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  1. NS24

    @webnebular Wow, that sounds like exactly what I'm looking for. I see "ULTRASQUAD" on I&A all the time (mostly see you guys doing side missions). I like to have fun while playing but when it comes down to series time I can play tactical as well. I don't enjoy playing alone so a full squad of players that know what they are doing is just the thing I need. I am not the best Arma player out there but most of my 140 hours in Arma have been spent on I&A and I know all the basics. If I am required to wear a badge to join that doesn't bother me.
  2. NS24

    @Slepwakeat Sweet I'll send you a FR.
  3. NS24

    @SirPetri No worries. We will squad up whenever I see you guys on Arma 3. I could be on today and possibly on the weekend as well.
  4. NS24

    @InfamousNova That sounds good mate. I'm online a few times a week, will probably be on tonight as well. Send me a friend request on steam or link your profile and I'll send you a FR. http://steamcommunity.com/id/NS247
  5. NS24

    @Travesty Thanks!
  6. NS24

    @Travesty Thanks for all that info! I will definitely keep an eye out for those side missions and let others know on the side channel. As for the Strya Gaming TeamSpeak, I found it a bit hard to use (I could just be doing something wrong). I joined the Pilots channel once when I was piloting on I&A but there was no sound and I wasn't sure if others could hear me. Seen plenty of other groups/channels, just wasn't sure which one is for I&A (not Piloting).
  7. Hello fellow Straya Gamers. As you can see by the title I'm looking for a few players to run with on I&A (Also started playing King of the Hill recently, very fun) Bit about my self, I am 21 years old, like to play FPS/ Third person games (Shooter, RTS, also like trying out new games), I like to play I&A seriously but not too series if you know what I mean and would like to check out some user made scenarios from the Steam Workshop. Sorry if this is a little messy, wrote it as fast as I can. If you're interested to play some I&A, King of the Hill and maybe some other game modes/missions just reply to this or add me on steam. http://steamcommunity.com/id/NS247
  8. NS24

    Damn, will still be at work. Do they go on for the whole night, or just 1 or 2 hours?
  9. NS24

    Thanks, so the next one will be on Friday-time?
  10. NS24

    Sounds good I'm in, can be Auto Rifleman or Medic. BTW is this still only on Friday nights?
  11. NS24

    Ok cool. Do you have any idea of when they do these kinds of missions, weekends, Friday nights? Haven't really seen any yet.
  12. NS24

    I've seen a few Youtubers create new/different missions in I&A through Zeus for players to try out. Here's one just as a example: https://youtu.be/Q-7CxLEfjqc I was wondering if StrayaGaming I&A servers do anything similar to this, or is it the same mission over and over (Capture HQ, take a certain area/town? It would be great to have some different missions/base designs to try out.