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Everything posted by Leopard

  1. Leopard

    Phoenix did their part in data base clearing yesterday! Haha. Thanks to @brutalforthepizza for his enthusiasm into blowing our vehicles up!! @Pope Yuri Leopard // Cartel Founder
  2. Leopard

    That BBQ ruined the FPS within 5km of Sydney for that whole restart! Hahaha Overall it was worth it. Phoenix had fun doing the security detail till police tried to arrest me! Thanks for the fun! Leopard // Cartel Founder
  3. Leopard

    HAHAHA!! Same thing happened to me in a strider the other day PNX had a convey and flex was in an SUV it desynced and I just got shot back down the road 250 metres. I have also seen vehicles go cross map before, not sure if you played when the ropes were deployable for sailing out of helicopters, but when you cut them they would leave to big huge lines of cable up in the air. So simply we drove a hunter into it and well. It went OFF the map over sofia (NT). GG. Leopard // Cartel Founder
  4. Leopard

    WOW. It got real epic after I left! I had 3 different encounters with the BBQ over the night, first one was aiming an m320 in there and asking you to move on due to some rebels being part of the security detail, then I came and chilled, left for a bit to go to the market, come back and then it turned into a warzone! Nicely done @Greg & @[AI] STALKER. Leopard // Phoenix Cartel Founder
  5. Leopard

    @KennyBoo Welcome to StrayaGaming! Hopefully you enjoy your time here, make sure you keep in touch and up to date with the rules, will make your experience here a lot better! Cya around! Leopard // Cartel Founder
  6. Leopard

    Farming Equipment? I know quite a few farmers and have never seen any wearing a Ghillie suit, Military vest of 7.62mm assault rifle!! Haha. Somali Crop Dusters!!!!!!! Leopard // Phoenix Founder
  7. Leopard

    @Snowwiiee https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wECj4uf-yVo YouTube Link @Jake Reddington be like ^^^^
  8. Leopard

    LOOKING SEXXYYY BOYS!!! Hopefully you shredded the rebel scum.
  9. Leopard

    Cartel Bat Phone Dear Solo Concerned man. We only target rebel organizations, to even have a chance against these rebels we must use armoured vehicles that you have labelled war vehicles. Not sure if you have ever seen Police during a Sydney SRT but they use armed amoured vehicles, such as attack helicopters and mounted weaponary, this is required, and to think regular police will make it the botanical gardens is a lie. Police presense will also bring these "vehicles of war". How about you come along with us one day when we fight against the rebels. We will put you in the middle of it and you can learn first hand, the risks and precautions that required to do what we do. I quite enjoy Melbourne, I find it's quiet enough for everyone to live there. Sure you aren't one of the 'innocent' civilians that are robbing the servo daily? Sincerly Phoenix Cartel Founder Leopard // Cartel Founder - Sniper Team Leader @Pope Yuri
  10. Leopard

    Imagine a Tanoa modded life. Holyyyyyy jeebus.. Hopefully Altis will stay major! And hopefully if Altis stays strong all the new gear will be added! Especially that helicopter/plane VTOL. Leopard // Cartel Founder
  11. Leopard

    Honestly. I don't think Tanoa life will be any good at all. I can't see much room for 120 people to RP anywhere there. Could work like a gem. But I don't think it will be very good.
  12. Leopard

    OMG! Really nice run of Screenshots, looks epic. I think you nearly managed to capture everything the happened. Hopefully cops won, by the looks of it I don't think they did however. In the 5th screenshot from the bottom, I feel like you would have severe difficulty with a Mk200 at that range... Leopard // Cartel Founder
  13. Leopard

    @Spectral Cartel Bat Phone Dear Concerned Citizens and Police, Phoenix has witnessed the down fall of Melbourne and the amount of rebel presence. We believe this is due to the top notch drug dealer about 1km south-east of the centre of town. Phoenix has been working on detering people from using the location for drugs and as result guns and killing. Phoenix will be looking at branching into some peace keeping in Melbourne, and hopefully along side SRT removr all rebel presense from the area. On another note. We actually removed about 5 or 6 pirates from the vacinty just yesterday. Sincerly Phoenix Cartel Founder Leopard // Cartel Founder - Sniper Team Leader @Pope Yuri
  14. Leopard

