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Super Wookie

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About Super Wookie

  • Rank
    Learning Beginner
  • Birthday 06/19/1998

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  1. Super Wookie

    Long live the Commonwealth!
  2. Super Wookie

    I agree, even if it wasn't against Bohemias rules, it shouldn't be pay to win anyway. If you donate you donate to help the community, keep the servers alive, and get sick skins
  3. Super Wookie

    You actually helped my indie team in a few fights by suppressing people we were fighting lol. Of course you also wrecked us a few times too
  4. Super Wookie

    For enemies they should be able to pick locks as well if the vehicle is empty, similar to how building parts are unlocked. And yeah maybe have it so they drop keys or the vehicle automatically unlocks upon death.
  5. Super Wookie

    Is there no way to limit how the ammo trucks work? Such as you can only use them once every 15 minutes or something? I think they'd have a hard time acting as a tank on Wasteland though, since everyone and their mother runs around with a titan.
  6. Super Wookie

    How would they be aimed without the artillery computer? Would it just be trial and error until you hit the location you're shooting for? Even so, they'd still be pretty cool
  7. Super Wookie

    Yep, but you can only change your uniform and vehicle, weapons are not an option currently. @envy
  8. Super Wookie

    The skins wouldn't be custom made by me or another player, they would be the same as the skins used on vehicles and uniforms that're already in the server (e.g. the rainbow and american flag). So every player would have the same skins and they would be in the mission file. I know @Unit_3397 was making some new ones as well. https://strayagaming.com.au/forums/topic/8074-new-textures-to-come-into-wasteland/#comment-35906
  9. Super Wookie

    It should be only the person that bought the vehicle can lock and unlock it, kinda like they have the car keys.
  10. Super Wookie

    I would love to see the implementation of the Sochor, Sandstorm, and Scorcher into wasteland. They could either be exclusively available in rare and hard missions (e.g protected by an IFV and infantry AI), or you could make them as expensive as a Wipeout in the vehicle store, only purchasable at one store (e.g Air Station Mike), and show up on the map similar to high value targets. If they were easy to hunt down and destroy, as well as being expensive, people would be less likely to use them and they wouldn't become OP.
  11. Super Wookie

    Would it be possible to make it so supporters can reskin their weapons, the same as they can do with their uniforms? I would love to snipe indies with a rainbow Lynx
  12. Super Wookie

    Probably the best screenshot I've ever taken. Beware the Arse Clown!
  13. Super Wookie

    Mines give me a headache. Theyre such cheap ways of getting kills when placed next to atms or in stores. Just today I encountered a situation where a jet was strafing Rogain gun store and a team mate had placed mines on all the entrances to the building, meaning I couldn't enter without losing a limb. Thus I got pew pewed. Manually activated explosives and tank mines are fine, but the infantry mines are ridiculous and I would love to see them go.
  14. Super Wookie

    Ah okay that makes sense then. After it happened nothing was said so we were all left a bit confused, I didn't realize it was just the server being screwy!
  15. Super Wookie

    The admin online at the time was Links. It was a few people at the same time that got switched without warning, including me. I was confused as to what had just happened and then other people started questioning it in the global chat too. I was switched from indie to blufor, so it was nothing to do with any trolling or teamkilling.