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Everything posted by Spectral

  1. Spectral

    A blinking cursor on your Ops screen shows a link. OPERATION : JAGGED STREAM You press the link, and a very familiar, gravelly voice begins to speak. TRANSMISSION BEGINS Gentlemen, Lt Col Davies here. Your success in the past in hunting down the killer of the ex Green Beret, in circumstances that can be best described as, off beat, and the overwhelming delivery of firepower on target in dealing with the smugglers near Agios peak leads me to recruit you for another outing. I need your excellence and your discretion, once more. SITREP : Very basic Intel has come to hand that some military assets in the outer edges of our communications area has been damaged. This Comms tower is crucial as far as out area of operations and tracking Stratian incursions, we do not want a repeat of the invasion we all remember so clearly. THE MISSION : Escort in a crack team of Electrical Engineers and Experts, and oversee their safety. Expected no hostiles in area, but as ever use your best judgement. Arms, Food and Uniforms will be deployed from LZ, Chopper will insert you close by, and you will rally to the Comms Tower, and then assess damage, and provide overwatch for repairs. TRANSMISSION ENDS. WHEN : TBA WHAT DO I NEED - As usual, nothing. WHAT DO I DO - Full RP in Channel. Trolls and people ruining it will be removed. Sign up below, limited to around 12 spots. May run tonight after Go Karts, if not TBA.
  2. Spectral

    Template - Copy paste the following when adding to the thread. Keep the times round up/down to the nearest ten minute, and 24 hour format please eg 15:32 is 15:30. ----------- PLAYERS Bank 1 hour CD Fed 2 hour CD 30 min CD Between CODE 5 on -
  3. Spectral

    I still remember when it always/often bugged into edges and the truck blew up, new players died, Sydney rocked hourly by a Kaboom, Rookie Officer and Green Tick Spectral thought, war zone. /precious memories
  4. Spectral

    I vary between Poo and +1 so far, it's just a bit trickier to navigate but that's really just a "get used to it" thing. Is it possible to create a Staff Workflow, something where a followed content shows up or I could highlight certain sections. I usually log in, RCON up, Heidi up, then read all Comp, all Altis Bans, all Watchlist. So if those could be on tabs it would be great, because the functionality of it is Work for Admins and Fun/Info for Players. I would love say, to be able to have Back Office at top, Then Altis Life, just for me, others could do own setups. Overall +1
  5. Spectral

    Morals. The same thing stopping Cops exploiting ticketing, people duping. Now on my Work Plan - do illegal truck mission to test exploitability. My biggest concern historically is trolls rampaging around Sydney in them.
  6. Great fun, thanks to all that attended, ran for almost 2 hours Sunday Arvo. Good wind down and good fun, 13-15 people in there. @Fish some good kills @TheMagician @TH3GamingBanana Battle Bus had me loling IRL. EMS Superstars - @Gotenks @DJ_JoozBrorg always on standby great work lads. Photos below.
  7. Spectral

    Pretty cracking time. 10/10
  8. Spectral

  9. Spectral

    Howdy, So I have been toying with this idea for a long time and I think with the growth in the Community and the real upswing in the Events, both mine and the player hosted ones ( Bananas Ice Creams was awesome ) we are ready for the next step in a plan I wrote months ago. SLEEPERS What are they? - A Sleeper is a Player that has applied and been approved as a Sleeper. They are someone with great, unselfish RP that adds to anything they get involved in. What do they do? - A Sleeper is someone trusted to act inside an event a certain way, either in one I am running but MUCH more likely a player one. Example - Banana is running his Ice Cream Parlour. He requests a Sleeper. One speaks with Admins, lays out what they will do, and then goes. "I am a Sleeper, I will turn up and have a mild allergy to the Gelato I buy. EMS will be called. I will then try to sue Banana in RP for not saying it contained XYZ. I will settle out of court for Free Icecream Sundaes for like, not money. The RP will be focussed on Banana having fun, me having fun and the EMS having fun." APPROVED. Goes ahead. Banana knows nothing till it happens. RP of high calibre ensues, nudged by Sleeper(s). How do I become a Sleeper? - Expressions of interest to myself and Zomboid in a PM. The identity of Sleepers will be a closely guarded secret. Some will be requested, others will be slipped into the mix by Zomboid and myself. There will be Sleeper Challenges. It will be a great time. (Disclaimer - you may get shot) Gear? - Money and Gear may be provided based on the Events, you will be Comped on the spot if you lose anything, and if RDM etc. You will not lose a thing by doing this, and will likely have a great time. Thats the basics. The rest will be laid out to the applicants, along with a in the field test. If it all goes to plan the role of Sleeper will be written into the ruleset, and it will likley be handed out to someone else to run and Zomboid and I will oversee it. Sign up if your keen!. Discuss/Questions below. @Zomboid @Roger Purple @Tiggati @Littleblacksheep
  10. Spectral

