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Wasteland Update #3

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ʝ17    433

Wasteland Update #3


  •  Adjusted Custom Aiming.
  •  Buy-able perks now available.
  •  Re-enabled providing grounds.


  •  Fixed the issue where you would be instantly killed instead of being injured.
  •  Updated Welcome message and Auto messages.
  •  Set bank cap from 5Mill to 10Mill.
  •  Tweaked mission chances.
  •  Changed intro song.

Things to come:

  • Redesign of player interaction menu.
  • Bounty system
  • Tweaks of gun-store and gen store.
  • Extra skins for supporters.
  • New supporters system.   
  • Hide body script.
  • Watermark screen logo.
  • Like 6

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  • ʝ17    433

    Yeah mate everything like white listed slots, vehicle skin painting & connect announce there will be a better detailed post put up with more information once our store is released.

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    Samayueren    11112

    It's good to see so much happening with the server, do we have an eta on the hide body script or is it a comes when it comes?

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    Leopard    7



    What. Are you on about?????????

    Who was promosing what to be better? 

    I am very confused.


    Also the last reply on this post was almost 3 months ago, this also adds to my confusion.

    Help me!


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