaha lol.

     Most Played Games:

    Arma 3

    Elite Dangerous


    and heaps more... feel free to add me on steam, its just Ora209. i wont bit, i promise... well ill try not to lets just say that :D:D:D:D:D:D

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  13. Hey all 


    Whilst coming back to the straya gaming after the launch of apex I've thought of something that would be similar to a server i used to play on in arma 2


    previously this wouldn't have been possible considering the size of aircraft that would be required to drop that many people off and make it effective, but how ever the game has changed since apex's release and the new black fish it out. Not sure if this mod has passed through the forums or not but as someone who played loads of arma 2 (when people still played it) and played one modded servers that had stuff like the halo mod and sling loading (remember this is arma 2) it made the game really exiting and fun.


    as a side note i don't believe that the mod/script is large and wont be taxing to the server, but that's for the moderators and admins to decide.


    Thanks Ora209


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