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Everything posted by Leopard

  1. Leopard

    @Mozkelby I recently got over all my fears of spending money on ALL servers. This came after a mate of myn roasted me; "Whats the point of having all that money and not using it. You can always get more, and if the server accounts do wipe you gonna be pissed you never spent money. Now money caps, I think they could be removed completely, seeing as though all the players with loads of monet a r e basically just collecting it and rarely spending it, it would have no real affect until they get over their phobai and go guns blazing -8,000,000 in 2 days....
  2. Leopard

    @Roger Purple Do you guys have traffic stop procedures? If so what are they and where exactly can I find them? But my ideal traffic stop would go something like this; *After pulling over vehicle I would pull up about 10m behind them and exact my vehicle, Tazer out looking towards the side of the car whilst my partner keeps his tazer trained on the other side of the car,* Now, "Turn of the engine sir, all occupants please exit the vehicle and holster any weapons you may have" *If weapons are drawn before tazing give them some time to drop/holster the weapon but still keep your tazer trained on them, prompt them* "DROP THE WEAPON! DROP THE WEAPON OR YOU WILL BE TAZED!" * Ask all occupants off the road* * Take the driver back to next to my car, and leave my partner to supervise any passengers whilst getting ID off all of them and doing wanted list checks and firearm license checks (if they were drawn upon leaving the vehicle)* "Do you understand why you have been pulled over today sir?" "We have simply pulled you over today for a license, registration and breathe test, of which you must comply too." "Have you consumed any alcohol today?" "Ok sir, to check your license and breath-alcohol I have to restrain you, you are NOT under arrest as of yet" *Walk behind the driver* "Hands behind your back sir" *move back in front of driver* "Where are your licenses today sir," *If he responds in his backpack, Again move behind him whilst bringing up the license list* "Ok I have a drivers license to the name of Roger Purple, is this your license sir" "Ok I also have a firearms license to a Roger Purple, Is this defiantly you?" *Un restrain driver* "All right don't go any where yet please sir. Do you have your registration papers on you?" *Depending on where he tells me they are, I.E. In the car I would go over to his car, stand there, bring up the menu* "Ok the car does indeed belong to Roger Purple so that is all fine. Let me just check with my partner if everything is all good" *Check wanted list for Roger Purple* *Mean while partner has checked all firearm licenses (If guns were drawn) and or Gathered ID from all vehicle occupants and checked the wanted list for their names* *If everything is clear* "All right sir, you and all your occupants are free to go, Enjoy your day/evening/morning, and thank you for your cooperation" Whilst doing all of the above, If any of the civilians are moving dramatically or excessively, ask them once to stand still where you originally wanted them. If they do not, "Hands behind your back sir, I am restraining you for my safety and yours, You are NOT under arrest" Now this situation was obviously very complicit from both sides and no threats were made. But there was still no need to taze at any stage or excessively restrain people for long periods of time. If you guys already have SOPs or Procedures for this, all good just wanted my opinion and suggestion on the table and out there. // If any content is not meant to be posted, in the wrong spot or against the forum rules, feel free to delete it, and please let me know on teamSpeak, thank you! With love! Mr. Snow Leopard // See ya on wastie //
  3. Leopard

    Hey guys, A lot of you Altis life players probably dont know me as I only really play Straya Wasteland, I have played the Altis life server a bit about 18 months ago when no one played. Anyway I am making this thread to discuss the Self Defence charging and fine. So I understand having a high amount fine because everyone would just say it was self defence everytime and no one would beleive them. But from my experience I have noticed most police will accept it was self defence if you have only the one charge or what not which is fair enough on that side of things. But they other way I see it is the VLR (Value Life Rule) // I think it's called that... // Eg. I was a civilian rolling around with a mate (had a PDW) and this one guy just opened on us (no dec) so I shot him. Now I approached police calm and cool headed just explaining what had happened, I was tazed while walking towards them un armed, restrained brought in side a building and left there for a few minutes till I was then ticketed 100k. 50% of my balance. Now this whole situation was very rushed not many words were said. (this annoyed me) And not fighting back would have resulted in me and my mate dieing (No value for life) Any way enough babbling. My main point is that 100k is very high specially for new players who are quite poor. // If this is not meant to be posted here or any content is not liked by staff, remove it and just hit me up on TeamSpeak. Edit: I realise now that there is going to be a lot of 'Comply and you will be valueing your life', but in this specific situation there was no declaration to do anything he just shot. I still think the price is a bit high for self defence. With love! Mr. Snow Leopard
  4. Leopard

