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Everything posted by James32

  1. James32

    I can confirm this is in the works and will be released once it is ready to go! Still have a couple of things to finalize due to having been busy with university lately, but it is our plan to have stratis make its return ASAP If anyone has any suggestions/feedback feel free to reply here or forum message me :)
  2. James32

    I think he means he wants to be able to self hide posts @InfamousNova
  3. James32

    Not going to lie, possibly the funniest/cheesiest thing i've seen people on the server come up with, but tbh i love it Tank drivers when they see your car hurtling towards them be like
  4. James32

    Welcome back mate, Come play some wasteland again :)
  5. Post //LOCKED As it has been answered
  6. To comment further on this, This is far from a simple fix, the proposal is filled with holes that would lead to people being unable to loot bodies they are allowed to loot in some cases. The problem stems from the question of how I could ever aim to code something that "knows" when a rule has been broken, because there are lots of situations where people are allowed to loot friendly bodies under our rules. What type of constraints are there that would stop rule-breaking team looters without stopping people who want to loot the bodies of dead friendlies within our rules. It is virtually impossible to design a flaw proof system to do this given the levels of nuance in our current ruleset regarding looting friendly bodies. I feel like in the end people like to complain about friendlies looting their stuff even when it is within the rules, feeling an entitlement to the gear and confuse this with genuine rule breaks which occur far less frequently from my experience, rarely enough that staff can stay on top of it if you alert us in a timely and mature manner to the issue and provide evidence. There isn't any programmatic magical bullet that can enforce a rule as nuanced as this one, and to be honest i dont want to implement a system that is poorly thought out or inconveniences players who are within their rights to loot a given body and even if I did it is anything but "A simple script" it would involve several changes to how the looting system on our server works, and would be a disproportionate amount of work for a likely ultimately futile attempt at stopping this issue, whilst having the very likely chance to lead to unforeseen inconveniences to legitimate players
  7. James32

    Not sure what has a bigger brain, a dodo or sandy
  8. James32

    Sounds like a good time! I'll be there! May the best team win
  9. WASTELAND 2.0.0 ANNOUNCEMENT “The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.” ― Albert Einstein Greetings everyone, I was going to wait until the day of it's release to announce this and have it be a surprise however due to the large amount of discussion surrounding the issue (see this thread: https://strayagaming.com.au/forums/topic/14049-stratis-vs-malden/) I have decided to announce the update now, in advance of it's release and give you all a rough run down of our big news! First of all and most excitingly update 2.0.0 will mark our transition to Malden as our server's map. This has been in development for around a week now and is now complete! Long story short we have designed and built a Wasteland map for Malden which we will be deploying on our server on the map's official release date, wed/thurs next week! For your viewing pleasure some images to give you a taste of our new map This new map has been built specifically for strayagaming wasteland and as such we should be one of the first wasteland servers to be on the new map! Some Gameplay images: Other Notes, Along with the switch to Malden there will be an associated gameplay update rolled onto the same patch aimed to adjust the economy (both price changes and modifications to some mission rewards) along with a handful of bugfixes and other small additions (full patch-notes will be released when it goes live next week). Developing Malden in such a short time-span has however delayed our next larger gameplay patch slightly, however it is on it's way and should be released in around ~3-4weeks baring anything unexpected coming up. However I'm certain that until then that the new map will keep you all more than occupied What this all will entail (the cons), To avoid inconsistencies involving the coordinates of players and vehicles transfering over when we switch to the new map, as well as ensuring a more even starting field when we go live with the patch I will be wiping on hand money/gear and force saved vehicles. This means that if you wish to keep your gear you should store it, you should also bank all your on hand money and park any vehicles you wish to keep before the day the switch over is due to happen. Please note: This will not effect stored vehicles, stored items or bank money, only vehicles out on the map and on hand gear/money. Furthermore due to the experimental nature of the new map/ WL build we are unsure how well it will suit wasteland yet. As such we will trial the map for a couple of weeks to gauge it's suitability, we will then decide whether or not we will keep using Malden permanently or either switch back to Stratis, or put the maps on a rotating schedule This new map is also quite likely to have a bug or two considering how rapidly it was put together along with the fact that the Wasteland version of the map was built from the ground up, As such there may be the odd issue with the map that I was unaware of, so please bare with me, and if you encounter any bugs or map issues please let me know so I can fix them ASAP A Sidenote, As a part of improving our server and development cycle I would like to encourage the community to engage more with the process and help us understand what you feel is working and what isn't, and what your thoughts are on the direction on the server and how it could be improved! We aim to make the server as fun and fair for everyone as possible! If you have any suggestions for the server please feel welcome to post them here(and tag me): https://strayagaming.com.au/forums/forum/27-suggestions/. (Please note however that I offer no guarantees any individual suggestion will be implemented, however I can assure you that we will read any and every suggestion and give them fair consideration!) In addition I would implore everyone to assist me in becoming aware of any bugs so that I can ensure a fair playing field for all players. If you feel a bug is completely game-breaking please feel free to message myself or any other Wasteland staff member on the forums or TS with the issue so it can be addressed, if it isn't game-breaking please post it here https://strayagaming.com.au/forums/forum/28-bug-reports/ Additionally if you have any thoughts on this post or the 2.0.0 update I will leave this thread unlocked for discussion. (I have also added a poll to this post Re: interest in a preview of the map) Regards, James32, Wasteland Developer/Admin @Unit_3397 @Ya Mum @Dak Commstar @Lazy @ALI @Connor.
  10. James32

