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Everything posted by Leopard

  1. Leopard

    76561198160468064 < Leopard's ID. May aswell enter as it is all going towards SG anyway. I'm a diehard wasteland fan so you can't rule me out I play atleast 3 times a week, the first time I played SG wasteland was in 2014. I would love to win a donation to my name for some of the sick skins I've seen people with <3. @Jared
  2. Leopard

    There is no built in way for this, You can have messages pre-written in a internet text doc that you can open in steam overlay?
  3. Leopard

    // Moved Original Location: Videos & Screenshots New location: Off Topic.
  4. Leopard

    // LOCKED The topic has been locked. This is really getting no where. At all. Video is still viewable. Leave it at that.
  5. Leopard

    // HIDDEN - @denis @Nclem Please do not post comments that are purely argumentative. Any further arguments on this thread and it will be locked. // HIDDEN - @Greg Please do not only post a single image as a reply. Especially not off topic images.
  6. Leopard

    <<<< This dude needs to take Goten's advice... I enjoy cycling and am capable at riding for a long time over long distances at a good pace. (i.e. 40km in a hour and 20-30/40 (cruise)). It never really seems to burn weight though.... I will be honest, I think diet is the next step, Drinking like 3 litres of milk is kinda bad as I discovered after about 12 years of drinking that much....
  7. Leopard

    //HIDDEN - @kristiankar67 The thread has set instructions of which you chose to directly ignore. I have spoken to the author and he has deemed your response invalid towards the competition.
  8. Leopard

    @Jared I knew the second I said they wern't that they had gotten it after I logged off. hahaha. I was like "this is going to screw me over"..... I stand corrected . Anyway, To elaborate more; I think this is a good concept to get the wasteland community involved, because from what I can see, people play wasteland and don't really use the TS or register to the forums, well. I know personally that it is more then likely that it is still happening because I did exactly that since november 2014... I think this could be the first step towards gaining more active and engaged members of the community.
  9. Leopard

    There are already well over 400 channels (last time I checked). I don't think having anymore will do any damage I love the idea of private wasteland channels, really good concept. Except. Example, you are on opfor, the usual group I see in the channels up there, there should be no reason for a group off opfor to need a team channel, idealy I would see team channels for people who group up on independent. Other words, if you play a team there should be no need for a private channel, you are like the rest of the group and are all on the same side. If that makes sense? Apart from that solid idea, would love to see implemented I think it could work really well for the Wasteland server, as far as getting players more permanently involved in SG as a whole. It's funny because neither Roger or Marc are TS managers Tiggati, Dasweetdude, sheep and b33f are.... <3
  10. Leopard

    Can you please avoid double posting in rapid succession when your points could be expressed in one post.
  11. Leopard

    Especially after I blew the smoke with my pawnee . That looked pretty mad. Any screenshots of that?
  12. Leopard

    Some nice screenshots, well captured looks smooth! In regard to this posts location, it can stay put. Most posts in video and screenshots are SG servers. Either or, he will do.
  13. Leopard

    Sydney during cop fest? No worries! We got this. Hopefully there will be a nice video from smokey in the coming days.
  14. Leopard

    Please avoid posting content that could easily start/advance arguments. @denis @Jhon O'Conner. Banter is ok to a degree, however if it crosses the line it then becomes an issue. It is your responsibility as to ensure it is interpreted as banter. This thread really isn't getting any where anymore, just turning into a back and forwards "I'm better then you" "Your bad" debate. Screenshot is still available for viewing. Topic locked. // Locked
  15. Leopard

    Cya later Jack! 359 posts.... Pfffttt... I still remember the night your Forum Mod app got accepted, it had only been posted for 5 days or something, myn had been posted for 2 months. I was furious, then I got it as well about 20 minutes later! Great fun. Take care Jack and don't hesitate to come back and pay a visit!
  16. Leopard

    // Moved - Videos and Screenshots
  17. Leopard

    Last time I touched base with staff, This was severely frowned upon, not sure if they ever set it in stone by adding it to the rules, But I am almost 100% certain that the leads ( @LuckyB33f @Tiggati ) are against it also.
  18. Leopard

    @Deano Please remember there is the like system for showing your support. Refrain from little comments that could be simply expressed by liking. If you don't it's spam. Refer to Forum Rules. - Please do not reply -
  19. Leopard

    @Spectral VTOL might be different, But from PNX days, We would jump in each others helis at gang base, they couldn't pull you out/I couldn't pull them out. Fun times..
  20. Leopard

    @Spectral That is a fair point. This message will need to say who they pulled out or it's useless. If it doesn't, that person will still need to be recording, if not. It will maybe lead to the troll be caught. ___________________________________________________________ What are your thoughts on the overall need to have the pull out option. And, Only being able to do it if all wheels are out. I'm pretty sure you can't pull out pilots from helicopters, for that reason. I just don't think it works... Could have changed but that is what I thought it was like from memory,
  21. Leopard

    Risk/Reward, Sure it's used by Police and maybe EMS, But not really by civs, from what I have experienced anyway. Most times I think the person in the vehicle either, gets out and runs, Or gets out and sprays you down, If you pull them out they will often just get out, try get back in, or start shooting/running. Without it, the usual will happen. People will get shot out of vehicles. Personally, yesterday. I was robbing the bank and was searching for an SoA member, about 5 civs happened to run up to the hill I/we were on and kept pulling me out, Over and over, they were civs so I didn't bother to engage them I just left it, Silly me. Got me killed. I'm thinking it's a wise decision to remove it? I don't think a message is going to stop the problem, It might help the resolution but it's already too late. Unless there is way to make it only do-able when ALL the tyres are gone, I'm all for it going.
  22. Leopard

    The fraudulent @InfamousNova Caught Red Handed...
  23. Leopard

    When I was new to ArmA communities I wanted lots of tags... But now. I just want 1 or 2. Right now, got my beautiful Forum Moderator and Registered Member.
  24. Leopard

    @Blue Eagle [+1 CREW] Please ensure your post is constructive and adds something to the thread. If not it will just be hidden. //HIDDEN Your previous comment was hidden.
  25. Leopard

    Queensland Police Service - Facebook page dropping dank puns "That Thor guy is pretty cool, but he’s going to hammer traffic next week in the CBD. Here’s a handy interactive map to help you get to your Loki-tion without turning green with rage while the movie shoot is happening." "This plucky duo from Coomera Police have quacked another case. #nofowlplay " "Seas the day! Navigate your way to the Brisbane Boat Show where our Water Police and Dive Unit will be on deck to answer any questions from experienced skippers to those new to the boating world #NoPierPressure" "In your Thorsday traffic update, we want to hammer it home: be prepared when the God Of Thunder comes to town." "Donut glaze over the chance to make a difference and hold a morning tea at your workplace for Road Safety Week. The week will be jam-packed with activities so don't leave a hole in your calendar and register today." "Two of our officers escorting the Grand Champion ‘Kryptonite’. Some people might think that name is Bizarro, but we think it’s pretty Super…man ? #Ekka2016 #UpUpandAway " "One of the more emusing parts of the job #legsfordaze " @Bonez, Are yours this good mate???