    Welcome to the server mate. If you ever just wanna come and kill lots of people with launchers and high powered weapons. Jump over to the wasteland server. Its great fun. Watch out for that @Unit_3397 bloke. (OPFOR scrub) With love! Mr. Snow leopard // See ya on wastie //
  5. Leopard

    I just love the simple use of "You are not under arrest I am just restraining you for my safety." "Sir put your hands behind your back please" Also, Making it mandatory for Cops to initiate RP before tazing or restraining, keeps a lot of people happy. (Unless already declared ) Even when a civi with a room gets out for the traffic stop you pulled him over for. When ArmA3 pulls out his gun not tazing them and just telling them to holster and give them a bit of time. Also not restraining till checking license (after explaining why they were pulled over and what you are about to conduct.) Eg. If someone is running away on foot and is no death threat before tazing police should have to initiate with "Stop running or be tazed" "Stop moving around sir or you will be restrained" Just letting civilians know they aren't under arrest when you restrain them. (unless they are) helps keep a situation calm. Yes. Being tazed is VERY annoying. I dont know why I just find it irritating when your no harm to anyone Anyway thats another matter. Would definitely love to give some more suggestions to the police force in the weeks to come. (Have about 1,500 police hours on Altis Life and A3L.)
  6. Leopard

    I totally thought it was going to be some emotional departure post. Hahaha. @Nippleez Can someone explain to me what SP is though??
  7. Leopard

    Look mate. The only atmosphere for OPFOR and BLUFOR is 6 feet under. I think if it is needed just make it like beacons. You can select group only or what not. Same with vehicles, or just add the same script that stops enemies getting in, to the Teams.
  8. Leopard

    @Unit_3397 I like this idea as long as enemies can still get in empty enemy vehicles. Nothimg better then the gunner or driver jumping out and me running over and stealing it hahaha. In all honesty I dont think there is much of an issue unit. Just ditch all them scrubby opfors and come play inde, no trolls here.
  9. Leopard

    @Aidanjr Your car looks good! (Correct me if that isn't your skin but it sure looks like it) I was really hoping to see it blown up though Aidan. <3 I don't think personally suicide vests should be added till ALL lag issues are fixed. It has happened to me before when the server freezes if someone shoots you, when everything unfreezes you die from that player shooting you, could cause serious issues. // This video of course may not be promoting suicide vests, if so I apologies // With love! Mr. Snow Leopard, // See ya on wastie //
  10. Leopard

    I remember when Altis life had 13 players on friday nights.. I always wondered why and always hoped it would get big one day. And sure enough you guys have got there. Congrats guys!.
  11. Leopard

    MX SW = 800$ AA. Yesterday as soon as I killed the opfor I was sitting there telling the BLS boys. "Give it 2 secs unit will be here". Sure enough bye bye engine! Down she goes. Then links thought he was Rambo/James bond. Fun times. Soz for the off topic <3
  12. Leopard

    @Unit_3397 A pawnee is a lot more expensive then any of my gear ever is!
  13. Leopard

    50K Bit steep for a beacon... Not everyone has 8 million maxed out accounts
  14. Yall all be fine. Who cares if enemies or anything know where you are. Master the DayZ swivel and leg it if you have to. Wheres the fun in not being able to look at the map and see; Gun store: Enemies This post probably makes no sense as I only read the first 3 comments... WITH LOVE Mr. Snow Leopard // See ya on wastie //
  15. Leopard

    You can spawn Sheep and goats via Zeus. One of the admins being cheeky probably. :D
  16. Leopard

    -1 - Limiting the beacons to 2-3 // If you want beacons, and all the other nerfs are added, let people buy as many as possible. +1 - Lower the height. // As you said stops players from travelling 2kms via beacons. +1 - 1k range difference // Spreads out players beacons and removes the placement of like 10 beacons in the same forest around your said favourite spot. -1 - Time to 10 minutes // Too Long, if the other affects are added then this becomes wayyyy to long. With love! Mr. Snow Leopard // See ya on Wasteland //
  17. Leopard