    Why dont we let people decide for themselves
  11. James32

    Hey, We'll all have a discussion about this and i'll get back to you, There are a few different considerations when deciding what client mods to allow on the server. I do admit though those mods are interesting so we'll have a discussion about them. We are also looking at including more sound mods, stay tuned for news in my next patchnotes later today
  12. James32

    That's an unusual place for a submarine @Nunny
  13. James32

    Well you know what they say, there's a first time for everything
  14. James32

    Hey everyone, This thread has gotten a bit out of control and doesnt seem to be constructive any longer so i've locked it, I will however leave it up for voting so that we can see what the community thinks of the idea. Appologies to anyone this inconveniences Regards, James
  15. James32


    I'm going to be looking into optimizations in the mission over the next few weeks, stay tuned as it is a high priority for me. Sorry for the inconvenience, the mission just has trouble keeping up when the server has 80ish people for many hrs straight like the days since the Malden update. The Malden map itself is also more intensive/larger
  16. James32

    //LOCKED Old thread, no need to rehash it, We have decided on using malden as our next map
  17. Hmmmmmm Natural terrain is so beautiful on Malden tho, would hate to fill it with eyesores like those construction buildings
  18. James32

    We need an extended version
  19. @Nunny This is an interesting idea, IE a focal point Town, however where you have indicated on the map may not be suitable as it is a relatively small town, to be effective it would likely have to be in one of the larger towns
  20. For anyone who wants to test the new map; This afternoon/evening (from this post onward for the rest of the night) I will be putting up our test server up on running a beta version of the new wasteland map if you want to try it out. In order to play on the server you will need to install the Release Candidate (RC) build of Arma, which you can install either through steam or using arma 3 tools with the password Arma3Update172RC Have fun! and be sure to give me any feedback you have Please note due to it being the test server the server performance will be lower/you may experience more lag than you will get on the main server, if it lags this is not an issue with the patch it's just the server it's running off. Also on the test server vehicle storages are disabled, and nothing stored on the test server will transfer to the main server
  21. Hey, I agree with what @Adolf said, It is easiest to report people who steal your gear to admins/mods, you should note however that they are allowed to take your gear if they were not in the area when you died/could not have reasonably made any effort to revive you. However, most players will not take your gear if you ask them politely not to in side chat! It's very hard to have any in game solution to this issue due to the grey area of exactly when gear can be taken (which is hard to qualify in code ect), so for now it is most effective to simply tell us so we can look into it if you think a player has taken your gear in a way that breaches server rules. I will however have a think on if there is any reasonable middle ground/way to implement a solution to this that doesn't inconvenience rule abiding players as well.
  22. James32

    In response to this thread;
  23. James32

    I also definitely never used it before i patched it out
  24. James32

    Hey, It used to be enabled on our server however we encountered an abuse where players could take off near instantly by switching flight models mid engine start, due to this we made the decision to disable it to stop players abusing this technique to obtain an advantage.