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Everything posted by Jay

  1. Jay

    What about Minecraft man!!!
  2. Jay

    Shortly the Cartels will not be able to assist the police in counter robbing the FED. Once SRT Is officially up and running it will be a 3 way battle, giving the smaller gangs more of a chance.
  3. Jay

  4. Jay

    Did you miss the "as long as they are constructive"?
  5. Jay

    High risk, high reward. Jets cost $120k (high risk) and can be very 'OP' and can get you loads of kills (high reward) but all it takes is a decently skilled player to shoot down a jet...I understand it could be annoying to die but honestly play it stealthy, get to a gun store, get a AA launcher and fill a quad with AA missiles go hide and when he flies over take him down. Not hard. Yes, I myself have died many times to Blue Eagles jets...makes my blood boil.
  6. Jay

    That missile is worth over 800k. What a waste....
  7. Jay

  8. Jay

    I have played it before. An amazing game but probably not worth the $55. Great for people who love realistic combat.
  9. Probably had an extremely high blast protection vest. Although Kalthramis made a valid point, AT rockets are really bad when it comes to killing infantry.
  10. Jay

  11. Jay

    It was my idea that we snorted some of the Salt but that idea was quickly shut down...
  12. Jay

    Gotta love a good ol' bit of MayBaby
  13. Jay

    hahaha love it!
  14. Jay

  15. Jay

    Can't wait. I'll take you to it if they ever make it to theatre. <3
  16. Jay

  17. Jay

    This request is for my boy Rambo, he would like to hear Susan Boyle - I Dreamed a Dream <3 rambo
  18. Jay

    Welcome bud, stay away from Blue Eagle on wasteland as he will just shoot you in his jet only way he gets kills...
  19. Jay

    Thanks for letting me know
  20. Jay

    Well if this is out there....I guess they should know what I lost.... http://plays.tv/video/5696f13d9bcca84e2a
  21. Jay
