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Everything posted by Spectral

  1. Spectral

    Denglish confirmed, get the tazers
  2. Spectral

    Speed inside city limits, carry a gun unholstered, you will end up with a nice little "Police Interview"....
  3. Spectral

    Good job lads, talk to me about this one, I will be overseeing in game and run through the basics with you, then you take it from there. Hit me up on TS we can do this one any night you like.
  4. Spectral

    Awesome, talk to me about this one I need to prep it, for the weekend.
  5. Spectral

    Good work boys, claim em up.
  6. Spectral

    Would love to see some claimed, and then screenshots put up of them. Lets get it all going on lads, tell everyone about this thread. -Spec.
  7. Spectral

    Some good stuff has been taken and written for you guys, and you will get to see it soonish. I think it may lift the gameplay. Rebels got some stufff, Cartels got some stuff, some more clarity. Wait and see. What we are looking for is more suggestions that make sense.
  8. Spectral

    SRT gear imo.
  9. Spectral

    Top work Spooky +1.
  10. Spectral

    Rightio..... So its an issue with the Arma Update, as far as I know so far, thats broken the name tags. Your issue was that you had a massive rifle, and got shot looking at the Bank by a Police Officer Sniper from kilometre away , inside Sydney, in Rebel gear. Your KoS in this situation. We advocated perhaps that it would of happened either way, and that given that tags are gone, long range engagements is a bit iffy currently. People are working on the issues, we also mentioned that. Your Post reads like you were sent packing with no resolution, not really the case.
  11. Spectral

    Welcome mate, well we have Arma in spades so jump on TS and say G'day.
  12. Spectral

    Recent little clip for Altisl PD Back when I was Battlefield oriented.
  13. Spectral

    Remain courteous at all times, split up more less people on one issue unless needed, no dragging people without the courtesy of a poke, just the basics sometimes slip. Also making sure it's kept professional and no conflict of interest, or even the appearance of such is seen. If yr on help desk and in a certain gang or such you should not deal with issues involving it, or any issue involving yourself.
  14. Spectral

    You fiend, take THIS >>> this is what we will be doing!!
  15. Spectral

    Oh snap, its on now.
  16. Spectral

    Good job tonight helping me on Support, good head on your shoulders young man. Apologies for my technical issues at end, but a +1 from me. As Rambo said, priorities. Well played. -Spec
  17. Spectral

  18. Spectral

    Belated introduction. Hi I am Spectral, Altis Life devotee, and new induction to the Support Staff team. Been a real pleasure, and for every negative I have run into there has been three positives. Met some nice people, and I think this is my new "Home" games wise. So, cheers, thanks for having me. - Spec
  19. Spectral

    We hunted this guy back and forth last night, great RP, and finally brought to justice. Great RP and no juvenile stuff, just a good player doing his thing. Is this the rise of the Super Crim? We will have to wait and see.