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Everything posted by Qeus

  1. Qeus

    To clarify, some live tests have been conducted on the server with new AO defend mission. Outcome highly positive. One moment of interest, was watching the AI successfully breach and clear an HQ compound with 20 players inside. However its not yet scripted in, theres some other stuff being worked on, about 50% AI related.
  2. Qeus

    Yep it is a bug http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=18071
  3. Qeus

    Timer is ~12 seconds but I think the message in chat takes a couple seconds to pop depending on server load, so yea from chat hint to boom could be around 8 seconds. Will add 2 seconds onto the timer when I go through it this week.
  4. Qeus

    I don't think its a good addition to the Action Menu. What sort of interface would people like, to select/deploy it? If you've seen a good interface for deploying sandbags on another gamemode or server, let me know. There are no plans to start coding it yet, but sketching together some thoughts of how to do it properly, so things are speedy and correct when the time comes. In-game item which goes into your backpack is out of the question, as this requires patching and addons, which requires people to have the addon to join the server. In the interest of keeping vanilla and accessible to everyone, would be a virtual item, when used a sandbag is created, perhaps with some ability to move it prior to placement.
  5. Qeus

    Will look into it.
  6. Qeus

    Will look into it