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jacob potty

Retired Staff
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Posts posted by jacob potty

    • Added - General Store at Central
    • Added - USS Liberty with vehicle store up NE of map
    • AddedMore ATM's around the map (moved some as well)
    • Added - Free use Fuel pump at USS Freedom & USS Liberty
    • Added - More item storages around the map (Limeri Bay, Agia Marina, USS Liberty)
    • Tweak - Rebuilt Kill Farm Vehicle Store
    • Tweak - Tokens are now 5 kills to get, not 10
    • Tweak - Updated rules 
    • Tweak - Central is now bigger
    • Tweak - Spawn money is now $1500 from $1000
    • Tweak - Store Prices tweak for some vehicles
    • Tweak - Increased price of AT, HEAT & HE rockets
    • Tweak - Team balancing, (teams should be more even)
    • Fixed - Kill Farm Vehicle Store works now 
    • Fixed - Limeri Bay General Store object spawn now works
    • Fixed - Maxwell Gun Store object now works (spawn was clipping into things)
    • Deleted - Remove Weather (apart from the rain)


    If you find any issues with the new update or would like to ask questions, come speak to us either on Discord or Teamspeak

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  1. On the 19/1/19 at 4pm AEST we will be completely changing the economy on the wasteland server. With the change comes a wipe, We will ONLY be wiping your money and vehicle storage. there will be other small  changes coming along with it. I'm not going to be giving anything away with these changes just be prepared for a whole different wasteland experience. 




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    • Seems Good 1

  2. Wasteland Stratis Major UPDATE
    In the event of any catastrophic errors or problems on initial release, we may revert back to the previous version.

    Please let me know how the update effects your performance


    N.B. This list of changes is not everything, it’s just what I felt were the most significant changes

    General Changes -

    • Added - Added Central gear storage
    • Added - Added Hostile jet, hostile jet formation and Air Wreck
    • Added - Expanded what vehicles can lift and towed
    • Added - M5 Sandstorm MLRS
    • Added - K40 Ababil-3 Cluster UAV
    • Added - K40 Ababil-3 Bomber UAV
    • Added - K40 Ababil-3 Missile UAV
    • Added - K40 Ababil-3 DAGR UAV
    • Added - MQ4A Greyhawk Cluster UAV
    • Added - MQ4A Greyhawk Bomber UAV
    • Added - MQ4A Greyhawk Missile UAV
    • Added - MQ4A Greyhawk DAGR UAV
    • Added - KH-3A Fenghuang Missile UAV
    • Added - UCAV Sentinel Missile
    • Tweak - Central capture zone size
    • Tweak - Made it so main building in central is unable to be destroyed
    • Tweak - Restricted what vehicle types can be brought at carrier
    • Tweak - Moved some base parts at LZ connor gun store
    • Tweak - Moved carrier
    • Tweak - Reduced chances of fog
    • Tweak - Expanded Distance mines can be placed around stores
    • Tweak - Changed team balance script from 5 to 7
    • Tweak - Moved again marina Gen store away from back of store due to tree blocking the store once it has been knocked over
    • Fixed - Fixed Kamino Heli spawn [Hopefully]
    • Fixed - Prowler AT spawing in a prowler HMG
    • Deleted - Old Outpost Gear storage


    If you have any suggestion for the next update to the server don't hesitate to make a suggestion post or message one of the WL staff your ideas.

    • Like 1

  3. Wasteland Stratis Minor UPDATE
    In the event of any catastrophic errors or problems on initial release, we may revert back to the previous version.

    Please let me know how the update effects your performance


    • Added -  new town in the middle of the map called Central
    • Added -  A small capture area at the very north side of the map called Kill Farm Bay
    • Added -  Placed an ATM at Kill Farm Bay
    • Tweak -  Position of the gun store Ai at Rogain and LZ Connor
    • Tweak -  Changed the price for the armed  V-44 X Black Fish and Y-32 XI'an
    • Tweak -  changed position of the repair truck at Strogos Bay
    • Tweak -  The spawn rate of water based  AI missions
    • Tweak -  Changed the team balance script to +5
    • Fixed -  Abandoned jet mission spawning on base parts from old missions
    • Fixed -  Kamino Vehicle store blowing vehicles up
    • Deleted - The ATM at south side of airfield

    This is one of the first couple of updates coming out soon. We are planning to add more air and group vehicles to the token store along with other minor stuff.

    If you have any suggestion for the next update to the server don't hesitate to make a suggestion post or message one of the WL staff your ideas.

    • Like 1
    • <3 2

  4. On 10/7/2018 at 12:21 AM, Eagle said:

    It seems as though all the players who used to play left or got banned and since then the server has gone to shit. I find it pretty sad that a player who hasn't played on the server for a very long time (possibly over 6 months ago) still has the highest kill count @Dymium. What does this say? It says that nobody is committed to playing the server like they used to. I'm not saying that we should try and get the OG squads back on and playing (which I think would be absolutely amazing) but I am saying that the dev team and whoever else in charge should be giving players incentive to want to play on the server. Adding tokens and useless shit like that may be "innovative" but clearly it isn't working. Bring back the days when FBI, Bullet and Blue Eagle would be up in jets obliterating campers whilst invictiis, myself, neanp and dymsym would roll as the ground squad protecting the airfield for resupply. Bring back the most raw form of Wasteland where anything goes... No rules, no regulations. Just pure carnage. I will try to get a few of the boys back on. I played the server last night and got 40 frags on blufor against opfor sweats with a navid and a hunter so idk what ya'll are talking about when you refer to stack-for. Any good player would froth at the mouth of the enemy team being stacked, easy frags lads. In addition, get more mods and admins. Thanks <3. BTW love you linksy babes. from Rizen. @Links

    I will admit the server went through a giant drop once all staff left at the end of 2017 and the development of the server pretty much stopped due to the fact wastelands future was up in the air. Since @James32 put a lot of time and effort into the server it has improved performance and player base wise, as you can see by the screenshot James placed on this forum post which since then have improved tremendously. The states i gather you looked at were from https://strayagaming.com.au/wl_stats/ which are from the old DB, we moved over to a new DB probably 7-8 months ago which the devs have yet to fix up to appear on the WL states page.

