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Everything posted by Leopard

  1. Leopard

    Number 3. MOUSEPAD 3 - Black and White flag / Soldier I personally thing that one is the best, shows the true 'straya' theme, whilst still including the ArmA3 side. With love! Leopard // Cartel Leader //
  2. Leopard

    Welcome to StayaGaming Kingsbury, Glad to here you are a Cartel member, look forward to seeing you in the field! With love! Leopard // Cartel Leader //
  3. Leopard

    @Spectral That's not what I meant, as I said. It was just an opinion and I fully support events.
  4. Leopard

    Hahaha. Good enough to put you into retirement again?
  5. Leopard

    Welcome to the Server mate. I assume you a referring to an Altis Life gang. My self and the other leaders of the phoenix cartel are currently looking for players. We do have a mandatory application and some stuff you have to read but. If you are a good Role-Player and a straight shooter you will have no trouble getting in. What our Cartel is about; As a cartel we centre around the Drugs on Altis life, look to control the market etc etc. Myself and other leaders are currently devloping so more Cartel involved RolePlay activities that get us away from the PvP and robbing and into the community Rping. Here are a few links: Phoenix Info Recruitment Short notes: Phoenix is looking to go into more Rp, if you have a good personality for rp we would love to see you involved with out Cartel. Bigger things are coming and we will soon be a bigger part in the community. Any questions feel free to ask me, pope yuri or Lloyd. Again, welcome to strayagaming. Enjoy your stay. And I will see you around Altis Life! Leopard, Cartel Leader. Soz for no color on mobile! :'(
  6. Leopard

    I think use of colour should be compulsory. (Cant on mobile) So are you saying that forum moderators are not aloud to ask people to re-apply with correct template? I don't think there is any issue with that. And @Roger Purple. Please go through all the apps and move thd accepted to accepted and denied to denied. It gives me a heart ache!.
  7. Leopard

    @Shrood I have NEVER! Seen forum moderators denying apps for wrong templates. I have though seen server moderators denying them. Probably because the only forum moderators are Roger - Admin and InfamousNova - I & A moderator.
  8. Leopard

    @ItzWayz As he said. They dont deny or accept applications they just check they follow template and requirements. @Shrood As I also said! Give the role to forum moderators!
  9. Leopard

    @ExcelForce From a non-staff member, I completely argree and I see it alot, (I read every new thread in every section posted. Including ban appeals and comp requests) now, I feel no further role is required then the forum moderators being told to check these threads aswell. And giving them the authority to deny threads on the basis of an incorrect thread. I.e. // Denied This apllication was denied purely due to it no complying with the template found; [LINK]. This in way means that your application was denied. Please re-post with the template. Just my opinion on how it could work. Cartel leader, Leopard.
  10. Leopard

    @kristiankar67 HEY! This is an issue that I was told requires a Senior Administrator or above. If you just tell them that it keeps kicking you from the gang they will know what you are talking about straight away. Never fear, every server has this issue and is completely fix-able. Have the guys who are having the issue give you their UID so it makes it easier for admins. Leopard, Cartel Leader
  11. Leopard

    @shady Welcome to StrayaGaming mate. Enjoy your time around here and feel free to try out ANY of the Straya servers. With love! Leopard // See ya around //
  12. Leopard

    Hello! So with the recent linking to a google form that TeamSpeak occupants probably received from Ghost Penguin. I was thinking not many people playing wasteland use TeamSpeak, not many people playing wasteland or teamspeak unfortunately (Something we will fix!). So this google form basically asked what map locations we wanted added, removed, moved etc etc. Cant exactly remember. But I decided to make my suggestions public and gather some more opinions. 1. Adding a general store to either Ol Jay or the town that's about 50m away from Lz Connor, I would prefer Ol Jay on the very coast of Oljay, or maybe ever that weird circle thing out on the point with the symbols (south of light house) with this I also suggest moving the ATM from cephos to this potenial new general store. 2. Removing the ATM from the airfield, I think doing this would be something that a lot of the poor-er players, low number players would benefit from. Making people go atleast into Agia Marina to get a jet or other vehicles OPFOR tends to buy from Airfield. This adds more risk to Jet purchases for they very controlling OPFOR. @Unit_3397 @Mozkelby @Links@Ya Mum What are your opinions on theses?? With love! Mr. Snow Leopard // Seeeee ya on Wasteland // * Sent from mobile *
  13. Leopard

    @Spectral Phoenix members will be attending. Thank you! Leopard. Cartel Captain.
  14. Leopard

    Hello! This thread is a bit more information on Phoenix for anyone considering applying or looking into joining. We are looking for people who can strongly Role-Play, and can switch between Role-Playing and then shooting for your life. If you are interested in joining and are serious enough to actually be responsible in the gang click here and feel free to apply - HERE Things to consider; Trolling is not accepted at ALL. and will most likely get you 'turfed' out, as Spectral would say. We are here for Role-Play, if you aren't keen for that. Don't bother! As said in our rules. We are about respect and reputation, hurting our reputation has consequences. Feel free to contact me or Lloyd on TeamSpeak3 for any enquiries or information. @Lloyd @Spectral Leopard, Cartel Captain. With love! Mr. Snow Leopard // See ya around //
  15. Leopard

    WOOT WOOT, Lets go Straya! We will be at 35 hundred before you know it! Gotta set a good example this weekend! ArmA Free weekend, hopefully get some new members! With love! Leopard // See ya around //
  16. Leopard

