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Abandon TeamSpeak Channels

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Byron    197



As you can tell from the title this topic is about TeamSpeak channels. The abandon ones to be more specific, At the moment there are a lot of private channels, gang channels and cartel channels that people have donated for but there is no point keeping them there if no one is going to be using them. Yes they might come back but who knows when? and they can easily come to help desk and give a link to their profile on Forums and bam, their channel is back with no hassles and minimal conflict.



Cleans up TeamSpeak a lot considering there are a few abandon channels.

Makes the TeamSpeak look a little more clean and professional. 

It doesn't take a whole minute to scroll though the TeamSpeak.



Nothing tbh...


Thanks for reading ayee.

P.S didn't know where to post this but YOLO 420 kush it, Right?

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  • Nova    1779

    those gang/cartel channel would simply be replaced with "gang channel 1 open" "cartel Channel 2 open" you wouldnt be cleaning anything up. the deleting the channels would make it look nicer but considering theres about 4-5 teamspeak managers of which they cant be on all the time. its a bit hard to get a teamspeak channel organised.

    teamspeak does have a scroll bar option on the right hand side that allows you to scroll where you need to be

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    Byron    197
    1 hour ago, InfamousNova said:

    those gang/cartel channel would simply be replaced with "gang channel 1 open" "cartel Channel 2 open" you wouldnt be cleaning anything up. the deleting the channels would make it look nicer but considering theres about 4-5 teamspeak managers of which they cant be on all the time. its a bit hard to get a teamspeak channel organised.

    teamspeak does have a scroll bar option on the right hand side that allows you to scroll where you need to be

    Gang/Cartel channels are understandable, What about Private channels that have been in-active/abandon? 

    I mean, B33f didn't mind wiping all the houses that were in-active for a one month period along with the garages, so i don't see a difference with TeamSpeak.

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    Fitz    1239
    18 minutes ago, Byron said:

    Gang/Cartel channels are understandable, What about Private channels that have been in-active/abandon? 

    I mean, B33f didn't mind wiping all the houses that were in-active for a one month period along with the garages, so i don't see a difference with TeamSpeak.

    How do you know they're inactive or if they've been abandoned? How does deleting channels at the bottom of the teamspeak, make it faster to scroll through channels at the top?

    The only channels that should be removed, or at least moved further down, are the Tanoa Life channels.

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    Nova    1779

    also that wasnt beef it was also an accident. they were meant to wipe all the house that have been inactive for 3+ months.

    also as fitz said you dont know if they have been inactive or not. maybe you just arent on when people are using them

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