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Everything posted by Kumo

  1. Kumo

    Thanks man, trying to get as many people on-board before I present to the managers the figures. Will try to keep you updated
  2. Removing the bushes at airport would reduce airplanes crashing on take off and reduce problems as a whole. This was suggested by a player on wasteland to me, I'm just posting on behalf of the player.
  3. Kumo

    Always read the fine print
  4. Kumo

    If they said that, why not make our own game mode for battle royal? We have the devs
  5. Kumo

    Not a minecraft fan myself, but this sounds like a good idea.
  6. Kumo

    Could be good I guess, told a mate about it who has created multiple minecrafts servers @Mysteria98. He would be down to developing it, if this idea takes off.
  7. Kumo

    Thanks Salt for the giveaway, hopefully I'll win
  8. Kumo

    Thanks mate! http://steamcommunity.com/id/GonSupreme/
  9. Kumo

  10. I think the forums should have some sort of mini game like 'Flappy Bird: Straya Edition' to entertain staff/members. The mini game would come with a live leaderboard and would be great for playing around with while waiting in helpdesk etc. My boy @Lazy also suggested that the flappy bird is replaced with a kangaroo or even the SG logo.
  11. Kumo

    1v1 arma me then mate Also need to talk you, you going on ts tonight?
  12. Kumo

    Nice update guys, staff area looks way better
  13. Kumo

    Welcome to the community Ben Hope to see you in-game and enjoy your stay here at StrayaGaming!
  14. Kumo

    Be better of going with Exile Tanoa...
  15. Kumo

    awww thanks everyone, appreciate the positive feedback. Still got a couple to complete, but I'm glade I was able to brighten up some of your christmases
  16. Devs are to lazy I guess to rebuild the game, lets just hope Arma 4 fixes everything
  17. I would love ramming to be implemented within the game, but Arma isn't ready for it. So many times I've seen cars exploding or players killed by the slightest rams due to Arma being coded in a way not to simulate a real life crash/impact. Now to add the ability for everyone to ram freely would cause major problems for players and staff members alike. On the plus side every starter in the game can just grab a Sports SUV and have the most powerful weapon in the game. So please don't consider adding this until Arma is more reliable with impacts or you might aswell rename the server to 'Arma 3: Demolition Derby'. How to be OP after rule implementation: Grab a Sports SUV, have a friend tail you, ram some geared people, have your mate pick up all the gear... Now the idea is great don't get me wrong, but it needs some changes. So I propose this 'You cannot ram other vehicles, but you can ram objects or people'.
  18. Kumo

    //Delete please
  19. Kumo

    Sure is dude!
  20. Kumo

    Welcome to the community! Look forward to seeing your skills in-game
  21. Kumo

    Gotcha, also I'm not sure if Links ever got around to you about my idea. But would it be possible to add a 'revert to default camo' for the supporter clothing/vehicle tab? Sorry if I've asked twice.
  22. Kumo

    It actually sounds quite interesting from what you've explained so far, filled in a couple of my misconceptions I had before hand. Like you said I'd suggest making it a 'special event' so an admin has to trigger the event or even set a prefix timer like 9am/9pm every day, so people are prepared (admin triggered event is my personal choice). Also that canceling idea sounds great, the laptop explodes killing everyone in the area and the mission is failed. It makes the mission that much more challenging and rewarding on completion. And please don't make it so people who are offline are effected, as that was my main issue/worry for the mission. I'm happy giving up 10K of my bank account if I'm online and active! Last point is with the disconnecting punishment, you should incorporate some sort of icon onscreen while the hack is uploading (maybe percentage) so people know when it's safe to logout. I believe this event will be great, low bank holders will be fighting to earn instant cash, while the higher up players will be fighting to protect their bank accounts. With the 'Sunken Supplies' like you said, it's a mission what's not worth the time or money for people with more than 100K in the bank account. Adding a viper helmet among the supplies would dramatically increase the volume of people attending and I myself like the idea. Even me and some other people I have talked to about the newly added viper helmet fell guilty about dropping 80K on a helmet (1M-MAX banks accounts). So this would give people a new way to obtain it and not worry about losing 80K in a blink of an eye. Let me know man if you need any help or input in the development of these ideas, as I would be glade to help out and share my input.
  23. Kumo

    Nice dude. All looks promising apart from that hacker mission
  24. Kumo

    Welcome dude, enjoy your stay!