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Everything posted by BridTheAtl

  1. BridTheAtl

    One time at band camp
  2. BridTheAtl

    Sometimes by losing a battle you find a new way to win the war
  3. BridTheAtl

    We are now in this war. We are all in it, all the way.
  4. BridTheAtl

    We need to land this missile in the ocean
  5. BridTheAtl

    The VR suit is disabled on I&A
  6. BridTheAtl

    The server was once like this but unfortunately people were only using the CQC weapons
  7. BridTheAtl

    You win some and Lose some
  8. BridTheAtl

    In SQUAD we trust
  9. BridTheAtl

    No spider shall kill me
  10. BridTheAtl

    Cannon's away captain
  11. BridTheAtl

    I bet I can throw a grenade through that window
  12. BridTheAtl

    Sometimes standing against evil is more important than defeating it.
  13. BridTheAtl

    Capture The Flag Pop-Up Weekend By popular demand, StrayaGaming's CTF server will be going live from 6 PM tonight all the way through until 12 AM Tuesday! Filter "Straya" or hit up IP: The server will be restarting once every 12 hours Player statistics and money have not been reset, so get in and give it your best!
  14. BridTheAtl

    My whole life just flashed before my eyes, I gave it 2 stars
  15. BridTheAtl

  16. BridTheAtl

    No stopping Dymium that's for sure!
  17. BridTheAtl

    Very Interesting, can't wait to use them
  18. BridTheAtl

  19. BridTheAtl

  20. BridTheAtl

    @Farqman If you don't mind please send through the video so we can take a look, the more evidence the better.
  21. BridTheAtl

    Yeah nah..
  22. BridTheAtl

    They can already do this it's just.. up to whoever is on and feels like doing it It's completely up to who is playing in the slot at the time and if they want to participate in side missions. Although I've noticed a few people tagging along with darters and UGV's to try help out You don't need to be called in when a defend mission is active. However, it's very handy if the UAV op calls out where vehicles or squads are.
  23. Introducing Straya's League of Legends Esports Team Over the past couple of weeks, The staff at Strayagaming have been working day and night in restructuring Strayagaming so we can further expand our gaming community. A lot of planning has been involved in making sure our newly acquired League of Legends team transitions into our community with minimal fuss and disruption. The Strayagaming staff would like to welcome the following League of Legends Team members. Coach - Subnoize Team 2 Coach - Hopë Team 1 Top Lane - Hyper Jungle - Jinx Mid Lane - Zeo ADC - Loopz Support - Archjuggler Team 2 (Academy) Top Lane - Daisen Jungle - Xanar Mid Lane - Scorpio ADC - Thatronaldguy Support - Exxon These guys are working around the clock in preparation for the OOL Tournament that resumes in February of next year. Success in the OOL will see the team entering in the OCS (Oceanic Challenger Series) in the hopes they will continue to develop their skills and macro play and move forward into the OPL (Oceanic Pro League). This is a big step for Strayagaming and a direction that all those involved are excited to see succeed. There will be further developments coming over the next few months but it’s important that the transition and process into the Esports scene is done methodically and with care to ensure all those who are involved are participating enjoy themselves and settle in.