    • Like 2

  5. Hello SG community

    With the successful revival of the wasteland server we are looking for ways to make it bigger and better for everyone. We know of how important you all are to keeping the server rising and that is why we are looking to you for your thoughts and ideas on ways to help improve the server, it can be anything from map changes, events and promotional ideas. Just post a comment below with suggestion and ideas for the Wasteland server, Every suggestion/idea will be taken to a meeting where we will discuss and try our best to implement as many ideas as possible.


    Hey guys its your number one Wasteland admin here.

    With all the changes wasteland is going through we have decided to freshen up the server rules as they are long overdue for it. Below I have detailed the changes to WL server rules. A full post of wasteland server rules can be found HERE 



    17. Money Missions

    - If multiple parties finish an AI mission, you are required to share the money with everyone involved. If the money is not shared and both parties cannot come to an   agreement, the money will be removed by an admin.


    11. Body Looting

    - Once you have died, and your items are on the ground, it is officially free for anyone to take. It is however considered polite to allow friendlies to retrieve their gear should they ask.        However, if you were already in close proximity to a fallen ally and couldn't help them in time, you are not to touch their gear. Doing so will result in disciplinary action.

    - waiting for a friendly to die in order to collect their loot is a punishable offense.



    2. Admin Decisions

    - Complaining in chat or speaking rudely to an admin on Teamspeak will only make your situation worse. If you think a staff member's actions are unjust, please send   a    message to the current wasteland manager &/or the Staff Manager. Or file a staff report on the forums. These messages are kept strictly confidential.

    - An admin's decision is final, if you believe the decision was in error put in a ban appeal.


    3. Spamming

    - Spamming chat after being asked to stop by others/a staff member may result in a kick or your access to public chat channels being rescinded.


    5. Offensive Language

    - StrayaGaming is a community with a variety of all genders, races and ages, please respect that.

    - Repetitive directed abuse towards other players is entirely unacceptable behaviour, and may result in disciplinary action.

    - This includes any community guideline breaches.


    9. Team killing [Rule moved from #11 to #9]

    - Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES do you ever teamkill, If you are caught intentionally team killing another player it will result in disciplinary action.


    10. Team Damaging / Stealing [Rule moved from #12 to #10]

    - Damaging friendly assets and / or stealing from your teammates is not allowed, if you are caught damaging or stealing friendly vehicles you will receive disciplinary       action.


    12. Indie group hunt [Rule moved from #13 to #12]

    - Independents that use the group system to locate people then kill them will result in disciplinary action.


    13. Using objects to block missions [Rule moved from #14 to #13]

    - Do not under any circumstance place objects on top or around a mission to stop it functioning. Do not fully obstruct roadways used by missions, always have gaps in     any barriers/walls for mission vehicles to pass through.


    15. Sky Bases [Rule moved from #17 to #15]

    - Sky Bases are, hence the name, bases built up in the sky, out of reach and/or view of other players. Skybases are permitted if and only if they are connected all the     way to the ground with base parts or are below 150m above terrain level.


    9. Ignoring mods and admins  [Rule combined into rule #14]

    - This is Trolling / Greifing / Being a dick and CAN result in a PERM BAN.



    10. Being Kicked

    - If you have been kicked, it means you were caught breaking some form of rule or common courtesy and are now sitting on ultra-thin ice. Consider re-evaluating your   decisions and taking another read of these rules.


    16. Being Kicked to Independent

    - Simply enough, If you have been kicked to the indie team, consider yourself lucky you have not been banned for breaking some form of rule or common courtesy.


    • Like 4

  7. Hey Mate

    We are looking to add donations and what not specifically for wasteland in the future, Which will open up additional custom content to the server. The reason we don't have donations set up yet is due to all the changes wasteland is going through we haven't really had much of a solid player base to make it worth wild setting up . But now with the new mission file released our player base is coming back, so if it keeps up we will have donations and what not in no time. 

    • Like 2

  8. Hey Washie

    Sorry about the delayed reply i can assure you right now the Wasteland admin team has not lost interest. The admin team is going through a sort of small rebuild stage due to reasons you can read in this post 


    I can also assure you the server is getting the attention it needs, the current mission file is only getting minor tweaks at the moment due to our amazing development team working on a completely new wasteland mission. We are also have numerous things in the works to improve the community engagement in the server all the way from awards to enjoyable events. If you have any suggestions on any aspect of our wasteland server don't hesitate to make a post in the wasteland suggestion section for us to take into consideration

    From Jacob Potty [Wasteland Trial Moderator]

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  9. Hey i am Jacob some of you may know me from OG But for those that do not know me i was previously a Server Manager, Web Developer and Assistant commissioner of their medic force. I recently left to get a change of scenery and that is why i am here, I hope to enjoy my experience  within this community and look forward to meeting some great people. 

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    • Seems Good 1
    • kkool 1
    • Clap 1
    • thinking3d 2