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Everything posted by Qeus

  1. Qeus

    Also guys I had a small chat with BIS AI programmer and he has informed us that enemy vehicles with radar (such as AA tanks) can engage beyond visual range, since 1.60. This will explain the enemy Mi-48s and ZSU-39 Tigris able to engage our assets at 3-4km. We will of course respond to this and explore some solutions/tweaks to balance. In the meantime, beware of the enemy AA.
  2. Qeus

    Backpack Lock UI Still WIP, hope to get it on the server before the weekend. The lock icon is a button
  3. Qeus

    There is documentation in the in-game map diary tabs (map >> left side >> FOBs), but we'll improve that documentation today, as it can be more clear. If you know of a way to inform players that there is documentation there, I'm all ears.
  4. Qeus

    Server updated with some tweaks: [ADDED] Forward Operating Base system (still in active development) (see map diary tab for details) [ADDED] Inventory Customization (see map diary tab for details) [ADDED] Extension of Revive system, ability for Medical Assets (vehicles, pods) to revive wounded by loading them into the cargo. [ADDED] Some new side mission rewards [ADDED] New HQs [TWEAKED] Enemy mortar pit at AO is a bit more substantial now [TWEAKED] HQ flag switches from CSAT flag to Aussie flag when HQ is captured [TWEAKED] Revive Spectate button now shows who you are spectating in chat box (button shows next spectatable player) [REMOVED] Mobile Arsenal (replaced by Inventory Customization system) [REMOVED] Old/crappy/tiny HQs [FIXED] Fixed some bugs with the FOBs system [FIXED] Some bugs with the side missions. [FIXED] AOs were calling in too many armored vehicle reinforcements, was not scaling to player count. Also we have ArmA patch 1.60 coming to Stable Build in a day or two. It includes the new lighting/terrain/texture adjustments. Mixed reports from people on Release Candidate/Dev Build. We will be again enabling the ADR-97 Weapon Mod for use on the server on Wednesday June 1st from 00:00 to 17:59
  5. Qeus

    The FOBs are coming along nicely. Was nice to play-test them last night and see (mostly) everything working properly. A few more things to design and build and then its ready for release candidate testing. We'll do another composition design pass in the next couple days, to make the compositions more playable, defendable and detailed, as well as bring them to the attention of the enemy commander as strategic locations of interest. To compliment the FOBs there are also plans for vehicle-assisted player-deployable fortifications but due to time constraints thats a slower WIP. Also refined slightly are the side mission rewards. New addition to the to-do list is Backpack Locks. Have not experimented with this yet but is reasonably simple thing to implement, so we'll have a play with it next weekend and sort something out. This Wednesday we won't be enabling the ADR-97 weapon pack, as we'll be attempting to roll out the mission update. At the moment on the public server there is a stubborn bug, with CSAT calling in an inappropriate number of reinforcement vehicles. Until this is fixed, CAS pilots are free to fire on them without call-ins!
  6. Qeus

    thy will be done will start on it after next mission update, shouldnt take too long in the meantime, discuss how it should work and when a locked backpack should be opened for use
  7. Qeus

    Schedule has been cleared a bit, aiming to prepare a release candidate of next mission version for Monday 23rd and Stable release to the public server on Wednesday 25th. Also the ADR-97 Weapon Pack is enabled for use on the server today until 6PM. The reason for the short time is that these things cause degraded performance on server and all clients who aren't using it, when it is in use. When the gun is fired, everyones machine searches for sound files and things like this. This causes small errors each time the gun is fired, which becomes noticeable with stuttering. as example, just taken from the servers error log file: 7:11:26 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMagazines.50Rnd_570x28_SMG_03'. 7:11:26 Warning Message: No entry '.picture'. 7:11:26 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 7:11:26 Warning Message: No entry '.scope'. 7:11:26 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 7:11:26 Warning Message: Error: creating magazine 50Rnd_570x28_SMG_03 with scope=private 7:11:26 Warning Message: No entry '.displayName'. 7:11:26 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 7:11:26 Warning Message: No entry '.displayNameShort'. 7:11:26 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
  8. Qeus

    Hi guys, We just upgraded to a high performance server for I&A. Will cost an extra $30/mo however we have had some generous supporters in recent months. This is the machine we'll be on for the Apex/Tanoa release. Regards
  9. Qeus

    at the wednesday 00:00 restart will enable and at the 18:00 restart will disable. Basically we're looking at enabling a few weapon mods for the off-peak hours of the off-peak (mid-week) days.
  10. Qeus

    Hi guys! Wednesday, 18th May between the hours of AEST 00:01-17:59 we are going to enable for use the following addons: ADR-97 Weapon Pack Be aware that the addons will be enabled for client use and not a required addon. Players without the addon will see only an invisible asset. As such it will only be available during off-peak hours. I'll also try to run a few CQB Zeus missions that day and I encourage other Zeus operators to attempt the same.
  11. Qeus