    @Bravo @Bravo @Bravo OBS is a good one I find. It's free, you can pick what kind of format you want your videos in i.e. .mp4 .flv Completely depends on your PC Specs, if you're like me playing on a potato it is very hard to record with out detrimental effects such as FPS lag. If you are running on a good rig well then you can easily use OBS to record with good video quality, video FPS and still maintain good FPS in-game. If you have a NVidia compatible video guard and meet the requirements for shadow play I would recommend setting that up. Off the top of my head it requires a GeForce GTX 600 series or higher. Essentially shadow play is recording at all times and at the click of a button will save the last 10 or so minutes (I think you can change the save length) This is handy for example if you pull off a nice shot or highspeed pursuit or a completely unexpected bug or RDM, no worries you don't have to be annoyed you didn't have your video recording software open as that will kick in and save that epic or required footage! SHADOWPLAY INFORMATION ^ Shadowplay website OBS WEBSITE ^ OBS Website Sorry for my lack of knowledge I'm sure for clearer information you could ask one of Strayas video production team as they are required to be able to record well. With love! Mr. Snow Leopard // See ya on wasteland hopefully! //
  18. Leopard

    G'day welcome to straya! As @Unit_3397 said, ensure you read the server rules for every server you play wether it be I&A, Wasteland or Altis life. As unit suggested, Come play wasteland! If you play wasteland don't a scrub by playing on OPFOR or BLUFOR, (IF you want to do, Completely up to you) But I recommend independent you get challenged that's for sure as it can be 1v50 or 60+ but you can always team up with other indies such as myself, And yeah watch out for that @Unit_3397 bloke, he is a OPFOR scrub With love! Mr. Snow Leopard // See ya on Wasteland and hopefully independent //
  19. It has been considered (A3L) and it was about to be launched but something happened (I think lack of donations) Takistan is never a good option in my opinion, the RP is dog balls. I doubt exile would be a thing because it's not real popular. Overall I don't think they will make another ArmA3 Server as they have just decided to branch out from ArmA. With love! Mr. Snow Leopard // See ya on Wasteland kids // Dayum @Unit_3397 this shit is getting fancy ^^^
  20. Leopard

    You can indeed ALT + F4 whilst under the "Can't pussy out during combat" I know because of when server restarts! This has the same affect as logging out and does not remove your gear. Maybe if possible like DayZ you're body could stay visible and kill able for the timer of your "can't pussy out during combat" Seems very hard to code but if possible would be a good addition. With love! Mr. Snow Leopard // See ya on the end of me bullocks //
  21. Leopard

    Come on indie! teams are for scrubs anyways. + Don't be a dick. With love! Mr. Snow Leopard // See ya on the end of me .408, 6.5, 12.7, 7.62, 9.3 etc etc //
  22. Leopard

    G'day mate. Welcome to the community, Hope you enjoy your time here. Come play the Wasteland server some time, And please. Please don't join OPFOR or BLUFOR (Jks if you want to, do) But instead come play independent with me! Don't forget to have a quick read of the wasteland rules found HERE Also, watch out for that Unit_3397 dude. With love! Mr. Snow Leopard // See ya on the end of me .408, 7.62, 12.7, 6.5 or .45 // // Play independent and actually demonstrate some skill kid //
  23. Leopard

    Ahh the ode. It is so beautiful and meaningful Gets me teary. Not to be a stooge but the last image of the main post doesnt look like a photo more of a painting Lest We Forget.
  24. Leopard

    My great uncle (Dads - Dads - Dads - Brother) was a recruited member for WWI and is buried in a mass grave in france, fromels I beleive. Dont really know what happened but I think from reading his file he was K.I.A 3 days after deployment. There was also quite a large number of relatives in WWII that both survived and passed away. (Also from dads side) Not much of a story but just a bit of info! Lest We Forget
  25. Leopard

    If I remember correctly, John Paul said it would require a staff member to be on that can do it. I think they all pretty busy with Life at the moment too. But hey, Independent is better FPS less players around! With Love! Mr. Snow Leopard // See ya on the end of my fucking gun //