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Everything posted by Leopard

  1. Leopard

    This stuff isnt my gig. But the forums are, However. It's 9am on a monday, I would highly recommend messaging @Tiggati and @Littleblacksheep either, Organising a time for a meeting or include everything you need to address and have a discussion there. ---------- Complaining about Staff and rallying against it is not public material.
  2. Leopard

    The AFP's post are little more tame and serious. Hehe. Please bring out the big puns @Bonez,
  3. Leopard

    Keep the issues that should be private, private. Take them up with the appropriate people. I'm sure you know who they are. @[AI] STALKER // Hidden - your post has been hidden. I will be monitoring the thread closely - keep the flames away.
  4. Leopard

    G'day mate. - @loonyroony You're going to want to check out the application centre. Obviously more particularly the police section. Ill give you the link, Make sure you read all the required threads, they will say must read and are most likely by Marc R, one of SG's Ex-Commissioners. Then you have to post an application in the police section, the first bit after clicking 'Police....' ensure it isnt in denied or accepted. If you post it in the wrong spot, dont worry I can move it for you. Dont forget your two referrals, they are a must. https://strayagaming.com.au/forums/forum/230-application-center/ From there the people over at the Altis Police Force will review and mark your application. Superintendent. @Snowwiiee is a guy I'm sure will be happy to answer any questions. // Moved - Altis Life Discussions - TEMP Note: Hide once he finds where to go.
  5. Leopard

    G'day mate. - @MrMillerMiner You're going to want to check out the application centre. Obviously more particularly the police section. Ill give you the link, Make sure you read all the required threads, they will say must read and are most likely by Marc R, one of SG's Ex-Commissioners. Then you have to post an application in the police section, the first bit after clicking 'Police....' ensure it isnt in denied or accepted. If you post it in the wrong spot, dont worry I can move it for you. https://strayagaming.com.au/forums/forum/230-application-center/ Dont forget your two referrals, they are a must. From there the people over at the Altis Police Force will review and mark your application. Captain. @Snowwiiee is a guy I'm sure will be happy to answer any questions. Or. Captain. @TH3GamingBanana.
  6. Leopard

    @Unit_3397 trying to snipe. Ahh the eye sores!!! 700m away and still leads by 3m. Hahaha. Imma come show you how its done when I get back Now the kill feed is back!!! Love the video. I watched it in 140p first time round, eek Stupid Canadian wifi. - Love Ya ♡
  7. Leopard

    Welcome to Straya mate. I hope you enjoy your time, any problems you can pretty much message everyone, they'll help you. Especially the staff team, superb community. Look forward to seeing you around when I get back home!!!
  8. Leopard

    @Unit_3397 "M320 LRR .408" Bahahaha. Those where the days. Someone comes upbehind me gets to close "ALLAHU AK BAR" Miss them days, might come play some time mate. Jared. I think you just have to like it, if you like it, you will play with pride, if other people dont like it, kill them until they respect it.
  9. Leopard

    Hi from Canada. Look forward to seeing you around once I get back to STRAYA *Bogan Accent*.
  10. Leopard

    SP Saundo question mark? *Your channel was edited* "What was edited?" - Saundo You rolling in the dollar. Dollar dollar bills.
  11. Leopard

    It is unfortunate this is what it has come to. I'm going to be honest, I got sick of cartel because of the change in relations between PNX and the police force. It wasn't what it was 2-3 weeks ago when PNX was powering and enjoying ourselves a lot. It seemingly changed overnight and the bond was lost. We wouldn't kill cops but cops would kill us, we would have an altercation with police and shoot one officer, the flood gates were broken and we were public enemy NO.1, No. We arent immune but there was no negotiations between PD and PNX. One second you are helping PD, Next the deputy commissioner is making a special delivery of IED's for going to our processing in a strider. Anyway, PNX was good fun and it is sad to see it go.
  12. Leopard

    @Smokey Top notch video, I thoroughly enjoyed. Just some banter and debating going on around the controversial topic.
  13. Leopard

    Will not let us silence the people. Robs bank and fed, aswell as everything else with a pulse. And that's the truth.
  14. Leopard

    Snitches. Get. Stiches. True Cartel/Mafia style. Concrete Boots and the Sydney Harbour (Kav' bay). *NEW* Sydney Harbour's newest statue!
  15. Leopard

    Unfortunately I couldn't make it. Looks like great fun. I hope everyone enjoyed it!
  16. Leopard

    @InfamousNova Rocking that Cheat Engine! Bahaha.
  17. Leopard

    @Gotenks That Minecraft though. I love how Minecraft is one one side, and all your other games are on the other!
  18. Leopard

    Tiggati did mention this thing called a folder... Still not sure how to use it properly
  19. Leopard

    Thanks @Tiggati
  20. Leopard

    Welcome to the community mate. Hope to see you around enjoying youself and getting indulged in RP!
  21. Leopard

    Yeah. That one.... Hey, what is the saying 'it's the thought that counts?'
  22. Leopard

    Who ever wins ALL this is going to have some serious cash... I'll drop a million if it isn't too late.
  23. Leopard

    EMS are definitely going to be needed for the air races! I've always wanted to be a Red Bull Pilot! Hopefully it will go better then "Leopard Air Lines" first flight did....
  24. Leopard

    Hahahahaha. That is just too good. Baahahahahah.
  25. Leopard

    Life certainly isn't fair sometimes. Why the hospital would be expecting a family to pay 350 thousand for essentially buying their son back is a bit un-Australian. Hope he gets well I will share this around FaceBook etc.