    Mr. Black sent me an engraved block of tungsten, on it he has written that he approves, and will be attending with eyes cast skyward.
  11. Spectral

    GJ Moz, killing it.
  12. Of course, but if it becomes an IC IA issue or straddles being that and not a Help Desk well we are doing something right. We are responsible for every bullet that comes out our rifles, and every word we speak to a Civ or Rebel. Before we shoot/gas/breach I hope we all think, what am I doing, why, what is the worst possible outcome. Killing/shooting is last resort.
  13. Lets hope it does. I would rather 99 petty dismissals than 1 serious issue slides by. Justice not seen to be done is justice denied.
  14. Spectral

    Howdy, (Welcome back Spec we <3 you. Yep right back atcha. TLDR thanks for all the well wishes and everyone who came and played other games with me) Moving on... So, in the many battles back and forth I have noticed a lot of the time some of the banter and such is creeping back in. I crack down on this a while back and have been monitoring it and it's ramping back up. If you win at something, bank, gunfight, dec, take the high road and just be gracious. The other party already lost, don't rub it in non stop. It only causes salt, bad blood and drama in the chat no one wants to see. If you lose, fair and square, then, you lost. Take it on the chin. Move on. It shows character. If you lost unfairly, go to Help Desk, not blow up for 20 mins, then go. Also - the swearing. It's to stop. It's a moderated server for names and chat, abuse and foul language has no place in our community. Can I ask the Mods to warn, then start to kick as needed. The odd "sh@t" etc is marginal but "f@ck" "c$&t", way out of acceptable range. It's the rules. Lets keep it a place everyone from 13 - 90 can enjoy. Mad upset people aren't having fun. And if your a bully, your a coward at heart. I am sick of bullies and thugs. Your on notice to adjust your behaviour. -Spec
  15. Spectral

    I will take a crack at it and let you both know in TS, prob get some screenshots as well and put them up in here.
  16. Spectral

    @Gotenks Just window dressing not usable but still look the part. Karate on the roof? @Nclem Zeussed in. The thing is just when and where, and what you guys want. Then letting it happen.
  17. Spectral

    Ooh snap. Good ideas coming out. As far as props all doable. @Gotenks A beach class or something in the office near vehicle garage? Put gym stuff on each floor and on the roof? @NclemAn office? Near Market SZ? Easy as. Ice Cream van could be fun. Hmmm. What else?
  18. Spectral

    Ok mate. Hope your feeling better. The guys that can code can show us the fine line between doable and painful, then it's breaking away from not what CAN we do but what SHOULD we.
  19. Spectral

    Not my call, talk to the bosses mate, I enjoy a quiet ride in a strider last night didn't fire a shot, then fired 8 knockdowns into a Strider just restart. The future of the APD is in the capable hands of the other 2 lads. -Spec
  20. Spectral

    @kristiankar67 Your post has been hidden due to being off topic. As this is your second hidden post in 15 minutes please be mindful of the content you post.
  21. Spectral

    @kristiankar67 Your post has been hidden. Please be mindful of language and being more constructive in your post.
  22. Spectral

    Longer wall required. No suspects killed even at Bank, ran non lethals all night. Good, quiet, night.
  23. Spectral

    Amen. That I like a lot, and with Zeus, at the start, months ago when I got it on Altis I was very clunky. Gets way easier. Now its easy as, move things, spin them, but it is not creating as much as it is, painting. Map Edits I tie to gameplay, like where do things make sense, you dont want to haul way across map for processing, or through Rebel areas, or chokepoints. Plus is it close to a Garage area, so you run something, store car, respawn off soft log, and then pull out the car with all the gear in it? That's a factor as well, putting things in spots they make sense. Given the gaping holes in Arma's ability to run checks and balances, its a headache to think that no matter what they can glitch or do whatever unless its blocked. The economy is real for as long as people wont break rules or someone with actual talent tracks them down in Heidi, at one point Roger and I pulled 60 people up inside 30 days. All the signs are there. Coding would be something you would have to love it, or grasp it, like Math. Like I am pretty ok, (not that math is a factor) but once it gets like, String Theory, or Higher Math, yeah, no. Moving up through it would be ok, I read a few guides and such, and little things, and Beef has shown us some stuff but its a diff language, literally.
  24. Spectral

    Oh yeah, I knew he was, just asking an opinion re Soul. Loopy is in Hospital he said so wasn't bothering him as he is unwell. That's the thing I don't really get the whole coding thing, I think stuff that is maybe tricky is easy and vice versa. Like the DB event handler thingy, seems easy but massive grey areas, Pippi talks about it non stop. And the Map. Little things.