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Everything posted by sirgeneralj

  1. sirgeneralj

    Granted but it's broken and it's full with all warm soda water I wish for a million dollars
  2. sirgeneralj

    Yeh lol Heaps of people have been asking for more water shit and especially turtle poaching and the response that is pretty much always given is "wait for the rebuild" lol
  3. sirgeneralj

    That's pretty good
  4. sirgeneralj

    Turtle poaching has been a long promised feature of the rebuild as everyone has wanted more water RP and illegal water items. Is there any particular reason it has now been decided against? @LuckyB33f
  5. sirgeneralj

    It would if we want a full version. However the default Altis Life has the basics there. Coding in shops with a team, especially considering its all configs not coding, should only take 2/3 days. That would be enough to players. Second 3 days we port all our other processing and gathering. 3rd set of 3 days we do crafting. In 9 days you have a respectable game mode. Then after that continue with patches adding in premade scripts and then eventually work on our own custom stuff.
  6. sirgeneralj

    A 4th Option Start a fresh NEW ALTIS LIFE build. Get the 4.4r3 (4.5) framework fresh. Port over crafting, Quickly do up the shops. Then we have a playable game for ALL fractions New update every 3 days. Why? Fresh means nearly no bugs Fresh means we can run constant polls to decide what happens Fresh means that we get what we need and don't have anything removed from Tanoa We can work on things while having a playable game We can see and all contribute to the progress Straya makes with it's new server Possibly even a public Github mission file for everyone to work together on.
  7. sirgeneralj

    Ain't matter when @Rhys Beckett or I roll up on either of you Nothing better then watching the boys fight it out for third place
  8. sirgeneralj

    When: 12/11/16 6:30pm approx NSW time (GMT +11) for about an hour Where: Police training channels Who: For Any whitelisted APD member with no current affiliation to a rebel gang (exceptions can be made). Seminar ran by Jack Fire and one mystery guest. What: This in depth lecture around creative teaching tactics, primarily concerning Sydney Bank. What we will talk about will include; - What are creative tactics and what are their benifits - When should creative tactics be used and to what extent - How creative tactics should be employed - Examples of previous successful and unsuccessful creative tactics - Creation of a game plan What's in it for you? Well we hope to use this seminar to educate lower ranks on the use of original ideas when creating plans to combat rebels. We want to help them embrace new ideas where helpful and keep on solid foundations when required. This is a highly interactive program and is designed to teach many skills. Along with this many tips about other aspects of breaching will also be discussed. Taking part in the final excersise will also mean your name is added to a list of participants which can be useful when seeking promotions. In Game WHY? You may wonder why this would be helpful to complete. This will be discussed in depth in the seminar however it is to prepare new officers for the realitys of a sometimes understaffed police force. PS. I thought it sounded like a cool idea. I will also be taking applications for AMSO (primarily maritime) before/after the lectures. PSS. Have any good ideas for other lectures, let me know and we will try and work something out Please like the topic or comment if you are able to attend so I can have an idea of interest Regards, Jack Fire Head of AMSO, Intelligence Inspector
  9. sirgeneralj

    It's been good playing with you mate Good luck in the future and hope to see you round.
  10. sirgeneralj

    @Exodius The primary reason for the whole rebuild isn't so that we change everything but so we fix every error which has slowly seeped into the current build. By going to the new Altis Life version there will be more optimisation, new abilities, less bugs/crashes and hopefully less lag. But Ofcourse we all get the added bonus of choosing where this new version goes
  11. sirgeneralj

    So Thats AOTF for the good bank. Not trying to start banter, just showing off an impressive effort which worked out well for the police (this time) Despite our lack of officers (6 Officer online, 2 whitelisted) we certainly had fun at this bank. We started with a house raid on an AOTF raid just before bank and then it went off. Yet we saw a rebel inside.... not a petty crime. The door fell and so did the AOTF member, however not before he shot down a pubslot. Due to our diminishing time and suspicions in might be a small job myself and another officer went over the bridge next. Taking out the single man at teller to be assaulted by a barrage of bullets from the north. We then continued to weed processing peninsula and rendezvoused with other officers and a helpful civ took back an AOTF Taru. We then went back south and found 2 more AOTF members and a hellcat. orgug took down both members and we only lost one other pubslot. We believe one sniper escaped and is at large. This was the finished result: http://plays.tv/video/57fa3db8b3d5e9613a/but-they-may-never-take-our-freedom
  12. sirgeneralj

    Awwww sad to see you go mate good luck, have fun
  13. sirgeneralj

    Unless things have been going on without me knowing the Mk-1 EMR police was worth WAYYYYY more. Like considering it is very rarely used. I know that when the rebels have gotten the weapons in the past they have sold for a very large amount of dough
  14. sirgeneralj

    Make the mission an item you carry. Possibly kicking you out of any vehicles other then trucks Or introduce a cost for when you get them out and increase the reward. 50k for the illegal one, 200k reward. 20k for the legal mission, 100k reward. After you do this add one of the following further countermeasures: - make legal missions a lighter truck - require minimum playtime - require minimum bank balance (like playtime) - require a liscense only given by mods, simple request in helpdesk, make it so it can be given ingame
  15. sirgeneralj

