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About Specialist

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  • Birthday 12/04/1992

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  1. Specialist

    I'm all for the house tax idea, forces people to either sink their money into owning houses all across the map or give them up and save some cash, this idea could also be applied to garages too Buying a house/garage at the moment is virtually impossible unless you go out of the main city's, new players could be deterred by that, so I'm all for anything that shakes up the housing market. (For reference, I am one of those people who owns multiple houses)
  2. Specialist

    Hey mate, My in game name is Specialist, currently role playing in game as a cartel member, would love to help out! Cheers.
  3. Specialist

    the laugh at the end though! haha!
  4. Specialist

    Welcome back mate! Come down to vic, it's nicer here Hope to see you in game.
  5. Specialist

    @Griffo I'll come find you in TS Grif. (Edit: Screw it, count me in. Demo Specialist)
  6. Specialist

    OoooOooOoOO I like the sound of that.
  7. Specialist

    "I was just refuelling it?!" Haha!
  8. Specialist

    1. 2,000,000 for the license, 1,500,000+ for a small house and up from there. 2. You can purchase storage containers form bunnings, around 12k for the big ones. 3. Increase your civ level and your pay check wil go up.
  9. Specialist

    @Blackout This is a good attitude to have, separates people who wish to mess around and doesn't ruin it for everyone else. Protocols should be followed and respected.
  10. Specialist

    I play both sides, cop and rebel and enjoy the RP from both angles. But I can assure you, cops pay nothing close to what rebels spend, a rebel outfit can set you back 250,000 before you even buy a vehicle, I can outfit as a cop for $40,000 with a lethal and can make that back in 5 mins. So what you're saying is uneducated and doesn't really affect the OP, I thought I'd just clarify for people who don't know any better. In saying that, price of equiptment is not the current problem and is a small reflection on the larger respect issues between cops, civs and the rebellion.
  11. Specialist

    Start another topic, this is irrelevant to the OP. -- Also, to the OP, you seriously can't expect cops who also play as rebels/cartels/civs to choose, because in all honesty it's these people who tend to play this server a lot, and dedicated people don't come around often At the end of the day you should be focusing on your own development in the APD and not worrying about what others do, it's not really your problem.
  12. Specialist

    This seems like the best idea to me, not that I think the cartel idea won't work, I just think moving the teller every restart or even every second keeps everything fresh for everyone.
  13. Specialist

    Cops don't usually respond to wespack with Hunters. And the reason cops usually rush westpac is because usually inexperienced gangs won't place any externals and will rely too heavily on internal defence. In my opinion using external defence is what makes gangs like NTR and SP so dangerous.
  14. Specialist

    I personally think that, at the moment, the bank security is fine to an extent. I do think that the teller at wespack needs to be more reinforced to simulate a real world bank robbery. A good suggestion could be some sort of vault in the ladder room or reinforcement of the teller area Also, I don't think cops should be allowed to just rush teller at wepack and wall bang the desk, to me it looses a sense of realism, I feel like Irl police would want to have a visual on who there shooting before they open up, for all we know there could be innocent people behind that desk.
  15. Specialist

    The Altis Life sever restarts 4 times daily 6am, 12pm, 6pm and 12am. Without sounding rude, I'm sure you can manage to work around those restarts.