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Everything posted by Daywalker

  1. Daywalker

    It’s pretty sad that you are making memes about people with genuine suggestions for the server but your too ignorant to listen to anything being said because your a cop and anything suggested by rebels must have a sinister intention to ruin the server. How about reading what is said given that there are major issues with both factions.
  2. Daywalker

  3. Daywalker

    Pubslot montage*
  4. Daywalker

    Yikes, 1 minute montage
  5. Daywalker

  6. Daywalker

    Just do the facecam
  7. Daywalker

    @Kat. its not at all like you were trying to get the steal
  8. Daywalker

    Vitale viewbots are clearly the cause of this
  9. Daywalker

    @Jewbacca this goes for you aswell, you little view roach.
  10. Daywalker

    @Skyfise stop leeching of my popularity. Just cuz u know you’ll get more views if u post it here rather than make ur own post.
  11. Daywalker

    He puts a trade in his cqc frag montage....
  12. Daywalker

    Thanks for giving us the ability to give our opinion in regards to the future of the server!
  13. @2Square this is a statement made in sheer ignorance, as @Connor. said this time of year the server always loses a significant amount of its population as a result of exams, the server is clearly not dying. Every year it is said at around this time that the server is dying. To blame this on the new update that the SG development team have worked hard on is again ignorance and a lack of gratefulness for all the work they have put in to make your time on the server better. Sydney was only a good place if you wanted to break rules or troll, as a result I understand your frustrations. Sydney is not the reason that long-term players played the server before the wipe and Sydney was not where the quality combat situations happened at, it was simply an everlasting cluster**** for staff, rebels, medics and cops. If you were paying attention in the school holiday period after the wipe, before people started leaving to focus on exams, the server was consistently at max population in peak hours and in the non peak hours the server pop was still high enough to be able to find people everywhere to rob (for rebels) and to arrest (for cops). Brisbane lacks the same choke-points that Sydney had which made it such a cluster****, so in that sense the the staff have achieved their goal by de-****ing Sydney. As a result the only people that would have resent toward this are the small gangs that focus on trolling cops and breaking rules, namely SF (what a coincidence). The update has spread people out across the map much more effectively than the previous map layout, another success. On whether or not the community should decide the rules, this does have benefits, however you have kind of shot yourself down by revealing that your only intention with this is to allow you to go into city limits with rebel gear. Think of all the great roleplay that will come of that. This would completely reverse the progress the staff have made to de-**** the main city. Its obvious that you only want rebel gear in city limits to kill cops in suv's and with 9mm's, the exact reason the rule was introduced. If you want to fight cops there are plenty of opportunities for you to do it outside of city limits (cops now leave city limits). In conclusion, stop making ignorant and ungrateful statements that simply aren't true. In addition to this don't ask for community voting on rules just to pass your one agenda of killing helpless cops in SUV's within Brisbane when there are vast opportunities to fight them elsewhere.
  14. Daywalker

    Im sure all those 9.3 supps were legitimate
  15. Daywalker

  16. Daywalker

    Name: daywalker Player ID (If Blacklisted): Date of Disciplinary Action: 20/9 What Disciplinary Action was placed against you: probation and strike Who were you Disciplined by: corey Reason for Disciplinary Action against you: attitude toward higher ranks Why the appeal should be accepted: [50 Words] This discipline came from a situation at PD where i was glitched and saw what i thought to be a bot in pd(i checked my map, no hex and i checked y inv). I shot them, not knowing i was glitched or even that this glitch existed, and was given 5 min gate duty from the person who it was. I explained that i needed to relog and after doing so, clearly not hearing me, he made it 10 minutes. I argued with him on this as it was ridiculous and another sgt stepped in and made it 20. I replied that it was a protocol violation for him to do so, he said “no, i can do that” completely negleticing this truth and thereby abusing his power. Another two sgts stepped in adding to that time. One of them who listened to me previously said “ok you can do my 10min after his 10min” this was repeated amongst the group. At this point i was sick of this blatant power abusive, belittling and provoking. I proceeded to go and complete this gate duty. Whilst i admit that i told the sgt that originated this situation some colourful language, i was provoked and clearly the victim of power abuse from not one but multiple sgts. I should not have done this, however from this it is evident that the “verbal abuse” was not from an attitude problem but from being continupusly provoked and forced to be the subject of several instances of power abuse from the sgts. Two weeks of probation and a strike is not appropriate for telling somone to **** off and calling them a fag after what had happened when i have no recent history for abuse. I do undestand the context however of the punishment if it were for poor attitude toward higher ups, given my recent discipline for that, however this is not an issue of attitude this is an issue regarding provoked “verbal abuse”. There was no evidence ever provided whatsoever, this clearly led to a misunderstanding of the context of the situation from corey given that all information to him was provided by the aforementioned power abusing sgt. I think that this punishment is therefore ridiculous given the circumstances. Any other information:
  17. Daywalker

  18. Daywalker

    I feel that its important for the community to be able to give their opinion on topics freely without it being taken down by a singular staff member who disagrees. This is a fundamental imposition on freedom of speech that is toxic to the server. Rebels, similar to cops and medics should be able give their opinion regardless of the fact that they are rebels. Instead of taking down a post allow for discussion to take place where both sides can be told and a resolution can come. This community has so much potential however to see the censorship that is taking place continue with only drive the server into the ground. Recently people calling staff out for this have had their posts removed, this is an important topic that needs to be addressed. The server needs to adapt to the demands of its community for it to succeed, not ignore their opinions and prevent discourse from taking place. This is a totalitarian rule from staff that is simply uncalled for.
  19. Daywalker

    Sometimes standing against evil is more important than defeating it