    With the current rules while joining in isn't directly considered meta gaming swapping from civilian is. If you come across any police officers swapping from civilian to police once bank/fed has been hit off, and then participating, please bring it up to helpdesk. This is based upon the fact your civilian and police characters are different and it is unfair to use that knowledge and decide you would rather play the other faction.(that was really badly explained, but swapping from civ to police after bank/fed has started has been considered metagaming for a long time) @Spectral if his has changed recently please let me know. However it is still my belief that after bank has been hit off people who are not already on should be allowed to join. To make it fair this should be the same for both faction, however it should be highlighted that if a person dies they cannot disconnect and reconnect then come back.
  16. sirgeneralj

    True And the other helpful civ who opened up the crate. Im really starting to like these helpful Civs when we have a lack of police
  17. sirgeneralj

    @Littleblacksheep https://strayagaming.com.au/forums/forum/81-video-production-team-applications/ Something serious to consider sheepy
  18. sirgeneralj

    Keep it the same Its fair enough It helps us when people prey on the bank. These objectives are meant to be challenges not your good old walk in the park shoot some cadets and a constable. SRT members particularly in real life would definately get a call up if a bank was being robbed to come over and help out. We use our RP names for TeamSpeak therefor anything said in there, could be used for roleplay (in the right context). TeamSpeak is an extension of our gaming experience in Arma By all means, swapping from civ to police after a bank starts is meta as these are different characters, and vice versa. When SRT was founded it was done so with the idea that if a bank or fed was set off they would get on and respond if around. (I do believe, this was only concept though re marc_r) Im fine with either parties coming as long as it is within all other rules. AKA: Dont Swap Roles after bank starts Spawn at Rebel/cop base No disguising as civilians Now while I do believe this I also agree that new officers spawn too close, hopefully in the update the bank will be moved as too create slightly more distance from PD, making it fairer. If you get kicked off why shouldn't you be allowed to come back? You haven't died in RP. This being said if you are kicked off after combat begins (shots fired), I agree that you shouldn't be able to renter as it could be seen as combat logging to gain a tactical advantage. But in conclusion, I believe nothing needs to be changed. Rebels are getting annoyed at having to face MXMs after they hit off a bank with 6 police online. Police are annoyed they get shot in the back by one extra troop. TBH we all are just trying to have fun, be entertained and have some good roleplay. Robbing a bank or federal reserve is HARD in real life, law enforcement call anyone available in, so I think this should happen too. However for rebels it is advantageous to all start there fortified as this gives you the tactical and situational upper hand. Someone gets kicked before the fighting let them come back UNLESS it breaks VLR (whole team is dead, just coming in for kills). Everyone gets annoyed at the times they lose, pick someone else to blame and try to make themselves look good. It's time to just get on and play, no one needs to spend their whole day in Helpdesk, people make mistakes, it's all a game, just enjoy it. Clever tactics beat big guns, so think of clever tactics to act back.
  19. sirgeneralj

    After taking a week's break for exams I have decided to leave Straya Gaming. (Or at least staff) Because of many things before Exams I have decided to resign from all my staffing positions and reduce my StrayaGaming playtime. I would like to thank you all for the good times, I will still play around on StrayaGaming's servers, however this will occur less from now on. Maybe I'll come back to helpdesk one day however I have decided that I do not feel as though I fit in at this point in time with the staffing team. At this current time, I have decided to also step down at Attorney General. Over the coming week, I am happy to work with Altis Staff and other community members to select a replacement. To ensure smooth running of the department I will temporarily appoint Lotza until a replacement is chosen. Ending on a high 1,830 profile views and 359 Posts Cya All Around #Fire Out
  20. sirgeneralj

    Sure they would look great on you loopy ahahaha But gotta love all the dating adds
  21. sirgeneralj

    Use the gametracker stats to find out top 50 players on each server, put all their names into a metaphorical hat and draw a winner. If My family buys an island can have a holiday there lolz
  22. sirgeneralj

    Guys By all means there are merits to the idea however sending the message back or accepting it would still require going into the Y menu. Maybe the production of a to-do list for the highest ranking officer so they know all the things they know how to get done. Also if we make sure to not have the CO flying or driving, which shouldn't be too hard as most POLAIR pilots are lower ranks or prefer not to command the mission. @Bonez I do know there are some problems with the messaging system (from a while back when I would be commanding the mission, while also having to go scout in a helicopter and needing to alt tab out of game to message PNX a few times lol) I'll also put the possible rule change in suggestions, maybe placing the fact cartels can state "We will respond with sniper support unless notified otherwise" in the rules which allows them to do so @Yuri (because they want to protect their gold) Also will think about a EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE button which will place your name on the map for police and EMS only, this will allow for cartels to also give their location more easily. Ofcourse if we do the removing Comms script this would disallow use of this button also.
  23. sirgeneralj

    There's two reasons you code: 1. To make something amazing with just words in the final product 2. To fix things. Nothing beats the feeling to finally figure out a problem which you first thought unsolvable. And it's even better when it's someone else's problem first. Although a team always helps well atleast these are the 2 reasons I code I code for the end product but I much more enjoy solving the unsolvable, and that relief you get when you finally manage to hook up the database after 7 hours @LuckyB33f
  24. sirgeneralj

    I think it can be quite simply said: "Coding is a Bitch" Atleast with the map editor it seems like you are making progress lol
  25. sirgeneralj

    I'm sure it would be possible but it would require a large change to the current system. Not sure if it would be worth it considering police should be using the email system to send a response anyways. Thinking of adding GPS co-ordinated to any dispatch sent also, that way you can arrest those dispatch Abusers lol Not sure where @SouL Genetic is - Think he might be a Tanoa Developer ATM... @Loopy AU-NZ What do you think?