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Everything posted by Kontrasts

  1. Kontrasts

    Kinda sucks how this gets spoiled for everybody, yet they continue to be cocky about it in the replies
  2. Kontrasts

    It's not really a disadvantage if the enemy only has access to those 2 scopes as well, just makes the fight more interesting. I'm for slowing down night, makes for some interesting robberies and battles.
  3. Kontrasts

    I'm a massive fan of DynaSounds 2 combined with Enhanced Soundscape. The both together make for an amazing experience.
  4. Kontrasts

  5. Kontrasts

    It's not a job mate, join in whenever you have the time. I can take you on some runs if needs be and get the ball rolling.
  6. Kontrasts

    Welcome mate, you'll enjoy your time here. Send me a message on the forums or find me in-game if you need any help.
  7. Kontrasts

    Welcome to SG We don't have an Altis Life gang as such, more just some friends that play together. But if you're interested, chuck me a message and I'll be more than happy to teach you the game and get you off to a flying start!
  8. Kontrasts

    It's a craftable now, you also need a token to craft them. I guess the idea is so that the people that really take the roleplay seriously get access to the NATO and OPFOR high-end snipers.
  9. Kontrasts

    I'm not bothered about what happens either way, but being a KOS zone I think that it is just unlucky if you happen to run into people who are "camping" the Rebel Outpost itself. @Chalky and myself earlier were able to easily secure the area with an over-watch position and have somebody run down and clear the tower and surrounding buildings. Arma is all about thinking - a team of 10 can be eliminated by 1 person if you're able to counter their positions and outsmart them. I'm not joining in the insult-fest here, but everybody has witnessed some of the lunatic tactics that people have in this game. May the best man win and claim his weapons
  10. Kontrasts

    Whenever the server returns to it's full feature build I still plan to open this shop and sell anything that is requested, not limited to guns.
  11. Kontrasts

    Hi all, So I started playing here Tuesday and I've since built up some nice assets including trucks, helicopters and now a house! I'm very excited to be stepping into the crafting world and I came up with an idea which I wanted to share on here to see if there is any interest. I'm already starting to get sick of doing legal runs, but until I've built up some financial stability I was thinking of creating a forum shop where I could craft guns and then add to a stock list. People who are interested in a particular item can pm me on the forums or find me in-game and then purchase that particular item from myself. Didn't want to jump into this idea and then find out that nobody would actually use it, so I want to ask here first. Keep in mind I'm fairly active in the server and I would be contactable pretty much all day every day.
  12. Kontrasts

    He's an I&A Admin
  13. Kontrasts

  14. Kontrasts

    Hello you, this is me.
  15. Kontrasts

    I can only assume this guy wasn't using surround sound headphones, or was just having a bad day but we found it funny none the less
  16. Kontrasts

    @Red I mean, if you want to sponsor me a new CPU and GPU I can't say I'd reject the offer.
  17. Kontrasts

    @Farensik. Shop will be open some time next week hopefully
  18. Kontrasts

    This was funny until my friend got killed because he didn't have a microphone.
  19. I'm really enjoying editing these little clips together and this is a good platform for them to be critiqued - enjoy
  20. Kontrasts

    @Specialist @Noordo @Axle_Tiaky Thanks all for your responses
  21. Kontrasts

    Hi all, I've been playing since Tuesday and I had a couple questions I wanted to ask regarding houses and paychecks, if anybody could give me some insight it would be really appreciated! How much will I be looking at to purchase a house? Am I able to increase the storage in a house? How do I increase my paycheck? Thanks!
  22. Kontrasts

    @CreedJr I'll send you a private message! Entertainment is definitely the reason I stayed; Arma physics has its ups and downs I guess
  23. Kontrasts

    Was my first time actually editing a video, so I tried to add some subtitles to make it interesting (Who is SovietWomble?) Thought this video would be a nice place to start
  24. Kontrasts

    @Gotenks I have had the G502 Proteus Spectrum for about a year now and it's been awesome! Having 3 profiles that you can interchange on the go makes switching between gaming, general web/desktop use and whatever else you choose really handy; not to mention the thumb button that you can hold to lower your DPI and make more precise movements (I use it predominantly for long range Sniper shots). Having interchangeable weights and patterns gives it another step above a lot of mice as you have another platform to which you can customise the mouse to your personal preference. Hope this helped