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Brodie0296 last won the day on June 13 2017

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78 Rising Star

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About Brodie0296

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  • Birthday 10/02/1996

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  1. Brodie0296

    Have'nt had much play time on it but from what i have it has been a blast, being able to use the fast ropes was a nice change especially when being dropped off into the jungle, only thing id like to see which im sure will come down the line if the server stays is the same area 51 camo and flags from the normal I&A server, missing my DPCU and ANF patch while doing missions, either way good job boys
  2. Brodie0296

    I personally enjoy night fighting/flying but shit it gets annoying hearing people bitch about it and asking when its going to be day again, i think what we have now is fine, besides who doesnt love fighting in the dawn/dusk light
  3. Brodie0296

    Fitz you're a legend.
  4. Brodie0296

    well technically you are progressing in life if you can have the spare funds to donate, now if it decided who gets it, it'll probably be based on ability/how regular you are and if you are toxic or not to the server, if anything it could be a new system to get people who want to use said skins to play more often and get more involved/active in said community
  5. Brodie0296

    just went onto the server and i dont have access
  6. Brodie0296

    But then people wont have something to work towards
  7. Brodie0296

    NOOOOOOOOO i dont have area 51 anymore, now how can i show my dedication by rocking the DPCU camo
  8. Brodie0296

    As a self appointed I&A veteran i am triggered you put I&A under the same bracket as.......................altis life, already bad enough we have some altis life players wanting to be pilots in the I&A server, some days its seriously like flies to shit
  9. Brodie0296

    Other words it went well til the twelvies got bored and started to **** around.......IF I HAD TO WATCH ONE MORE ****ING AIRSHOW OR "SONIC BOOM".......I was going to be very disappointed with the maturity and use of resources in game
  10. Brodie0296

    Tanoa more like Boo-no-a........ill show myself out of this thread
  11. Brodie0296

    Can we say your soldier has cancer so we can make it an altis life colab as well?
  12. Brodie0296

    Honestly the only RP'ers ive seen in I&A is when guys dress up as reporters and follow us around, and that shit is always classic
  13. Brodie0296

    When I&A teaches AL how to rp
  14. Brodie0296

    ah shit did a twelvie get on and try to do an airshow again?
  15. Brodie0296

    Is it a bug or a feature? ..........yes