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Everything posted by Ishmael

  1. Ishmael

    Sabaton - Primo Victoria, the opening to the song would sit pretty nice, it's mainly just a riff.
  2. Ishmael

    I don't know how many would like this idea but it's just that an idea, switching sides from a NATO invasion/liberation however you look at it, into a CSAT force. It's main point of interest for me would be the other weapon systems we could use, from the cars and light armour to the already used T-100/Kumas, CAS aswell switching from NATO jets to CSAT, just could be used to play around with the other half of the game alittle more often.
  3. Ishmael

    The AI scales with how many players are on the server doesn't it? I'm not 100% sure. Battles in towns can be really good it just depends on the AO, it would be cool tho seeing strong points in towns, squad of EI inside of a main building of a town, windows blocked, sandbags, IEDs along roads, ect.
  4. Ishmael

    I don't know if this'll help or not, but lets say after a reset someone can just log on set it to 6pm and turn the time scale to real time, and just let the server run. Leaving it to be night and mainly night ops for that reset, I'm not saying everyday or anything just like a bluemoon thing, fighting in the night looks amazing I'd be willing to record it and share some highlights if anything like this does happen.
  5. Ishmael

    Mm, back to the jungle, in b4 Forgotten son intro song
  6. Ishmael

    You're over thinking what I'm suggesting, all I'm saying is switching from a NATO team to CSAT team, Blufor to OPfor. I'm just turned on by CSATs looks.
  7. Ishmael

    That's awesome, It's always good to see more weapons added to our arsenal.
  8. Ishmael

    Pretty much, and having those side rewards as our main vehicles, CSAT just has some cool shit we don't get to play around with all that often.
  9. Ishmael

    Could even make it so a Medic has to go to the FOB to renew the tickets, adding a bigger starting point so is always good, I've been using FOBs if the AO allows.
  10. Ishmael

    I feel a rule set is needed on mines, either locked to a class or needed to be called in like CAS, having friendlys placing minefields without marking them, or when they are needed, it's just annoying in my eyes. I only see the use of mines when we have to defend an HQ from counterattack.
  11. Ishmael

    Having humanitarian side missions for IDAP might work I have no idea how to script tho so could be harder to do then I think, missions could be like a town hit by CSAT/AAF/NATO arty civs need medical supplies, mines left behide after an AO has been cleared and another has started, setting up medical "green zones" for non combatants and friendly NATO troops to heal/regroup.
  12. Ishmael

    Ah, it's only like 30mbs aswell, just throwing my cents into the well.
  13. Ishmael

    ADR-97 Weapon Pack would be awesome to have the P90s bigger bother to play with on the server, isn't horrid for CQB too.
  14. Ishmael

    I'd be keen to come along for more squad based tactics, count me in if needed.