    @Pope Yuri Give me some time, Phoenix is just starting, we will be strong from the start but might need a few days to get our stuff organised.
  17. Leopard

    Well just like to introduce my self a bit. Ive been playing Straya since late 2014 and have been very very up and down with my activity. I would always play wasteland at least once a week but am now coming on what I hope to be full time!! So as you can probably tell I play wasteland. I'm 90% a sniper and like to stay the same. I.e Every time I will buy; Vr suit (any colour) Carrier special rig (black) carry all backpack (olive) and a black pilots helmet. I will carry a m320 (Long range rifle .408 caliber) with 21 cheetah mags. I will carry a four five with no scope and 4 mags. I think you get the point!! I hope to see you around wasteland! - With love Mr. Snow Leopard // See ya on the end of me .408 // // If you flinch my .408 just smile // // and laugh at what I am personally // // telling you is a very angry face // // infront of my screen //
  18. Leopard

    Yes, I believe that comes under the Value for Life rule, not putting your self into dangerous situations. Which I like, but seems impossible to actually enforce. The point of making people have to use direct is so there is some face to face RP, Not just sitting 1km out emailing them. @Shrood With love! Mr. Snow Leopard // Seee ya on Wasteland //
  19. Leopard

    Spam that post count. Grid references give the police some idea where they are get declared on from as some times it can be completely random. Rebels will never understand until they play cop against rebels. Opinions on this ^^^^ @Roger Purple @Spectral With love! Mr. Snow Leopard // See ya on Wasteland //
  20. Leopard

    The rules are loose, but the punishments are harsh. Simple resolution; Declarations must me made via direct communication unless both partys are in a vehicle. Using the message system to declare when no vehicles are involved is RDM. After all, we arent playing the roll of an iPad are we? Another thing another server did was this; in order for any robbing or killing of police, must have had a Raid called. (Had to call numbers i.e. Raid on Sydney 5 people) Now this stops all the panic of cops just getting murdered in Sydney with a minimal declaration, there is a 30 minute cool down between the ending of one raid and the start of a new one. Now, the activities of what rebels do at this time is up to them. Example, if they want to rob the bank, they have to call a raid of they wanna kill the responding police, if they wanna enter the city and kill cops just for a rampage, they have to give their numbers and let the police know they are present. In my opinion this will better the Rp for cops in citites meaning they can actually patrol and enjoy them self with out 150 9.3mm rounds fired at them! Also, another thing I have seen else where was, sending police dispatch messages gave the grid refrence it was sent from. I.e. police dispatch from; Roger Purple Grid refrence; 033184 Message; Its a small thing, but trust me. It makes a diffrence and is very beneficial. With love! Mr. Snow Leopard // See ya round yall $$ bill //
  21. Leopard

    @Shrood Please explain to me the RP in a bank? Yes sure. Cops are playing the role of cops, and the robbers are playing the role of robbers. But hey its just a big shoot out with half an incentive. As you mentioned; The ONLY rp most rebels try is police hostages. I can tell you now, cops arent in that slot to be a hostage all day, sure they should be surrendering when they know they have no chance. But I think you guys have to demonstrate to police that if they taken hostage you arent going to take up an hour of thier time being fuck wits, show rebels can be good hostage takers RP it out the whole time and in the ens have another good RP session with the negotiations with the police. * JUST MY OPINION * With love! Mr. Snow Leopard // See ya on wastie //
  22. Leopard

    Exactly, as I said and you kinda said Jake. Rebels will always complain cops cant RP or some other crap yet, as previously mentioned. Rebels only idea for RP is killing cops or taking them hostage. Dont want to get killed by cops? Simple be a civilian dont start fights that put your life in danger. I never knew Police could KOS rebels in kavala. All though I know very little on this. I think that needs to be addresed. With love! Mr. Snow Leopard // See ya on Wasteland //
  23. Leopard

    @Mozkelby @Ya Mum What are your thoughts on the removal of Airfield ATM? With love! Mr. Snow Leopard // See ya on Wasteland //
  24. Leopard

    I just feel all gun stores have their general store, Girna is more directed at the mid gun store, I understand completely where you coming from and saying that the close general makes it good to fight for, but Cephos is no longer a big deal they are basically sitting ducks down there now, it used to me a massive deal. i just think giving south gun store a closer general store would get a bit more attention down there.
  25. Leopard

    I didnt even have to read the whole thing, As someone with over 1,500 hours on cop from another server. I know what he is said is completely true. Every server is the same. // Note these are rebel mis-conceptions and commonly made accusations from rebel forces. 1. Cops use lethal too much This is stringly opinionated due to the highly armed rebels this server has compared to others. 2. Cops always have the 'advantage' Again debate-able, cops have a duty to eliminate rebels, rebels choose to fight cops. 3. Cops 'never' roleplay Often rebels who are only ever known to attempt to kill cops when ever they see them, pull this card. Straight forward, the only RP a rebel sees is a cop hostage of a cop dead. Not what a cop wants, a cop wants (should) a traffic stop without being declared on. Overtime if Police are constantly shot at/killed they just adapt. Lowerer their RP standards and fight back. Valueing their life completly. 4. Cops cant shoot back Rebel shoot cop. Win win! Cop shoot rebel, aww you lethal to much (cleveland voice, from thr cleveland show). There are many more I could list, Every server is the same. Just remember also a rebel can get the gear of what a lieutenant constantly where as more then 50% of police have a fire-power dis-adcantage from square one. Rebels never understand that cops aren-t better off after all. With love! Mr. Snow Leopard // See ya around // *Sent from mobile*