    WELCOMMMEEEEEEEEƏ Mr. BOOORITO Welcome to StrayaGaming. I can tell you now if you enjoy invade and annex you will definitely enjoy altis life and wasteland.. They are both 15x better then I & A. I would recommend reading the Altis Life rules carefully before playing. As some of them can be tricky to understand 100%. Leopard // Cartel Founder !! Sorry for no fancy colouring !! !! Sent from mobile !!
  15. Leopard

    Welcome back @D0GZ. Your an ex-altis moderator aren't you? If your interested in Cartel life, check out Phoenix. If you have any questions dont hesitate to ask either; myself, Co-Leader @Flexxxxy, recruiter @Saundo or the other Founder @Pope Yuri. Leopard // Phoenix Cartel Founder
  16. Leopard

    ALR - Altis Life Reconnaissance ARF - Altis Resistance Force SERT - Special Emergency Response Team [Bit of a issue with SRT] ARG - Altis Rebel Group WP - Wolf Pack RM - Rebel Militia Cartel ONLY names; M - Mendozas G - Guzzmans EC - El Chapos Just a few random names I could think of. Leopard // Phoenix Cartel Founder
  17. @Pope Yuri@Flexxxxy@Bluey@Saundo@Tempo WE GOT DIS!!!! GG. TOO EZ Someone from Phoenix will be attending, not sure how many. Leopard // Cartel Founder
  18. Leopard

    @brutalforthepizza This would amazing but sounds really difficult to code, I'm sure @LuckyB33f @John Paul could pull it off What range are you thinking of this working up to? I think having a dec system like that would be amazing. How ever it would remove the player to be able to give their demands or Role-Play reason. Maybe it could give both parties a Dec Number? The system randomly generates a 3 digit number eg. 102. This is displayed to both the declaree and the declare-r. This would allow for a follow up on Side Chat. i.e. "Dec Number 102 - This is a robbery, pull over your vehicles. Get out and hands up" This would make declarations so much better and remove a lot of confusion. I feel this would however take a long time to Code and possibly be impossible. Apart from that, LOVE IT! Leopard // Cartel Founder
  19. Leopard

    EVERYONE - In the community appreciates everything that ALL the staff team does for EVERYONE. You guys give your time and effort to benefit everyone. You all GIVE more then you TAKE. Not everyone can be like that. But. Spectral you certainly are. @Spectral Without you. The Phoenix Cartel wouldn't be a thing. I probably wouldn't be here, and well I wouldn't have had as much fun as I have been over the last month. While I'm here; I would like to thank all of the Life Staff for your ongoing effort towards the server! @brutalforthepizza @Ryan @Zomboid @Cpt. Duck @Roger Purple @Spectral And future Moderators who I'm sure will give it their all; @CptKirk @masinite
  20. Leopard

    Glad to see you finally came over! +1 point @Roger Purple?
  21. Leopard

    Welcome to the community mate, Good to have you here. +1 Point @Roger Purple? Leopard // Cartel Founder
  22. Leopard

    Welcome back bro. See ya around. +1 Point? @Spectral @Roger Purple
  23. Leopard

    Welcome to StrayaGaming @Reevon! Hope you enjoy your time here at StrayaGaming and hopefully your here for a long time! As you play Altis Life, ensure you read the rules to better the experience for your self and everyone else on the server. If you think you would like to join a Cartel my self and @Pope Yuri are currently running one by the name of Phoenix. Here is our Recruitment Form If you have any questions, feel free to ask me or anyone else for that matter. I'm sure anyone will help you! Leopard // Cartel Founder
  24. Leopard

    Welcome to StrayaGaming! Enjoy your time around here, if you have any questions I will happily answer them to the best of my abilities. If you have any issues the staff are super helpful best to try contact them in TeamSpeak! Leopard // Cartel Founder
  25. Leopard

    NOTE: I have now been told that the managers are working on resolving this issue! Hello! I have created this thread to address a couple of forum issues I have encountered and other issues people have told me they have been having, So! 1) People cant seem to access the applications section in Altis life. I however can but it apparently seems to just be donators that are having issues accessing it. Sources - @Skyfise - @Aidanjr 2) I have been issues when private in-boxing people, I have tried multiple times on different occasions to message Tiggati, Roger Purple, Infamousnova and John Paul. The messages said they were sent but none of the recipients have been actually receiving the messages. Sources - @Leopard 3) There has been apparent issues with people not being able to post comments, like things etc. etc. Sources - @Pope Yuri NOTE: I have now been told that the managers are working on resolving this issue! Thank you, Leopard // Cartel Founder