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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/14/15 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Dan is correct it seems some high ranking officers are not on long enough or not at all but there rank is commissioner or sergent. Which just shows admins giving themselves what they want. Ive been in many situations against rebels who are armed with Katibas and honestly as a whitelisted cop I have no chance against them with a sting most of the time. It seems being a cop now days it worthless. The other thing is to possibly make some cops of higher rank such as having too many cadets and instead make some of them cops. Ranking up as a cop is rather tedious and takes too long. Anyway thats my opinion.
  2. 1 point
    Hey guys after a few days testing on the dev server and the bug that seems to be ironed out now you can now use the JSRS 2.2 and CBA is now enabled for those that want to use these mods for invade and annex. The JSRS 2.2 Sound mod will enhance your sounds for arma from your choppers to most of the weapons in the arsenal.These are optional mods that you can now install and enable and play on our server. First up you will need to download the mods from http://jsrs-studios.com/index.php/downloads make sure you download the full version of JSRS 2.2.You can run the JSRS mod without CBA but you will encounter an error saying you are missing CBA on booting up Arma 3 so grab CBA from Armaholic here http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=18767 once you download the mods unzip CBA and JSRS2.2 and place the @‌CBA and @‌JSRS2.2 folders into your Arma 3 main directory.When you go to boot up Arma before you click play don't forget to open up the dialogue where your local user mods have been installed and add the mods to your Arma directory. This is located under mods for those who don't know.They will appear under your mod section if done correctly and tick the box for both of them and your good to go. If the are any problems please let us know thanks guys and enjoy. There is a installation guide on the CBA mod page which will help you install them just follow those guidelines and you should be set. Thanks to CBA Team for the community based addons mod & JSRS Studios for creating these mods.
  3. 1 point
    Updated. Battle update applied through steam streamline updater.
  4. 1 point
    I agree with you spiderdex role play is the #1 thing that makes a good server.. I really dont have a isuee weither cop force gets redone but I would like to see the community and police force contribute and get some fun and enjoying roleplay
  5. 1 point
    I don't think the first generation of Strayagaming Altis Life was that bad. It's what got me to join this community. Sure the rankings of the cops were pretty simple but the higher ranking cops were ALWAYS on and willing to help that poor pub who was having problems handing out tickets. The thing that made Gen1 so much better then Gen2 was the RP of not only the cop force but also of the civilians (Can't speak for Gen3). I remember on Gen1 as a pub slot being in a group of 4-5 other pubs RPing a civilian with a hig caliber rifle and making him surrender willingly. Whereas in Gen2 it was always a matter of who had the bigger gun cause civilians (Particularly the terrorists (I still think that was a horrible addition)) would refuse to RP and would simply shoot you :'(. Pretty much what I'm trying to say is that the cop force doesn't have to be perfect as long as both the cops and civilians are able to role play a situation, considering not only who has the bigger gun or who can shoot better but who (With some realism) really has the upper hand and RPing the situation Note: I have no clue if this helps the situation at all as I have yet to play on the new server but this is just my opinion as a player from Old Straya.
  6. 1 point
    Just by reading this post it seems a few of the high ranking officers feel threatened by this move; and quickly jumped at the conclusion axle was seeking a promotion. From what I've seen, read and heard i come to the same conclusion as Axle and a number of members, there are some people who don't pull their weight and things need to change. A police restructure wouldn't hurt, it would be nice to see some people getting more involved into the RP, i.e training, taking pubs on patrols and eventually removing public slots all together. @Supanova, @ForeignGuy, @Brodie and for any other whitelisted coppers out there. If you do your job correctly and pull your weight then theres no reason you'd be demoted/lose positions. There are, I personally have noticed and others, a few whitelisted cops that really dont do jack and have horrible RP skills. anyway, my 2 cents Happy Gaming!
  7. 1 point
    I think keeping it fresh... rotate the high ranking offices will would keep it interesting...
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
    Now lets go back to the Staff members getting free ticket into higher ranks. What I'm trying to say is that you guys play for a short period of time and get bored. You guys take your position as a police officers without being dedicated and committed to play, and by that I mean not taking the role seriously and you guys leave after not even an hour of playing. This is a community server so I honestly think that you should let the community decide as one! Yes!
  10. 1 point
    They look awesome as Altis life skins l think that would make a good hunter to put into Altis Life. I&A medics don't always use vehicles if not at all l see mostly over the time l have been here.But l do like the skin.Even when l go medic class ,l get in a chopper and get inserted where the most amount of people are and keep them up or stick with the guys l got out of the chopper with.I try and stay with the soldiers as a medic usually does the symbol always comes up when someone's down that symbol works over 500m radius. I will run whatever distance on foot to get someone up if l know they are down,but in my time of seeing a lot of other medics they will pick the class but wont even run 250m to pick ya up if they don't feel like it, some wont even go out of there way over 100m which kinda defeats the purpose of going a medic l think.Players who pick players up or drag them to safety shouldn't have to carry them to the medic the medic usually comes to them.I do love the patches though they have been a talked about thing of putting in l know there are default ones in there too people can use.