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Posts posted by Axle_Tiaky

  1. Hey Boys

    A3L has been considered, Takistan life was considered and we did used to have an exile up. With A3L we had a problem getting a developer that would keep the server updated. Takistan i don't think we were able to get the mission file from the creator or we didn't have a developer. Exile was up but 1 we didn't get enough donations and 2 no one was playing on the server. But LuckyB33f is the one to ask :D.

    Correct me if i am wrong @LuckyB33f


  2. There once was 7 vehicles with 7 people big and small.

    They once carried a truckload of sand and more.

    But one day the met to devise a plan.

    To do a glass run and get richer than.

    EVERYONE :D20160411215205_1.jpg20160411215410_1.jpg20160411220713_1.jpg20160411221224_1.jpg20160411222057_1.jpg20160411222116_1.jpg


    But at the end they tried something deadly

    and consequences of that were very unfriendly


    Show us your best run of anything.

    Next time we will try to make it bigger and better :D

    • Like 3

  3. To know the road ahead, ask those coming back.

    Every struggle in your life has shaped you into the person you are today. Be Thankful for the hard times, they can only make you stronger.

    Sometimes being too nice is dangerous you have to show your mean side once in a while to avoid getting hurt.

  4. 15 hours ago, Allan Snackbar said:

    i was just wondering whats happening with the white listed  terrorist slots because i would be interested in joining when it's finally done (not that i'd get in) just because i've always found it more fun playing the bad guys. also what kind of gear and vehicles would you have access to or would you just be a rebel in a new slot, i would also guess that there would be some sort of chain of command?

    Hey man last time that the terrorist slots were opened up, we lost our whole server of players and it shut strayagaming altis life down for a bit, so i don't think that it will be opening anytime soon.