    Some small tweaks to the server overnight. Stable Build: [ADDED] Custom AI garrison positions for military cargo houses/small patrol towers/cargo HQs. This will be expanded for more custom positions in other building types. [TWEAKED] AI garrison system, to support the above. [TWEAKED] Enemy vehicles at the AO now scaled to player count. [TWEAKED] Enemy no longer reinforces with AA vehicles (no more Tigris 3km from the AO!). [TWEAKED] Enemy reinforcement vehicles no longer all come in at once. [TWEAKED] Enemy infantry were patrolling a bit too far out of the AO. They will still patrol outside the zone, but will tend to stay more inside. Dev Build - designing core FOB systems + logistics missions - refining medical system. re-integrating medical vehicle support (Revive tickets). Load a player into a medical vehicle to revive them. consumes a revive ticket of the vehicle, which can only be replenished at the main base Service Bay. huron medical container will be supported too, though players cannot be loaded into it. number of revive tickets corresponds to number of passenger seats in the medical vehicle. If you die in a vehicle and the vehicle is still okay, you'll be put back in the vehicle in a revive-able state. - Some AI tweaks. some have been fast-tracked into Stable Build, see above. - Tweaks to cleanup script
  12. Qeus

    Programming has started on the FOBs system, the first of two planned gameplay overhauls for the A3 Apex expansion. Its anticipated to take a little over a week before its playable, and then a few days for polish and QA.
  13. Qeus

    This will be welcome: Fixed: The Voice-Over-Net technology was stuttering on the Global and Side channels https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/140837-development-branch-changelog/?p=3018791
  14. Qeus

    [FIXED] Zeus interface bugs [FIXED] Zeus Objectives modules
  15. Qeus

    [FIXED] Side mission Secure AA Launchers box would be destroyed as it spawned. [FIXED] Side mission Secure Smuggled Explosives would spawn in the top right corner of the map (on the sea floor) when no suitable coastal position was found.
  16. Qeus

    [FIXED] Zeus initialization
  17. Qeus

    Overnight update [UPDATE] Updated server to A3 1.58.135742 [FIXED] Aircraft radar [FIXED] Friendly tags [FIXED] CROSSROADS sidechat [FIXED] 'Waiting for Medical Treatment' chat text [FIXED] Enemy CAS coming even when radiotower destroyed [FIXED] Revive menu showing when enemy medic is nearby Known issues: - Zeus initialization
  18. Qeus

    New version is live. Change log: - Some little new unmarked things in the AO - Tweaked main base - Lots of under-the-hood framework enhancements (should improve performance) - Re-designed side mission rewards - New secure radar side mission composition - More change log details available to server supporters under [Home] >> [Area 51] >> [Dev Log] menu Known issues: - Currently an issue with friendly tags/radar, which is affecting some systems. Tied to the new A3 difficulty settings and mission switching.
  19. Qeus

    Trialing some hardware upgrades over the next week. Already have tweaked the CPU of the server, and may--at a bit extra cost--use a high performance service, depending on how we go. Testing for next release build is well underway, with a target for tomorrow (thursday) 12PM release. A main focus of the update is on performance and increasing some mission flexibility and preparing it for Apex expansion and Tanoa, as well as responding to common requests and complaints from the past 6-8 weeks. A brief change log will be posted here when the release is live, with a more detailed change log available to server supporters in the [Area 51] section of their [Home] menu.
  20. Qeus

    We're currently getting to the bottom of the server performance/freezing issue.
  21. Qeus

    1.58 update hit today https://dev.arma3.com/post/spotrep-00054 main differences for us: weapon switching - you can bind your weapon switching to keys and remove them from the scroll action UI menu. Shortcut to do this: Esc >> Configure >> Controls >> Presets >> Apex Also we have a mission update coming sometime mid next week, with release candidate testing occurring on Tuesday/Wednesday. Some of the new 1.58 tech will be making its way into the mission update. One such example is introduction of the ability to jump from helicopters at low altitude and still be able to parachute. This may be handy if you're heli is going down. If you're quick, you'll be able to grab a chute and eject!
  22. Qeus

    Hi guys, thought this would be relevant to our interests. https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/150499-ai-discussion-dev-branch/?p=3002882 BI developer: And also: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/189479-ai-suppress-command/ Improved AI suppression. Rest assured these new toys will be made use of on the server when they are released.
  23. Qeus

    even a screenshot would be sufficient
  24. Qeus

    Sneak peek of some of our in-house AI work being done: AI conduct a raid patrol to take down a HVT
  25. https://www.rt.com/news/337830-russian-officer-palmyra-isis/ Surrounded by Islamic State fighters in the battle for Palmyra on Easter Sunday, 25 year old Aleksandr made the decision to call in an airstrike on his own position, taking dozens of Islamic State soldiers with him. Military analysts believe that airstrike was a turning point in the battle for Palmyra, with government forces--backed by Russian warplanes--winning the battle a day later.